
390 lines
12 KiB

* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import type { Moment } from "moment";
import type { ComponentType, CSSProperties, FunctionComponent, HtmlHTMLAttributes, HTMLProps, PropsWithChildren, PropsWithRef, ReactNode, Ref } from "react";
export type TextVariant = "heading-sm/normal" | "heading-sm/medium" | "heading-sm/semibold" | "heading-sm/bold" | "heading-md/normal" | "heading-md/medium" | "heading-md/semibold" | "heading-md/bold" | "heading-lg/normal" | "heading-lg/medium" | "heading-lg/semibold" | "heading-lg/bold" | "heading-xl/normal" | "heading-xl/medium" | "heading-xl/bold" | "heading-xxl/normal" | "heading-xxl/medium" | "heading-xxl/bold" | "eyebrow" | "heading-deprecated-14/normal" | "heading-deprecated-14/medium" | "heading-deprecated-14/bold" | "text-xxs/normal" | "text-xxs/medium" | "text-xxs/semibold" | "text-xxs/bold" | "text-xs/normal" | "text-xs/medium" | "text-xs/semibold" | "text-xs/bold" | "text-sm/normal" | "text-sm/medium" | "text-sm/semibold" | "text-sm/bold" | "text-md/normal" | "text-md/medium" | "text-md/semibold" | "text-md/bold" | "text-lg/normal" | "text-lg/medium" | "text-lg/semibold" | "text-lg/bold" | "display-sm" | "display-md" | "display-lg" | "code";
export type Heading = `h${1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6}`;
export type Margins = Record<"marginTop16" | "marginTop8" | "marginBottom8" | "marginTop20" | "marginBottom20", string>;
export type ButtonLooks = Record<"FILLED" | "INVERTED" | "OUTLINED" | "LINK" | "BLANK", string>;
export type TextProps = PropsWithChildren<HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & {
variant?: TextVariant;
tag?: "div" | "span" | "p" | "strong" | Heading;
selectable?: boolean;
lineClamp?: number;
export type Text = ComponentType<TextProps>;
export type FormTitle = ComponentType<HTMLProps<HTMLTitleElement> & PropsWithChildren<{
/** default is h5 */
tag?: Heading;
faded?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
error?: ReactNode;
export type FormSection = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
/** default is h5 */
tag?: Heading;
className?: string;
titleClassName?: string;
titleId?: string;
title?: ReactNode;
disabled?: boolean;
htmlFor?: unknown;
export type FormDivider = ComponentType<{
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
export type FormText = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
disabled?: boolean;
selectable?: boolean;
/** defaults to FormText.Types.DEFAULT */
type?: string;
}> & TextProps> & { Types: FormTextTypes; };
export type Tooltip = ComponentType<{
text: ReactNode;
children: FunctionComponent<{
onClick(): void;
onMouseEnter(): void;
onMouseLeave(): void;
onContextMenu(): void;
onFocus(): void;
onBlur(): void;
"aria-label"?: string;
"aria-label"?: string;
allowOverflow?: boolean;
forceOpen?: boolean;
hide?: boolean;
hideOnClick?: boolean;
shouldShow?: boolean;
spacing?: number;
/** Tooltip.Colors.BLACK */
color?: string;
/** TooltipPositions.TOP */
position?: string;
tooltipClassName?: string;
tooltipContentClassName?: string;
}> & {
Colors: Record<"BLACK" | "BRAND" | "CUSTOM" | "GREEN" | "GREY" | "PRIMARY" | "RED" | "YELLOW", string>;
export type TooltipPositions = Record<"BOTTOM" | "CENTER" | "LEFT" | "RIGHT" | "TOP" | "WINDOW_CENTER", string>;
export type Card = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> & {
editable?: boolean;
outline?: boolean;
/** Card.Types.PRIMARY */
type?: string;
}>> & {
Types: Record<"BRAND" | "CUSTOM" | "DANGER" | "PRIMARY" | "SUCCESS" | "WARNING", string>;
export type Button = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement>, "size"> & {
/** Button.Looks.FILLED */
look?: string;
/** Button.Colors.BRAND */
color?: string;
/** Button.Sizes.MEDIUM */
size?: string;
/** Button.BorderColors.BLACK */
borderColor?: string;
wrapperClassName?: string;
className?: string;
innerClassName?: string;
buttonRef?: Ref<HTMLButtonElement>;
focusProps?: any;
submittingStartedLabel?: string;
submittingFinishedLabel?: string;
}>> & {
BorderColors: Record<"BLACK" | "BRAND" | "BRAND_NEW" | "GREEN" | "LINK" | "PRIMARY" | "RED" | "TRANSPARENT" | "WHITE" | "YELLOW", string>;
Colors: Record<"BRAND" | "RED" | "GREEN" | "YELLOW" | "PRIMARY" | "LINK" | "WHITE" | "BLACK" | "TRANSPARENT" | "BRAND_NEW" | "CUSTOM", string>;
Hovers: Record<"DEFAULT" | "BRAND" | "RED" | "GREEN" | "YELLOW" | "PRIMARY" | "LINK" | "WHITE" | "BLACK" | "TRANSPARENT", string>;
Looks: Record<"FILLED" | "INVERTED" | "OUTLINED" | "LINK" | "BLANK", string>;
Sizes: Record<"NONE" | "TINY" | "SMALL" | "MEDIUM" | "LARGE" | "XLARGE" | "MIN" | "MAX" | "ICON", string>;
Link: any;
export type Switch = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
value: boolean;
onChange(value: boolean): void;
disabled?: boolean;
hideBorder?: boolean;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
note?: ReactNode;
tooltipNote?: ReactNode;
export type Timestamp = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
timestamp: Moment;
isEdited?: boolean;
className?: string;
id?: string;
cozyAlt?: boolean;
compact?: boolean;
isInline?: boolean;
isVisibleOnlyOnHover?: boolean;
export type TextInput = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
name?: string;
onChange?(value: string, name?: string): void;
placeholder?: string;
editable?: boolean;
maxLength?: number;
error?: string;
inputClassName?: string;
inputPrefix?: string;
inputRef?: Ref<HTMLInputElement>;
prefixElement?: ReactNode;
focusProps?: any;
/** TextInput.Sizes.DEFAULT */
size?: string;
} & Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>, "onChange">>> & {
Sizes: Record<"DEFAULT" | "MINI", string>;
export type TextArea = ComponentType<PropsWithRef<Omit<HTMLProps<HTMLTextAreaElement>, "onChange"> & {
onChange(v: string): void;
interface SelectOption {
disabled?: boolean;
value: any;
label: string;
key?: React.Key;
default?: boolean;
export type Select = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
placeholder?: string;
options: ReadonlyArray<SelectOption>; // TODO
* - 0 ~ Filled
* - 1 ~ Custom
look?: 0 | 1;
className?: string;
popoutClassName?: string;
popoutPosition?: "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "center" | "window_center";
optionClassName?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
isDisabled?: boolean;
clearable?: boolean;
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
hideIcon?: boolean;
select(value: any): void;
isSelected(value: any): boolean;
serialize(value: any): string;
clear?(): void;
maxVisibleItems?: number;
popoutWidth?: number;
onClose?(): void;
onOpen?(): void;
renderOptionLabel?(option: SelectOption): ReactNode;
/** discord stupid this gets all options instead of one yeah */
renderOptionValue?(option: SelectOption[]): ReactNode;
"aria-label"?: boolean;
"aria-labelledby"?: boolean;
export type SearchableSelect = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
placeholder?: string;
options: ReadonlyArray<SelectOption>; // TODO
value?: SelectOption;
* - 0 ~ Filled
* - 1 ~ Custom
look?: 0 | 1;
className?: string;
popoutClassName?: string;
wrapperClassName?: string;
popoutPosition?: "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "center" | "window_center";
optionClassName?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
isDisabled?: boolean;
clearable?: boolean;
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
clearOnSelect?: boolean;
multi?: boolean;
onChange(value: any): void;
onSearchChange?(value: string): void;
onClose?(): void;
onOpen?(): void;
onBlur?(): void;
renderOptionPrefix?(option: SelectOption): ReactNode;
renderOptionSuffix?(option: SelectOption): ReactNode;
filter?(option: SelectOption[], query: string): SelectOption[];
centerCaret?: boolean;
debounceTime?: number;
maxVisibleItems?: number;
popoutWidth?: number;
"aria-labelledby"?: boolean;
export type Slider = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
initialValue: number;
defaultValue?: number;
keyboardStep?: number;
maxValue?: number;
minValue?: number;
markers?: number[];
stickToMarkers?: boolean;
/** 0 above, 1 below */
markerPosition?: 0 | 1;
orientation?: "horizontal" | "vertical";
getAriaValueText?(currentValue: number): string;
renderMarker?(marker: number): ReactNode;
onMarkerRender?(marker: number): ReactNode;
onValueRender?(value: number): ReactNode;
onValueChange?(value: number): void;
asValueChanges?(value: number): void;
className?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
handleSize?: number;
mini?: boolean;
hideBubble?: boolean;
fillStyles?: CSSProperties;
barStyles?: CSSProperties;
grabberStyles?: CSSProperties;
grabberClassName?: string;
barClassName?: string;
"aria-hidden"?: boolean;
"aria-label"?: string;
"aria-labelledby"?: string;
"aria-describedby"?: string;
// TODO - type maybe idk probably not that useful other than the constants
export type Flex = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<any>> & {
Align: Record<"START" | "END" | "CENTER" | "STRETCH" | "BASELINE", string>;
Direction: Record<"VERTICAL" | "HORIZONTAL" | "HORIZONTAL_REVERSE", string>;
Justify: Record<"START" | "END" | "CENTER" | "BETWEEN" | "AROUND", string>;
Wrap: Record<"NO_WRAP" | "WRAP" | "WRAP_REVERSE", string>;
declare enum PopoutAnimation {
NONE = "1",
SCALE = "3",
FADE = "4"
export type Popout = ComponentType<{
thing: {
"aria-controls": string;
"aria-expanded": boolean;
onClick(event: MouseEvent): void;
onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void;
data: {
isShown: boolean;
position: string;
): ReactNode;
shouldShow: boolean;
renderPopout(args: {
closePopout(): void;
isPositioned: boolean;
nudge: number;
position: string;
setPopoutRef(ref: any): void;
updatePosition(): void;
}): ReactNode;
onRequestOpen?(): void;
onRequestClose?(): void;
/** "center" and others */
align?: string;
/** Popout.Animation */
animation?: PopoutAnimation;
autoInvert?: boolean;
nudgeAlignIntoViewport?: boolean;
/** "bottom" and others */
position?: string;
positionKey?: string;
spacing?: number;
}> & {
Animation: typeof PopoutAnimation;
export type Dialog = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<any>>;
type Resolve = (data: { theme: "light" | "dark", saturation: number; }) => {
hex(): string;
hsl(): string;
int(): number;
spring(): string;
export type useToken = (color: {
css: string;
resolve: Resolve;
}) => ReturnType<Resolve>;