async function lnsocket_init() { const module = await Module() function SocketImpl(host) { if (!(this instanceof SocketImpl)) return new SocketImpl(host) if (typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined') { console.log("WebSocket", typeof WebSocket) const ok = host.startsWith("ws://") || host.startsWith("wss://") if (!ok) throw new Error("host must start with ws:// or wss://") const ws = new WebSocket(host) ws.ondata = function(fn) { ws.onmessage = (v) => { const data = fn(data) } } return ws } // // we're in nodejs // const net = require('net') let [hostname,port] = host.split(":") port = +port || 9735 const socket = net.createConnection(port, hostname, () => { socket.emit("open") }) socket.addEventListener = socket.on.bind(socket) if (socket.onmessage) throw new Error("socket already has onmessage?") socket.ondata = (fn) => { socket.on('data', fn) } socket.close = () => { socket.destroy() } if (socket.send) throw new Error("socket already has send?") socket.send = function socket_send(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { socket.write(data, resolve) }); } return socket } const ACT_ONE_SIZE = 50 const ACT_TWO_SIZE = 50 const ACT_THREE_SIZE = 66 const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 15000 const COMMANDO_REPLY_CONTINUES = 0x594b const COMMANDO_REPLY_TERM = 0x594d const lnsocket_create = module.cwrap("lnsocket_create", "number") const lnsocket_destroy = module.cwrap("lnsocket_destroy", "number") const lnsocket_encrypt = module.cwrap("lnsocket_encrypt", "number", ["int", "array", "int", "int"]) const lnsocket_decrypt = module.cwrap("lnsocket_decrypt", "number", ["int", "array", "int"]) const lnsocket_decrypt_header = module.cwrap("lnsocket_decrypt_header", "number", ["number", "array"]) const lnsocket_msgbuf = module.cwrap("lnsocket_msgbuf", "number", ["int"]) const lnsocket_act_one = module.cwrap("lnsocket_act_one", "number", ["number", "string"]) const lnsocket_act_two = module.cwrap("lnsocket_act_two", "number", ["number", "array"]) const lnsocket_print_errors = module.cwrap("lnsocket_print_errors", "int") const lnsocket_genkey = module.cwrap("lnsocket_genkey", "int") const lnsocket_make_default_initmsg = module.cwrap("lnsocket_make_default_initmsg", "int", ["int", "int"]) const lnsocket_make_ping_msg = module.cwrap("lnsocket_make_ping_msg", "int", ["int", "int", "int", "int"]) const commando_make_rpc_msg = module.cwrap("commando_make_rpc_msg", "int", ["string", "string", "string", "number", "int", "int"]) function concat_u8_arrays(arrays) { // sum of individual array lengths let totalLength = arrays.reduce((acc, value) => acc + (value.length || value.byteLength) , 0); if (!arrays.length) return null; let result = new Uint8Array(totalLength); let length = 0; for (let array of arrays) { if (array instanceof ArrayBuffer) result.set(new Uint8Array(array), length); else result.set(array, length); length += (array.length || array.byteLength); } return result; } function parse_msgtype(buf) { return buf[0] << 8 | buf[1] } function wasm_mem(ptr, size) { return new Uint8Array(module.HEAPU8.buffer, ptr, size); } function LNSocket(opts) { if (!(this instanceof LNSocket)) return new LNSocket(opts) this.opts = opts || { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } this.queue = [] this.ln = lnsocket_create() } LNSocket.prototype.queue_recv = function() { let self = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const checker = setInterval(() => { const val = self.queue.shift() if (val) { clearInterval(checker) resolve(val) } else if (!self.connected) { clearInterval(checker) reject() } }, 5); }) } LNSocket.prototype.print_errors = function _lnsocket_print_errors() { lnsocket_print_errors(this.ln) } LNSocket.prototype.genkey = function _lnsocket_genkey() { lnsocket_genkey(this.ln) } LNSocket.prototype.act_one_data = function _lnsocket_act_one(node_id) { const act_one_ptr = lnsocket_act_one(this.ln, node_id) if (act_one_ptr === 0) return null return wasm_mem(act_one_ptr, ACT_ONE_SIZE) } LNSocket.prototype.act_two = function _lnsocket_act_two(act2) { const act_three_ptr = lnsocket_act_two(this.ln, new Uint8Array(act2)) if (act_three_ptr === 0) { this.print_errors() return null } return wasm_mem(act_three_ptr, ACT_THREE_SIZE) } LNSocket.prototype.connect = async function lnsocket_connect(node_id, host) { await handle_connect(this, node_id, host) const act1 = this.act_one_data(node_id) const act2 = await this.read_all(ACT_TWO_SIZE) if (act2.length != ACT_TWO_SIZE) { throw new Error(`expected act2 to be ${ACT_TWO_SIZE} long, got ${act2.length}`) } const act3 = this.act_two(act2) } LNSocket.prototype.connect_and_init = async function _connect_and_init(node_id, host) { await this.connect(node_id, host) await this.perform_init() } LNSocket.prototype.read_all = async function read_all(n) { let count = 0 let chunks = [] if (!this.connected) throw new Error("read_all: not connected") while (true) { let res = await this.queue_recv() const remaining = n - count if (res.byteLength > remaining) { chunks.push(res.slice(0, remaining)) this.queue.unshift(res.slice(remaining)) break } else if (res.byteLength === remaining) { chunks.push(res) break } chunks.push(res) count += res.byteLength } return concat_u8_arrays(chunks) } LNSocket.prototype.read_header = async function read_header() { const header = await this.read_all(18) if (header.length != 18) throw new Error("Failed to read header") return lnsocket_decrypt_header(this.ln, header) } LNSocket.prototype.rpc = async function lnsocket_rpc(opts) { const msg = this.make_commando_msg(opts) this.write(msg) const res = await this.read_all_rpc() return JSON.parse(res) } LNSocket.prototype.recv = async function lnsocket_recv() { const msg = await const msgtype = parse_msgtype(msg.slice(0,2)) const res = [msgtype, msg.slice(2)] return res } LNSocket.prototype.read_all_rpc = async function read_all_rpc() { let chunks = [] while (true) { const [typ, msg] = await this.recv() switch (typ) { case COMMANDO_REPLY_TERM: chunks.push(msg.slice(8)) return new TextDecoder().decode(concat_u8_arrays(chunks)); case COMMANDO_REPLY_CONTINUES: chunks.push(msg.slice(8)) break default: console.log("got unknown type", typ) continue } } } LNSocket.prototype.make_commando_msg = function _lnsocket_make_commando_msg(opts) { const buflen = 4096 let len = 0; const buf = module._malloc(buflen); module.HEAPU8.set(Uint8Array, buf); const params = JSON.stringify(opts.params||{}) if (!(len = commando_make_rpc_msg(opts.method, params, opts.rune, 0, buf, buflen))) { throw new Error("couldn't make commando msg"); } const dat = wasm_mem(buf, len) module._free(buf); return dat } LNSocket.prototype.make_ping_msg = function _lnsocket_make_ping_msg(num_pong_bytes=1, ignored_bytes=1) { const buflen = 32 let len = 0; const buf = module._malloc(buflen); module.HEAPU8.set(Uint8Array, buf); if (!(len = lnsocket_make_ping_msg(buf, buflen, num_pong_bytes, ignored_bytes))) throw new Error("couldn't make ping msg"); const dat = wasm_mem(buf, len) module._free(buf); return dat } LNSocket.prototype.encrypt = function _lnsocket_encrypt(dat) { const len = lnsocket_encrypt(this.ln, dat, dat.length) if (len === 0) { this.print_errors() throw new Error("encrypt error") } const enc = wasm_mem(lnsocket_msgbuf(this.ln), len) return enc } LNSocket.prototype.decrypt = function _lnsocket_decrypt(dat) { const len = lnsocket_decrypt(this.ln, dat, dat.length) if (len === 0) { this.print_errors() throw new Error("decrypt error") } return wasm_mem(lnsocket_msgbuf(this.ln), len) } LNSocket.prototype.write = function _lnsocket_write(dat) { } = async function _lnsocket_read() { const size = await this.read_header() const enc = await this.read_all(size+16) return this.decrypt(enc) } LNSocket.prototype.make_default_initmsg = function _lnsocket_make_default_initmsg() { const buflen = 1024 let len = 0; const buf = module._malloc(buflen); module.HEAPU8.set(Uint8Array, buf); if (!(len = lnsocket_make_default_initmsg(buf, buflen))) throw new Error("couldn't make initmsg"); const dat = wasm_mem(buf, len) module._free(buf); return dat } LNSocket.prototype.perform_init = async function lnsocket_connect() { await const our_init = this.make_default_initmsg() this.write(our_init) } LNSocket.prototype.ping_pong = async function lnsocket_ping_pong() { const pingmsg = this.make_ping_msg() this.write(pingmsg) return await } LNSocket.prototype.disconnect = function lnsocket_disconnect() { if (this.connected === true && { return true } return false } LNSocket.prototype.destroy = function _lnsocket_destroy() { this.disconnect() lnsocket_destroy(this.ln) } function handle_connect(ln, node_id, host) { const ws = new SocketImpl(host) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = ln.opts.timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT const timer = setTimeout(reject, timeout); ws.ondata((v) => { ln.queue.push(v) }); ws.addEventListener('open', function(ev) { = ws ln.connected = true clearTimeout(timer) resolve(ws) }); ws.addEventListener('close', function(ev) { ln.connected = false }); }) } return LNSocket } Module.init = Module.lnsocket_init = lnsocket_init