[program:rqworker] ; Also, you probably want to include a settings module to configure this ; worker. For more info on that, see http://python-rq.org/docs/workers/ command={{global_virtualenv_path}}/bin/rq worker -u redis:// process_name=%(program_name)s numprocs=1 ; This is the directory from which RQ is ran. Be sure to point this to the ; directory where your source code is importable from directory={{captiveportal_install_dir}}/portal ; RQ requires the TERM signal to perform a warm shutdown. If RQ does not die ; within 10 seconds, supervisor will forcefully kill it stopsignal=TERM autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/rqworker_gunicorn.log environment=PATH={{global_virtualenv_path}}/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin