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* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { Command } from "@api/Commands";
import { FluxEvents } from "@webpack/types";
import { Promisable } from "type-fest";
// exists to export default definePlugin({...})
export default function definePlugin<P extends PluginDef>(p: P & Record<string, any>) {
return p;
export type ReplaceFn = (match: string, ...groups: string[]) => string;
export interface PatchReplacement {
match: string | RegExp;
replace: string | ReplaceFn;
predicate?(): boolean;
export interface Patch {
plugin: string;
find: string;
replacement: PatchReplacement | PatchReplacement[];
/** Whether this patch should apply to multiple modules */
all?: boolean;
/** Do not warn if this patch did no changes */
noWarn?: boolean;
predicate?(): boolean;
export interface PluginAuthor {
name: string;
id: BigInt;
export interface Plugin extends PluginDef {
patches?: Patch[];
started: boolean;
isDependency?: boolean;
export interface PluginDef {
name: string;
description: string;
authors: PluginAuthor[];
start?(): void;
stop?(): void;
patches?: Omit<Patch, "plugin">[];
* List of commands. If you specify these, you must add CommandsAPI to dependencies
commands?: Command[];
* A list of other plugins that your plugin depends on.
* These will automatically be enabled and loaded before your plugin
* Common examples are CommandsAPI, MessageEventsAPI...
dependencies?: string[],
* Whether this plugin is required and forcefully enabled
required?: boolean;
* Whether this plugin should be enabled by default, but can be disabled
enabledByDefault?: boolean;
* Optionally provide settings that the user can configure in the Plugins tab of settings.
* @deprecated Use `settings` instead
// TODO: Remove when everything is migrated to `settings`
options?: Record<string, PluginOptionsItem>;
* Optionally provide settings that the user can configure in the Plugins tab of settings.
settings?: DefinedSettings;
* Check that this returns true before allowing a save to complete.
* If a string is returned, show the error to the user.
beforeSave?(options: Record<string, any>): Promisable<true | string>;
* Allows you to specify a custom Component that will be rendered in your
* plugin's settings page
settingsAboutComponent?: React.ComponentType<{
tempSettings?: Record<string, any>;
* Allows you to subscribe to Flux events
flux?: {
[E in FluxEvents]?: (event: any) => void;
tags?: string[];
export enum OptionType {
export type SettingsDefinition = Record<string, PluginSettingDef>;
export type SettingsChecks<D extends SettingsDefinition> = {
[K in keyof D]?: D[K] extends PluginSettingComponentDef ? IsDisabled<DefinedSettings<D>> :
(IsDisabled<DefinedSettings<D>> & IsValid<PluginSettingType<D[K]>, DefinedSettings<D>>);
export type PluginSettingDef = (
| PluginSettingStringDef
| PluginSettingNumberDef
| PluginSettingBooleanDef
| PluginSettingSelectDef
| PluginSettingSliderDef
| PluginSettingComponentDef
| PluginSettingBigIntDef
) & PluginSettingCommon;
export interface PluginSettingCommon {
description: string;
placeholder?: string;
onChange?(newValue: any): void;
restartNeeded?: boolean;
componentProps?: Record<string, any>;
* Set this if the setting only works on Browser or Desktop, not both
target?: "WEB" | "DESKTOP" | "BOTH";
interface IsDisabled<D = unknown> {
* Checks if this setting should be disabled
disabled?(this: D): boolean;
interface IsValid<T, D = unknown> {
* Prevents the user from saving settings if this is false or a string
isValid?(this: D, value: T): boolean | string;
export interface PluginSettingStringDef {
type: OptionType.STRING;
default?: string;
export interface PluginSettingNumberDef {
type: OptionType.NUMBER;
default?: number;
export interface PluginSettingBigIntDef {
type: OptionType.BIGINT;
default?: BigInt;
export interface PluginSettingBooleanDef {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN;
default?: boolean;
export interface PluginSettingSelectDef {
type: OptionType.SELECT;
options: readonly PluginSettingSelectOption[];
export interface PluginSettingSelectOption {
label: string;
value: string | number | boolean;
default?: boolean;
export interface PluginSettingSliderDef {
type: OptionType.SLIDER;
* All the possible values in the slider. Needs at least two values.
markers: number[];
* Default value to use
default: number;
* If false, allow users to select values in-between your markers.
stickToMarkers?: boolean;
interface IPluginOptionComponentProps {
* Run this when the value changes.
* NOTE: The user will still need to click save to apply these changes.
setValue(newValue: any): void;
* Set to true to prevent the user from saving.
* NOTE: This will not show the error to the user. It will only stop them saving.
* Make sure to show the error in your component.
setError(error: boolean): void;
* The options object
option: PluginSettingComponentDef;
export interface PluginSettingComponentDef {
type: OptionType.COMPONENT;
component: (props: IPluginOptionComponentProps) => JSX.Element;
/** Maps a `PluginSettingDef` to its value type */
type PluginSettingType<O extends PluginSettingDef> = O extends PluginSettingStringDef ? string :
O extends PluginSettingNumberDef ? number :
O extends PluginSettingBigIntDef ? BigInt :
O extends PluginSettingBooleanDef ? boolean :
O extends PluginSettingSelectDef ? O["options"][number]["value"] :
O extends PluginSettingSliderDef ? number :
O extends PluginSettingComponentDef ? any :
type PluginSettingDefaultType<O extends PluginSettingDef> = O extends PluginSettingSelectDef ? (
O["options"] extends { default?: boolean; }[] ? O["options"][number]["value"] : undefined
) : O extends { default: infer T; } ? T : undefined;
type SettingsStore<D extends SettingsDefinition> = {
[K in keyof D]: PluginSettingType<D[K]> | PluginSettingDefaultType<D[K]>;
/** An instance of defined plugin settings */
export interface DefinedSettings<D extends SettingsDefinition = SettingsDefinition, C extends SettingsChecks<D> = {}> {
/** Shorthand for `Vencord.Settings.plugins.PluginName`, but with typings */
store: SettingsStore<D>;
* React hook for getting the settings for this plugin
* @param filter optional filter to avoid rerenders for irrelavent settings
use<F extends Extract<keyof D, string>>(filter?: F[]): Pick<SettingsStore<D>, F>;
/** Definitions of each setting */
def: D;
/** Setting methods with return values that could rely on other settings */
checks: C;
* Name of the plugin these settings belong to,
* will be an empty string until plugin is initialized
pluginName: string;
export type PartialExcept<T, R extends keyof T> = Partial<T> & Required<Pick<T, R>>;
export type IpcRes<V = any> = { ok: true; value: V; } | { ok: false, error: any; };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Legacy Options Types */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export type PluginOptionBase = PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled;
export type PluginOptionsItem =
| PluginOptionString
| PluginOptionNumber
| PluginOptionBoolean
| PluginOptionSelect
| PluginOptionSlider
| PluginOptionComponent;
export type PluginOptionString = PluginSettingStringDef & PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled & IsValid<string>;
export type PluginOptionNumber = (PluginSettingNumberDef | PluginSettingBigIntDef) & PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled & IsValid<number | BigInt>;
export type PluginOptionBoolean = PluginSettingBooleanDef & PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled & IsValid<boolean>;
export type PluginOptionSelect = PluginSettingSelectDef & PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled & IsValid<PluginSettingSelectOption>;
export type PluginOptionSlider = PluginSettingSliderDef & PluginSettingCommon & IsDisabled & IsValid<number>;
export type PluginOptionComponent = PluginSettingComponentDef & PluginSettingCommon;