var test = require('tap').test; var burrito = require('../'); var vm = require('vm'); test('preserve ternary parentheses', function (t) { var originalSource = '"anything" + (x ? y : z) + "anything"'; var burritoSource = burrito(originalSource, function (node) { // do nothing. we just want to check that ternary parens are persisted }); var ctxt = { x : false, y : 'y_'+~~(Math.random()*10), z : 'z_'+~~(Math.random()*10) }; var expectedOutput = vm.runInNewContext(originalSource, ctxt); var burritoOutput = vm.runInNewContext(burritoSource, ctxt); t.equal(burritoOutput, expectedOutput); ctxt.x = true; expectedOutput = vm.runInNewContext(originalSource, ctxt); burritoOutput = vm.runInNewContext(burritoSource, ctxt); t.equal(burritoOutput, expectedOutput); t.end(); }); test('wrap calls', function (t) { t.plan(20); var src = burrito('f() && g(h())\nfoo()', function (node) { if ( === 'call') node.wrap('qqq(%s)'); if ( === 'binary') node.wrap('bbb(%s)'); t.ok(node.state); t.equal(this, node.state); }); var times = { bbb : 0, qqq : 0 }; var res = []; vm.runInNewContext(src, { bbb : function (x) { times.bbb ++; res.push(x); return x; }, qqq : function (x) { times.qqq ++; res.push(x); return x; }, f : function () { return true }, g : function (h) { t.equal(h, 7); return h !== 7 }, h : function () { return 7 }, foo : function () { return 'foo!' }, }); t.same(res, [ true, // f() 7, // h() false, // g(h()) false, // f() && g(h()) 'foo!', // foo() ]); t.equal(times.bbb, 1); t.equal(times.qqq, 4); t.end(); }); test('wrap fn', function (t) { var src = burrito('f(g(h(5)))', function (node) { if ( === 'call') { node.wrap(function (s) { return 'z(' + s + ')'; }); } }); var times = 0; t.equal( vm.runInNewContext(src, { f : function (x) { return x + 1 }, g : function (x) { return x + 2 }, h : function (x) { return x + 3 }, z : function (x) { times ++; return x * 10; }, }), (((((5 + 3) * 10) + 2) * 10) + 1) * 10 ); t.equal(times, 3); t.end(); }); test('binary string', function (t) { var src = 'z(x + y)'; var context = { x : 3, y : 4, z : function (n) { return n * 10 }, }; var res = burrito.microwave(src, context, function (node) { if ( === 'binary') { node.wrap('%a*2 - %b*2'); } }); t.equal(res, 10 * (3*2 - 4*2)); t.end(); }); test('binary fn', function (t) { var src = 'z(x + y)'; var context = { x : 3, y : 4, z : function (n) { return n * 10 }, }; var res = burrito.microwave(src, context, function (node) { if ( === 'binary') { node.wrap(function (expr, a, b) { return '(' + a + ')*2 - ' + '(' + b + ')*2'; }); } }); t.equal(res, 10 * (3*2 - 4*2)); t.end(); }); test('intersperse', function (t) { var src = '(' + (function () { f(); g(); }).toString() + ')()'; var times = { f : 0, g : 0, zzz : 0 }; var context = { f : function () { times.f ++ }, g : function () { times.g ++ }, zzz : function () { times.zzz ++ }, }; burrito.microwave(src, context, function (node) { if ( === 'stat') node.wrap('{ zzz(); %s }'); }); t.same(times, { f : 1, g : 1, zzz : 3 }); t.end(); });