
113 lines
4.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-04-17 07:11:06 +00:00
use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc};
use anyhow::{Ok, Result};
use bytes::Bytes;
use ethers::{
providers::{Http, Provider},
use revm::{
db::{CacheDB, EmptyDB, EthersDB},
primitives::{ExecutionResult, Output, TransactTo, B160, U256 as rU256},
Database, EVM,
async fn tait() -> Result<()> {
// create ethers client and wrap it in Arc<M>
let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from(
let client = Arc::new(client);
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //
// Storage slots of UniV2Pair contract //
// =========================================================== //
// storage[5] = factory: address //
// storage[6] = token0: address //
// storage[7] = token1: address //
// storage[8] = (res0, res1, ts): (uint112, uint112, uint32) //
// storage[9] = price0CumulativeLast: uint256 //
// storage[10] = price1CumulativeLast: uint256 //
// storage[11] = kLast: uint256 //
// =========================================================== //
// choose slot of storage that you would like to transact with
let slot = rU256::from(8);
// ETH/USDT pair on Uniswap V2
let pool_address = B160::from_str("0x252ea274ff957494274057ed94844ffd7184e21f")?;
// generate abi for the calldata from the human readable interface
let abi = BaseContract::from(
"function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast)",
// encode abi into Bytes
let encoded = abi.encode("getReserves", ())?;
// initialize new EthersDB
let mut ethersdb = EthersDB::new(Arc::clone(&client), None).unwrap();
// query basic properties of an account incl bytecode
let acc_info = ethersdb.basic(pool_address).unwrap().unwrap();
// query value of storage slot at account address
let value = ethersdb.storage(pool_address, slot).unwrap();
// initialise empty in-memory-db
let mut cache_db = CacheDB::new(EmptyDB::default());
// insert basic account info which was generated via Web3DB with the corresponding address
cache_db.insert_account_info(pool_address, acc_info);
// insert our pre-loaded storage slot to the corresponding contract key (address) in the DB
.insert_account_storage(pool_address, slot, value)
// initialise an empty (default) EVM
let mut evm = EVM::new();
// insert pre-built database from above
// fill in missing bits of env struc
// change that to whatever caller you want to be
evm.env.tx.caller = B160::from_str("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")?;
// account you want to transact with
evm.env.tx.transact_to = TransactTo::Call(pool_address);
// calldata formed via abigen
evm.env.tx.data = Bytes::from(hex::decode(hex::encode(&encoded))?);
// transaction value in wei
evm.env.tx.value = rU256::try_from(0)?;
// execute transaction without writing to the DB
let ref_tx = evm.transact_ref().unwrap();
// select ExecutionResult struct
let result = ref_tx.result;
// unpack output call enum into raw bytes
let value = match result {
ExecutionResult::Success { output, .. } => match output {
Output::Call(value) => Some(value),
_ => None,
_ => None,
// decode bytes to reserves + ts via ethers-rs's abi decode
let (reserve0, reserve1, ts): (u128, u128, u32) =
abi.decode_output("getReserves", value.unwrap())?;
// Print emulated getReserves() call output
println!("Reserve0: {:#?}", reserve0);
println!("Reserve1: {:#?}", reserve1);
println!("Timestamp: {:#?}", ts);