runforcover ====== Runforcover is a require-hook library that uses node-bunker to provide code coverage data for your unit test library, whatever it might be. methods ======= var runforcover = require('runforcover'); var coverage = runforcover.cover([RegExp | path]); ------- Attach runforcover to the global `require` object and patch `require.extensions['.js']` to provide coverage metadata for all files required after this point. Returns a function object that can be called to obtain a object keying files to `CoverageData` objects, with a method for releasing control back to vanilla `require`. Usage: ````javascript var coverage = runforcover.cover(/.*/g); require('some/library'); coverage(function(coverageData) { // coverageData is an object keyed by filename. var stats = coverageData['/full/path/to/file.js'].stats() // the percentage of lines run versus total lines in file console.log(stats.percentage); // the number of missing lines console.log(stats.missing); // the number of lines run (seen) console.log(stats.seen); // an array of line objects representing 'missed' lines stats.lines; stats.lines.forEach(function(line) { // the line number of the line: console.log(line.number); // returns a string containing the source data for the line: console.log(line.source()); }); // return control back to the original require function coverage.release(); }); ```` license ======= new BSD.