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$(this).closest('li').appendTo('.category-list'); }); } self.getCategories = function (isClick) { var cats = []; var hash = location.hash.replace("#", ""); $.each(hash.split("-").slice(0, -1), function (index, item) { if (item.indexOf('c') == 0) { var item = item.slice(1); cats.push(parseInt(item)); } }); return cats; } self.getRoles = function (isClick) { var roles = []; var hash = location.hash.replace("#", ""); $.each(hash.split("-").slice(0, -1), function (index, item) { if (item.indexOf('r') == 0) { var item = item.slice(1); roles.push(parseInt(item)); } }); return roles; } self.getScope = function (isClick) { // Check if we got the value from the hidden else get it from the elements var scope = []; var queryScope = querystring('scope'); if (queryScope.length) { return queryScope; } else { var hash = location.hash.replace("#", ""); $.each(hash.split("-").slice(0, -1), function (index, item) { if (item.indexOf('s') == 0) { var item = item.slice(1); scope.push(parseInt(item)); } }); 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i < filterModel.ListItems.length; i++) { if (onlyOpen === true && filterModel.ListItems[i].CourseStateOpen === true && filterModel.ListItems[i].CourseStateOld === false) { self.Items.push(new ListItem(filterModel.ListItems[i])); } else if (onlyOpen === false || onlyOpen === undefined) { self.Items.push(new ListItem(filterModel.ListItems[i])); } else { var filteredOut = $("#filteredOut").val(); $("#filteredOut").val(parseInt(filteredOut) + 1); } } // Populate scope if (filterModel.Scopes != null) { self.Scopes(filterModel.Scopes); } // Populate roles if (filterModel.Roles != null) { self.Roles(filterModel.Roles); } // Populate tags var tags = []; for (i = 0; i < filterModel.Tags.length; i++) { tags.push(new Tag(filterModel.Tags[i])); } self.Tags(tags); if (self.Items().length + parseInt($("#filteredOut").val()) >= filterModel.TotalHits) $('#showMoreItemsLink').addClass('hide'); $('#ajax-loader').hide(); $('#showMoreItemsLink').show(); var currentList = $("#itemList > li").length; var shouldbe = self.hitsToShow * $("#clickCounter").val(); 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if (isAdd) activecats += caturl; window.location.hash = activecats; } // Binding click events ko.bindingHandlers.tagClick = { init: function (element, valueAccessor) { element.onclick = function (evt) { $(this).toggleClass('active'); // URL HASH UPDATE if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { UpdateUrlHash('c', $(this).attr('id'), true); } else { UpdateUrlHash('c', $(this).attr('id')); } itemListModel.filterList(true); } } } ko.bindingHandlers.roleClick = { init: function (element, valueAccessor) { element.onclick = function (evt) { // URL HASH UPDATE if ($(this).prop('checked')) { UpdateUrlHash('r', $(this).attr('id'), true); } else { UpdateUrlHash('r', $(this).attr('id')); } itemListModel.filterList(true); } } } ko.bindingHandlers.scopeClick = { init: function (element, valueAccessor) { element.onclick = function (evt) { // URL HASH UPDATE if ($(this).prop('checked')) { UpdateUrlHash('s', $(this).attr('id'), true); } else { UpdateUrlHash('s', $(this).attr('id')); } itemListModel.filterList(true); } } } ko.applyBindings(itemListModel); $('#datefilterbutton').bind('click', function FilterList() { itemListModel.filterList(true); }); $('#showUpcoming').bind('click', function FilterList() { if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).text($('#simple-list-view-type-text').val()); } else { $(this).text($('#extended-list-view-type-text').val()) } $(this).toggleClass('active'); itemListModel.filterList(true); }); $('#showMoreItemsLink').bind('click', function GetMoreDocuments() { var clickCounter = $("#clickCounter").val(); $("#clickCounter").val(parseInt(clickCounter) + 1); itemListModel.page++; itemListModel.showMore(true); }); $('#filterEduOpen').bind('click', function GetMoreDocuments() { itemListModel.filterList(true); }); $('#show-cats-button').bind('click', function () { $(this).closest('.category-nav').toggleClass('show'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); $('#show-scope-button').bind('click', function () { $(this).closest('.navigation-block').toggleClass('show'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); } else { // Document for Knockout binding function Document(data) { this.FileName = ko.observable(data.FileName); this.PathAndFileName = ko.observable(data.PathAndFileName); this.MetaData = ko.observable(data.MetaData); } function DocumentListViewModel() { // Data var self = this; self.page = 1; self.pageSize = 10; self.Documents = ko.observableArray([]); self.TotalNumberOfHits = ko.observable(); var committeeId = $('#committeeId').val(); if (committeeId.length < 1) committeeId = null; var startDate = $('#startDate').val(); if (startDate.length < 1) startDate = null; var endDate = $('#endDate').val(); if (endDate.length < 1) endDate = null; self.getDocs = function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "GetMoreDocuments/", data: "{page:" + self.page + ", PageSize:" + self.pageSize + ", CommitteeId:" + committeeId + ", StartDate:" + startDate + ", EndDate:" + endDate + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (allData) { for (i = 0; i < allData.Documents.length; i++) { self.Documents.push(new Document(allData.Documents[i])); } self.TotalNumberOfHits(allData.TotalNumberOfHits); if (self.Documents().length == self.TotalNumberOfHits()) $('#showMoreDocsLink').toggle(); } }); } } var documentListViewModel = new DocumentListViewModel(); documentListViewModel.getDocs(); ko.applyBindings(documentListViewModel); $('#showMoreDocsLink').bind('click', function GetMoreDocuments() { documentListViewModel.page++; documentListViewModel.getDocs(); }); } }) } } //end callback }, { test: Modernizr.jqueryuiexist, yep: { 'jqueryui': '', 'jqueryui-theme': '/Static/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.css' }, callback: { 'jqueryui': function () { function setDateLang(lang) { if (lang == "sv") { return SwedishCalender = { MonthNames: ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Mars', 'April', 'Maj', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augusti', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'], ShortDayNames: ['Sö', 'Må', 'Ti', 'On', 'To', 'Fr', 'Lö'], DayNames: ['Söndag', 'Måndag', 'Tisdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', 'Lördag'] }; 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  • ' + data.Hits[i].Query + '
  • ') } $('input.search-input-field:focus').closest('.typeahead-container').append(ul); //Keydown events for keyboard navigation $('input.search-input-field:focus').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 40) { $(this).closest('.typeahead-container').addClass('typeahead-focused'); e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.typeahead-container').find('.typeahead-list li:first-child').find('a').focus(); } }); $('.typeahead-list li:first-child a').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 38) { $('.typeahead-container').removeClass('typeahead-focused'); e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.typeahead-container').find('input.search-input-field').focus(); } }); $('.typeahead-list li a').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 40) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('li').next().find('a').focus(); } if (e.keyCode == 38) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('li').prev().find('a').focus(); } }); } }); //ajax } }); // Prevent search if search term ends with blank space to prevent HTTP 500 error on server input.on('autocompletesearch', function (e) { var suffix = this.value.substr(this.value.length - 1); if (suffix === " ") { e.preventDefault(); } }); input.on('input', function (e) { if ('' == this.value) { var ul = $('.typeahead-list'); if (ul) ul.remove(); } }); }) } } //end callback }, { test: Modernizr.sortabletableexist, //CHECK if tablesorter is needed yep: { 'tablesorter': '/Static/js/plugins/jquery.tablesorter.min.js' }, callback: { 'tablesorter': function () { jQuery(function () { $('.sortable').tablesorter(); //init tablesorterplugin }) } } //end callback }]); //END modernizr load //goTo function added $.fn.goTo = function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(this).offset().top + 'px' }, 'fast'); return this; // for chaining... } //adjust height if only one slide is used. function adjustSliderHeight() { if ($('.flexslider .slides li').length <= 3) { $('.flexslider').addClass('adjust-margin'); } } //Remove tabindex on sliders function removeSliderTabIndex() { $('.flexslider a').attr('tabindex', -1); } //Tab shortcutmenu $('#tab-support-list a').bind({ focus: function () { $('#tab-support-container').addClass('show-tabmenu'); $(this).parent().addClass('show'); }, blur: function () { $('#tab-support-container').removeClass('show-tabmenu'); $(this).parent().removeClass('show'); } }); //Initialize accessibleMegaMenu (tab functionality) $(".menu-accessible").accessibleMegaMenu({ uuidPrefix: "accessible-megamenu", topNavItemClass: "tab-friendly", panelClass: "sub-nav", panelGroupClass: "sub-nav-group" }); // remove megamenu and accessibleMegaMenu if touch device if ($('html').hasClass("touch")) { $('#main-nav-list li').removeClass('has-mega'); $('#main-nav-list li').removeClass('tab-friendly'); } // Send searchquery to server function MakeSearch(query) { var url = $('#search-url').val(); var fullUrl = url + '?query=' + encodeURIComponent(query); var siteId = querystring('siteId'); if (siteId.length) fullUrl += '&siteid=' + siteId; if ($('#page-search-exact-phrase').length && $('#page-search-exact-phrase').is(':checked')) fullUrl += '&exactphrase=true'; window.location.assign(fullUrl); } // execute search $('#search-btn').bind('click', function () { var query = $('#header-search').val(); MakeSearch(query); }); // Make enter click the search button $("#header-search").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $("#search-btn").click(); } }); // execute search on page $('#page-search-btn').bind('click', function () { var query = $('#page-search-field').val(); MakeSearch(query); }); // Make enter click the search button $("#page-search-field").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $("#page-search-btn").click(); } }); // execute search on mobile $('#mobile-search-btn').bind('click', function () { var query = $('#mobile-search').val(); MakeSearch(query); }); // Make enter click the search button $("#mobile-search").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $("#mobile-search-btn").click(); } }); //expand - search $('.mobile-search').bind('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('expanded'); $('#mobile-search-container').toggle(); }); //Mobilemenu - pre-expand on pageload ,if activepage is part of sublevel $('#mobile-nav-list li.active').each(function () { $(this).parents('#mobile-nav-list ul').show(); 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$('#support-menu .help-menu-item').toggle() $('#support-menu .lang-menu-item').hide() }); //Language supportmenu, expand in handheld $('.language-expand-link').bind('click', function () { $('.mobile-expand-link').removeClass('active'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); $('#support-menu .help-menu-item').hide() $('#support-menu .lang-menu-item').toggle() }); //SupportMenu "tab functionality" $('#support-menu .has-dropdown > a').bind('click', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { $('#support-menu .has-dropdown > a').removeClass('active'); $('#support-menu .dropdown-menu.expanded').removeClass('expanded'); } else if ($(this).not('active')) { $('#support-menu .has-dropdown > a').removeClass('active'); $('#support-menu .dropdown-menu.expanded').removeClass('expanded'); $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).siblings('#support-menu .dropdown-menu').addClass('expanded'); } }); //Committe toggle list $('.toggle-list .has-dropdown > a').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().toggleClass('expanded') $(this).siblings('.drop-down').slideToggle(200, function () { }); }); // Mega menu - add classes $('#main-nav-list li:nth-child(n+5)').children('.mega-menu').addClass('right'); $('#main-nav-list li:last-child').children('.mega-menu').addClass('last-child'); //Toggle contatct info $('.minor .toggle-button').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); $(this).siblings().slideToggle(150, function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); }); $('.toggle-form').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().parent().siblings('.hide').slideToggle('400', function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); }); $('.order-btn').bind('click', function () { $('.order-form-block').slideToggle('400', function () { $('.order-form-block input, .order-form-block textarea').focus(); $('.order-btn').toggleClass('active'); }); }); // Sign up block $('#toggle-signup').bind('click', function () { $('.sign-up-block').slideToggle('400', function () { $('.sign-up-block input, .sign-up-block textarea').focus(); $('#toggle-signup').toggleClass('active'); }); }); // Toggle sign language $('.toggle-sign-lang').bind('click', function () { if ($('.easy-to-read-block').hasClass("active")) { $('.toggle-easy-to-read.close').trigger("click"); } $('.toggle-sign-lang').toggle(); $('.sign-lang-block').toggleClass('active'); $('.sign-lang-block').toggleClass('hided'); }); // Toggle easy to read $('.toggle-easy-to-read').bind('click', function () { if ($('.sign-lang-block').hasClass("active")) { $('.toggle-sign-lang.close').trigger("click"); } $('.easy-to-read-block').slideToggle('800', function () { $('.toggle-easy-to-read').toggle(); $('.easy-to-read-block').toggleClass('active'); }); }); // Hide sign laguage after page load (due to bright cove video embed in small devices) if ($('.sign-lang-block').length) { $('.sign-lang-block').addClass('hided'); } // Show form if it's a postback if ($('#form-ispostback').val()) { $('.toggle-form').click(); $('.signup-btn').click(); $('#form-ispostback').goTo(); } // Show form if it's a postback if ($('#order-form-ispostback').val()) { $('.order-btn').click(); } // Spamfilter, prevent form post for contact forms if hidden field has a value $("#contactform").submit(function (event) { if ($('#hidden-field').val() != '') { event.preventDefault(); } }); // Toggle checkboxlist $('.check-all > .checkbox').bind('click', function () { var checkboxlist = $('.filter-nav-list li .checkbox'); checkboxlist.attr('checked', !checkboxlist.attr('checked')); }); // Close alert .msg $('.close-link').bind('click', function () { $(this).closest('.alert').slideToggle('fast'); setCookie("largeCrisisBoxHasBeenClosed", true); }); // Close cookie .msg if (Modernizr.localstorage) { if (!JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("cookieBoxHasBeenClosed"))) { $("#cookie-info-box").removeClass("hide"); } } else if (Modernizr.cookies) { if (!JSON.parse(getCookie("cookieBoxHasBeenClosed"))) { $("#cookie-info-box").removeClass("hide"); } } $('#close-cookies').bind('click', function () { $('#cookie-info-box').slideToggle('fast'); if (Modernizr.localstorage) { window.localStorage.setItem("cookieBoxHasBeenClosed", true); 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} else { $('.breadcrumb-list li').addClass('inline'); } } // Toggle Elected listview $('.electedtoggle').bind('click', function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { $('.person-list').toggleClass('hide'); $('.electedtoggle').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); } }); // Toggle Event listview $('.meetingtoggle').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { $('.meeting-list').toggleClass('hide'); $('.meetingtoggle').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); } if ($(this).hasClass('next')) { window.location.hash = "next-meetings"; } else { window.location.hash = "previous-meetings"; } }); // Open coming events if open if (window.location.hash.indexOf('next-meetings') == 1) { $('.view-switcher .prev-view .meetingtoggle').removeClass('active'); $('.view-switcher .next-view .meetingtoggle').addClass('active'); $('.meeting-list.prev-view').addClass('hide'); $('.meeting-list.next-view').removeClass('hide'); } // Toggle simple listview in listing pages $('#listing-view-switcher a').bind('click', function (isReadback) { if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { $('#listing-view-switcher a').removeClass('active'); 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var now = new Date(); now.setTime(now.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + value + "; path=/;" + "expires=" + now.toGMTString(); } function getCookie(name) { var value = "; " + document.cookie; var parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); } // Job search button click $('#job-search').bind('click', function () { var kvp = ''; var p = querystring('page'); var catValue = $('#work-category').val(); var depValue = $('#work-dept').val(); var locValue = $('#work-area').val(); var typeValue = $('#work-type').val(); if (p.length > 0) kvp = insertParam('page', p[0], kvp); if (depValue != '*') kvp = insertParam('dep', depValue, kvp); if (catValue != '*') kvp = insertParam('cat', catValue, kvp); if (locValue != '*') kvp = insertParam('loc', locValue, kvp); if (typeValue != '*') kvp = insertParam('type', typeValue, kvp); // Reload location with query param document.location.search = kvp; }); // Function to add query string params function insertParam(key, value, kvp) { key = encodeURI(key); value = encodeURI(value); if (kvp.length > 0) kvp = kvp + '&' + key + '=' + value; else kvp = kvp + '?' + key + '=' + value; return kvp; } // Get value from querystring function querystring(key) { var re = new RegExp('(?:\\?|&)' + key + '=(.*?)(?=&|$)', 'gi'); var r = [], m; while ((m = re.exec(document.location.search)) != null) r.push(m[1]); return r; } function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) { var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i"); var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?"; if (uri.match(re)) { return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2'); } else { return uri + separator + key + "=" + value; } } //Adds helperclasses on work table $('.work-search-table tr td:first-child, .work-search-table tr th:first-child').addClass('first-child'); // Set background color on article blocks function SetBackroundColorOnPosition(elements) { for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (j === 2) { $(elements[i]).css('background-color', '#aa001a'); j = 0; } else if (j === 1) { $(elements[i]).css('background-color', '#007ca9'); j++; } else if (j === 0) { $(elements[i]).css('background-color', '#126d74'); j++; } } } SetBackroundColorOnPosition($('.opinion-section .topics .block-label')); // Toggle search types if longer then 4 items if ($('#search-types').length) { if ($('#search-types li.type').length > 4) { $('#search-types li.type:gt(3)').appendTo('#more-types-list'); $('.more-types').show(); $(".more-types").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $('#more-types-list').slideToggle('fast'); }); } } // Toggle search categories if longer then 5 items if ($('.search-category-list').length) { if ($('.search-category-list li').length > 5) { $('.search-category-list li:gt(4)').hide(); $('#more-search-categories').show(); $("#more-search-categories").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $('.search-category-list li:gt(4)').slideToggle('fast'); }); } $(function () { $("#more-search-categories").keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { $("#more-search-categories").trigger("click"); } }); }); } // Click events for hidden menu on search page and listing page $(".hidden-menu-button").click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { $('#hidden-menu-overlay').fadeOut(); $('#hidden-menu-content').stop(true, false).animate({ 'left': '-80%' }, 600); } else { $('#hidden-menu-overlay').fadeIn(); $('.hidden-menu-button').stop(true, false).animate({ 'bottom': '-40px' }, 600); $('#hidden-menu-content').stop(true, false).animate({ 'left': '0px' }, 600); 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$(".hidden-menu-button").toggleClass('active'); $('.hidden-menu-button').stop(true, false).animate({ 'bottom': '0px' }, 600); } }); // Click events for category subscription function sortUnorderedList(ul, sortDescending) { if (typeof ul == "string") ul = document.getElementById(ul); // Idiot-proof, remove if you want if (!ul) { alert("The UL object is null!"); return; } // Get the list items and setup an array for sorting var lis = ul.getElementsByTagName("LI"); var vals = []; // Populate the array for (var i = 0, l = lis.length; i < l; i++) vals.push(lis[i].innerHTML); // Sort it vals.sort(); // Sometimes you gotta DESC if (sortDescending) vals.reverse(); // Change the list on the page for (var i = 0, l = lis.length; i < l; i++) lis[i].innerHTML = vals[i]; } // Adding category to chosen list $("#available-subscription-categories li a").click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('chosen')) { return false; } else { $(this).addClass("added-category"); var clone = $(this).closest("li").clone().appendTo("#chosen-subscription-categories"); // IE check if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") == -1) { sortUnorderedList('chosen-subscription-categories'); } $(this).removeClass("added-category"); $(this).addClass("chosen"); var catid = $(this).attr('id'); $("#hidden-catagory-subcription").val(function (index, val) { return val + catid + "-"; }); } if ($("#chosen-subscription-categories li").length > 1) { $(".no-categories-chosen").hide(); } }); if ($("#hidden-catagory-subcription").length && $("#hidden-catagory-subcription").val().length) { var chosenCats = $("#hidden-catagory-subcription").val(); chosenCats = chosenCats.substring(0, chosenCats.length - 1).split('-'); for (var i = 0; i < chosenCats.length; i++) { var idstring = '#' + chosenCats[i]; var $this = $(idstring) if ($this.hasClass('chosen')) { return false; } else { $this.addClass("added-category"); $this.closest("li").clone().appendTo("#chosen-subscription-categories"); $this.removeClass("added-category"); $this.addClass("chosen"); } } if ($("#chosen-subscription-categories li").length > 1) { $(".no-categories-chosen").hide(); } }; if ($("#chosen-subscription-categories li").length > 1) { $(".no-categories-chosen").hide(); } // Remove existing category from chosen list $("#chosen-subscription-categories li a").click(function () { var catid = $(this).attr('id'); $('#hidden-catagory-subcription').val(function (index, val) { return val.replace(catid + '-', ''); }); $("#available-subscription-categories").find("a[id=" + catid + "]").removeClass("chosen"); $(this).closest("li").remove(); if ($("#chosen-subscription-categories li").length < 2) { $(".no-categories-chosen").show(); } }); // Remove added category from chosen list, function due to dom update $('#chosen-subscription-categories').on('click', '.added-category', function () { var catid = $(this).attr('id'); $('#hidden-catagory-subcription').val(function (index, val) { return val.replace(catid + '-', ''); }); $("#available-subscription-categories").find("a[id=" + catid + "]").removeClass("chosen"); $(this).closest("li").remove(); if ($("#chosen-subscription-categories li").length < 2) { $(".no-categories-chosen").show(); } }); // Toggle contact list in minor area if longer then 4 items if ($('.minor').has('.contact-area').length) { $(".minor .contact-card").each(function () { if ($(this).find('.contact-list li.list-item').length > 3) { $(this).find('.contact-list li.list-item:gt(2)').hide(); $(this).find('.more-contacts-button').css('display', 'block'); } }); $(".more-contacts-button").click(function () { $(this).closest('.contact-card').find('.contact-list li.list-item:gt(2)').slideToggle('fast'); $(this).hide(); }); } // Toggle contact list in contact catalogue if more infor or picture exists if ($('.ao-contacts-list').length) { $(".ao-contact").each(function () { if ($(this).find('.contact-list-ao-more li').length > 0 || $(this).find('.contact-list-image img').length) { $(this).find('.contact-list-more-info').hide(); $(this).find('.more-contact-info-button').css('display', 'block'); } }); $(".more-contact-info-button").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.ao-contact').toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.ao-contact').find('.expandable-label').toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.ao-contact').find('.contact-list-more-info').slideToggle('fast'); }); } // Toogle diary types $(".diary-types li").bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(e); $(".diary-types li").removeClass('active'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); if ($(this).hasClass('cases')) { $(".diary.case").show(); $(".diary.document").hide(); $(".diary.case .diary.document").show(); } if ($(this).hasClass('documents')) { $(".diary.document").show(); $(".diary.case").hide(); } if ($(this).hasClass('all')) { $(".diary.document").show(); $(".diary.case").show(); } }); // Toggle diary more info $(".more-diary-info-button").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.diary').toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.diary').find('.diary-list').first().find('.expandable-label').toggleClass('active'); $(this).closest('.diary').find('.diary-list-more-info').first().slideToggle('fast'); }); // Load responsive img-map if exists if ($('img[usemap]').length) { $('img[usemap]').rwdImageMaps(); } // Hover constituency map $('.constituency-area').mouseover(function () { constituency_name = $(this).attr('id'); $("#constituency_" + constituency_name).show(); }).mouseout(function () { $(".constituency").hide(); }); // Hover organization map $('.organization-area').mouseover(function () { organization_name = $(this).attr('id'); $("#organization_" + organization_name).show(); }).mouseout(function () { $(".organization").hide(); }); // Trigger click on constituency map if touch device if ($('html.touch').length) { $('.constituency-area').hover(function () { $(this).trigger('click'); }); } // Set search sort selector before change binding if (querystring('sort').length) { $('.select-wrapper.sort select').each(function () { $(this).val(querystring('sort')[0]); }); } // Set search type selector before change binding if (querystring('searchtype').length) { $('#mobile-type-selector').val(querystring('searchtype')[0]); } // Trigger reload with sort param on selector change $('.select-wrapper select').change(function () { var queryParams = updateQueryStringParameter(document.location.search, $(this).closest('.select-wrapper').attr('class').replace('select-wrapper', '').trim(), $(this).val()); document.location.search = queryParams; }); $('.select-block .select-wrappers select').change(function () { var target = '_blank'; var url = $(this).val(); if (url.indexOf(target) == 0) { url = url.replace(target, ''); window.open(url, target); } else { window.location = url; } }); //Update value(URL) with #-key for select block select, due to identic link failure $('.select-block .styled-select-options option').each(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('choose-option')) { linkname = $(this).text(); linkname = linkname.replace(/ /g, ''); $(this).val(function (index, val) { return val + "#" + linkname; }); } }); // initiate custom select if exist if ($('select.styled-select').length) { $('select.styled-select').customSelect(); } // initiate generic custom select if exist if ($('.custom-select').length) { $('.custom-select').customSelect(); } // With styled options if ($('select.styled-select-options').length) { $('select.styled-select-options').each(function () { // With search field input if ($(this).hasClass('typeahead')) { $('select.styled-select-options.typeahead').select2(); } else { $('select.styled-select-options').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 }); } if ($('.select-block').length) { // Reset default value (enables same choice again after using back button) chooseText = $('.select-block .choose-option').first().text(); $('.select2-chosen').text(chooseText); } }); } if ($('#submit-respons').length) { $('#submit-respons').bind("contentchange", function () { }); } // Highlight search word jQuery.fn.highlight = function (str, className) { var regex = new RegExp(str, "gi"); return this.each(function () { $(this).contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType == 3 && regex.test(this.nodeValue); }).replaceWith(function () { return (this.nodeValue || "").replace(regex, function (match) { return "" + match + ""; }); }); }); }; highlightSearchWord = function () { $(".major *").highlight("" + searchWord + "", "higlighted-search-word"); searchMade = true; } if (querystring('highlight').length) { searchMade = false; // Get searched word from URL searchUrl = window.location.href; searchWord = querystring('highlight'); // Removing encoding searchWord = decodeURI(searchWord); // If searched more then one word if (searchUrl.indexOf("+") >= 0) { if (querystring('exactphrase').length) { //Format exact phrase searchWord = searchWord.split('+').join(' '); // Set highlight entire phrase highlightSearchWord(); } else { //Create array from search words searchWord = searchWord.split('+'); // Set highlight on all words in array jQuery.each(searchWord, function (i, val) { searchWord = val; if (val != "") { highlightSearchWord(); } }); } } else { highlightSearchWord(); } if (searchMade == true) { // If highlighted word exists in a accordion if ($('.higlighted-search-word').parents('.accordion-content').length) { $('.accordion-content .higlighted-search-word').closest('li').addClass("word-results"); } } } // OpenData API $('#opendataform').submit(function () { var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/OpenDataBlock/GetKey'; var data = $('#opendataform').serialize(); $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: data, success: function (data) { $("#opendataform").html(data); }, error: function (result) { alert("Failed"); } }); return false; }); // Fix for filelistning to show MB in capitals checkFileSizeEnding = function () { var html = $(this).html(); if (html.indexOf(' mB)') > -1) { $(this).html(html.substr(0, html.indexOf(' mB)')) + ' MB)'); } } $('.file-attachment-link a span').each(checkFileSizeEnding); $('.file-type').each(checkFileSizeEnding); // Resetting the issue type value if ($('#issue-type-value').length && $('#issue-type-value').val().length) { var issueTypeValue = $('#issue-type-value').val(); var text = $('option[value="' + issueTypeValue + '"]').html(); //Setting the value $('#issue-type').val(issueTypeValue); //Setting the shown text $('#issue-type').parent().find('span span').html(text); } // Resetting the issue type value if ($('#area-value').length && $('#area-value').val().length) { var areaValue = $('#area-value').val(); var text = $('option[value="' + areaValue + '"]').html(); //Setting the value $('#area').val(areaValue); //Setting the shown text $('#area').parent().find('span span').html(text); } // Remember the selects if ($('#AppointmentCode-value').length && $('#AppointmentCode-value').val().length) { var AppointmentCodeValue = $('#AppointmentCode-value').val(); var text = $('option[value="' + AppointmentCodeValue + '"]').html(); //Setting the value $('#AppointmentCode').val(AppointmentCodeValue); //Setting the shown text $('#AppointmentCode').parent().find('span span').html(text); } //MailForm checkbox builder if ($(".checkgroups").length > 0) { $(".checkgroups").each(function () { $(this).find("input").on("click", function () { var group = $(this).parent().parent(); var groupquery = group.find(".groupquery"); var newStr = buildString(group); //Empty groupquery groupquery.val(""); groupquery.val(newStr); }); }); buildString = function (currentGroup) { var sb = ""; $(currentGroup).find("input:checkbox:checked").each(function () { sb += $(this).val(); sb += ", "; }); sb = sb.slice(0, -2); return sb; } } $('.expandable-content').each(function () { if ($(this).text().length > 470) { $(this).parent().append('Läs mer'); $(this).append(''); } }); $('.expand-link').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).siblings('.expandable-content, .expandable-contact-content').toggleClass('expanded'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); // All navigation-block related js after page load due to google maps and brightcove embeds // Accordion, add class if url from search results if ($('.accordion-block').length) { dataID = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); $('.accordion-block ul li[data-id="' + dataID + '"]').addClass("from-search-results"); } // Show blocks when all external content has loaded if ($('.accordion-block').length) { dataID = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); $('.accordion-block ul li[data-id="' + dataID + '"]').addClass("from-search-results"); } // Show blocks when all external content has loaded if ($('.accordion-block').length) { $('.accordion-content').hide(); 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