
128 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = process.argv.slice(2)
, path = require("path")
, Runner = require("../lib/tap-runner")
, nopt = require("nopt")
, knownOpts =
{ cover: [path, false]
, "cover-dir": path
, stderr: Boolean
, stdout: Boolean
, diag: Boolean
, version: Boolean
, tap: Boolean
, timeout: Number
, shorthands =
// debugging 1: show stderr
{ d: ["--stderr"]
// debugging 2: show stderr and tap
, dd: ["--stderr", "--tap"]
// debugging 3: show stderr, tap, AND always show diagnostics.
, ddd: ["--stderr", "--tap", "--diag"]
, e: ["--stderr"]
, t: ["--timeout"]
, o: ["--tap"]
, c: ["--cover"]
, v: ["--version"]
, "?": ["--help"]
, h: ["--help"]
, defaults =
{ cover: "./lib"
, "cover-dir": "./coverage"
, stderr: process.env.TAP_STDERR
, tap: process.env.TAP
, diag: process.env.TAP_DIAG
, timeout: +process.env.TAP_TIMEOUT || 30
, version: false
, help: false }
, options = nopt(knownOpts, shorthands)
if (options.version) {
if ( {
tap <options> <files>
Run the files as tap tests, parse the output, and report the results
--stderr Print standard error output of tests to standard error.
--tap Print raw tap output.
--diag Print diagnostic output for passed tests, as well as failed.
(Implies --tap)
--timeout Maximum time to wait for a subtest, in seconds. Default: 30
--version Print the version of node tap
--help Print this help
Please report bugs!
*/}.toString().split(/\n/).slice(1, -1).join("\n"))
Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function (k) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty(k)) options[k] = defaults[k]
// other tests that might rely on these
if (options.diag) process.env.TAP_DIAG = true
if (options.tap) process.env.TAP = true
if (options.timeout) process.env.TAP_TIMEOUT = options.timeout
var r = new Runner(options)
, TapProducer = require("../lib/tap-producer")
if (options.tap || options.diag) {
} else {
r.on("file", function (file, results, details) {
var s = (details.ok ? "" : "not ") + "ok "
, n = details.pass + "/" + details.testsTotal
, dots = new Array(Math.max(1, 60 - s.length - n.length)).join(".")
console.log("%s %s %s", s, dots, n)
if (details.ok) {
if (details.skip) {
console.log(" skipped: %s", details.skipTotal)
} else {
// console.error(details)
console.log(" Command: %s", results.command)
console.log(" " + TapProducer.encode(details.list)
.split(/\n/).join("\n "))
r.on("end", function () {
var s = "total"
, n = r.results.pass + "/" + r.results.testsTotal
, dots = new Array(60 - s.length - n.length).join(".")
, ok = r.results.ok ? "ok" : "not ok"
console.log("%s %s %s\n\n%s", s, dots, n, ok)
if (r.doCoverage) {
console.error( "\nCoverage: %s\n"
, path.resolve(r.coverageOutDir, "index.html") )
r.on("end", function () {
process.exit(r.results.tests - r.results.pass)