
33 lines
1.4 KiB

exports.taps = ["Tests for the foo module"
,{ok:true, name:"test that the foo is fooish"
,file:"foo.js", line:8, name:"fooish test"
,stack:new Error("fooish").stack}
,{ok:false, name:"a test that the bar is barish"
,file:"bar.js", line:25
,expected:"bar\nbar\nbaz", actual:"rab\nrib\nzib"
,"Quux module tests"
,"This is a longer comment"
,{ok:true, name:"an easy one."}
,{ok:false, name:"bloooooo"
,{ok:false, name:"array test"
,expected:[{ok:true},{ok:true},{stack:new Error().stack}]
,actual:[1234567890,123456789,{error:new Error("yikes")}]}
,{ok:true, name:"nulltest"
,expected:undefined, actual:null}
,{ok:true, name:"weird key test"
,expected:"weird key"
,actual:"weird key"
,"this object":{"has a ":"weird key"
,"and a looooooooonnnnnnnnnggg":"jacket"}}
,{ok:true, name:"regexp test"
,regexp:/asdf/,function:function (a,b) { return a + b }}
if (require.main === module) {
console.log("ok 1 - just setup, nothing relevant")