
220 lines
6.2 KiB

// a thing that runs tests.
// Every "test" is also a harness. If they do not have a harness,
// then they are attached to the defaut "global harness",
// which writes its results to stdout.
// TODO:
// - Bailout should stop running any tests.
// - "skip" in the test config obj should skip it.
module.exports = Harness
require("inherits")(Harness, require("events").EventEmitter)
var Results = require("./tap-results")
, TapProducer = require("./tap-producer")
, assert = require("./tap-assert")
function Harness (Test) {
if (!(this instanceof Harness)) return new Harness(Test)
//console.error("Test in ", Test)
this._Test = Test
this._plan = null
this._children = []
this._started = false
this._testCount = 0
this._planSum = 0
this.results = new Results()
// emit result events on the harness.
//this.results.on("result", function (res) {
// console.error("proxying result ev from res to harness")
// this.emit("result", res)
var me = this
this.results.on("result", this.emit.bind(this, "result"))
var p = this.process.bind(this)
this.process = function () {
this._started = true
this.output = new TapProducer()
// this function actually only gets called bound to
// the Harness object, and on process.nextTick. Even if
// passed as an event handler, everything *else* will
// happen before it gets called.
Harness.prototype.process = function () {
//console.error("harness process")
// "end" can emit multiple times, so only actually move on
// to the next test if the current one is actually over.
// TODO: multiple in-process tests, if all are marked "async"
if (this._current) {
if (!this._current._ended) return
// handle the current one before moving onto the next.
var skip = true
while (skip) {
//console.error("checking for skips")
var current = this._current = this._children.shift()
if (current) {
skip = current.conf.skip
if (skip) {
//console.error("add a failure for the skipping")
,{skip:true, diag:false}))
} else skip = false
// keep processing through skipped tests, instead of running them.
if (current && this._bailedOut) {
return this.process()
//console.error("got current?", !!current)
if (current) {
current.on("end", this.process)
//console.error("emitted ready")
//console.error("_plan", this._plan,
} else {
//console.error("Harness process: no more left. ending")
if (this._endNice) {
} else {
Harness.prototype.end = function () {
if (this._children.length) {
return this.process()
//console.error("harness end",
if (this._bailedOut) return
// can't call .end() more than once.
if (this._ended) {
//console.error("adding failure for end calling")
this.results.add("end called more than once"))
// see if the plan is completed properly, if there was one.
if (this._plan !== null) {
var total = this._testCount
if (total !== this._plan) {
this.results.add(assert.equal(total, this._plan, "test count != plan"))
this._plan = total
//console.error("setting ended true",
this._ended = true
Harness.prototype.plan = function (p) {
//console.error("setting plan", new Error().stack)
if (this._plan !== null) {
//console.error("about to add failure for calling plan")
return this.results.add("plan set multiple times"))
this._plan = p
if (p === 0 || this.results.testsTotal) {
Harness.prototype.childEnd = function (child) {
this._testCount ++
this._planSum += child._plan
//console.error("adding set of child.results")
this.emit("childEnd", child)
// was this planned?
if (this._plan === this._testCount) {
//console.error("plan", [this._plan, this._testCount])
return this.end()
function copyObj(o) {
var copied = {}
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) { copied[k] = o[k] })
return copied
Harness.prototype.test = function test (name, conf, cb) {
if (this._bailedOut) return
if (typeof conf === "function") cb = conf, conf = null
if (typeof name === "object") conf = name, name = null
if (typeof name === "function") cb = name, name = null
conf = (conf ? copyObj(conf) : {})
name = name || ""
//console.error("making test", [name, conf, cb])
// timeout: value in milliseconds. Defaults to 30s
// Set to Infinity to have no timeout.
if (isNaN(conf.timeout)) conf.timeout = 30000
var t = new this._Test(this, name, conf)
var self = this
if (cb) {
//console.error("attaching cb to ready event")
t.on("ready", function () {
if (!isNaN(conf.timeout) && isFinite(conf.timeout)) {
var timer = setTimeout(this.timeout.bind(this), conf.timeout)
var clear = clearTimeout.bind(null, timer)
t.on("end", clear)
t.on("bailout", function (message) {
t.on("ready", cb.bind(t, t))
// proxy the child results to this object.
//t.on("result", function (res) {
// console.error("in harness, proxying result up")
// t.results.add(res)
return t
Harness.prototype.bailout = function (message) {
// console.error("Harness bailout",
message = message || ""
//console.error("adding bailout message result")
this.results.add({bailout: message})
// console.error(">>> results after bailout" , this.results)
this._bailedOut = true
this.emit("bailout", message)
this.output.end({bailout: message})
Harness.prototype.add = function (child) {
//console.error("adding child")
if (!this._started) this.process()
// the tearDown function is *always* guaranteed to happen.
// Even if there's a bailout.
Harness.prototype.tearDown = function (fn) {
this.on("end", fn)