/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { openNotificationLogModal } from "@api/Notifications/notificationLog"; import { Settings, useSettings } from "@api/settings"; import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles"; import DonateButton from "@components/DonateButton"; import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { ErrorCard } from "@components/ErrorCard"; import { Margins } from "@utils/margins"; import { identity, useAwaiter } from "@utils/misc"; import { relaunch, showItemInFolder } from "@utils/native"; import { Button, Card, Forms, React, Select, Slider, Switch } from "@webpack/common"; const cl = classNameFactory("vc-settings-"); const DEFAULT_DONATE_IMAGE = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1026533090627174460.png"; const SHIGGY_DONATE_IMAGE = "https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1039992459209490513.png"; type KeysOfType = { [K in keyof Object]: Object[K] extends Type ? K : never; }[keyof Object]; function VencordSettings() { const [settingsDir, , settingsDirPending] = useAwaiter(VencordNative.settings.getSettingsDir, { fallbackValue: "Loading..." }); const settings = useSettings(); const donateImage = React.useMemo(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? DEFAULT_DONATE_IMAGE : SHIGGY_DONATE_IMAGE, []); const isWindows = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().startsWith("win"); const isMac = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().startsWith("mac"); const Switches: Array; title: string; note: string; }> = [ { key: "useQuickCss", title: "Enable Custom CSS", note: "Loads your Custom CSS" }, !IS_WEB && { key: "enableReactDevtools", title: "Enable React Developer Tools", note: "Requires a full restart" }, !IS_WEB && (!IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP || !isWindows ? { key: "frameless", title: "Disable the window frame", note: "Requires a full restart" } : { key: "winNativeTitleBar", title: "Use Windows' native title bar instead of Discord's custom one", note: "Requires a full restart" }), !IS_WEB && false /* This causes electron to freeze / white screen for some people */ && { key: "transparent", title: "Enable window transparency", note: "Requires a full restart" }, !IS_WEB && isWindows && { key: "winCtrlQ", title: "Register Ctrl+Q as shortcut to close Discord (Alternative to Alt+F4)", note: "Requires a full restart" }, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP && { key: "disableMinSize", title: "Disable minimum window size", note: "Requires a full restart" }, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP && isMac && { key: "macosTranslucency", title: "Enable translucent window", note: "Requires a full restart" } ]; return ( {!IS_WEB && ( )} {!IS_WEB && ( )} Hint: You can change the position of this settings section in the settings of the "Settings" plugin! {Switches.map(s => s && ( settings[s.key] = v} note={s.note} > {s.title} ))} {typeof Notification !== "undefined" && } ); } function NotificationSection({ settings }: { settings: typeof Settings["notifications"]; }) { return ( <> Notification Style {settings.useNative !== "never" && Notification?.permission === "denied" && ( Desktop Notification Permission denied You have denied Notification Permissions. Thus, Desktop notifications will not work! )} Some plugins may show you notifications. These come in two styles:
  • Vencord Notifications: These are in-app notifications
  • Desktop Notifications: Native Desktop notifications (like when you get a ping)
>} select={v => settings.position = v} isSelected={v => v === settings.position} serialize={identity} /> Notification Timeout Set to 0s to never automatically time out settings.timeout = v} onValueRender={v => (v / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s"} onMarkerRender={v => (v / 1000) + "s"} stickToMarkers={false} /> Notification Log Limit The amount of notifications to save in the log until old ones are removed. Set to 0 to disable Notification log and to never automatically remove old Notifications settings.logLimit = v} onValueRender={v => v === 200 ? "∞" : v} onMarkerRender={v => v === 200 ? "∞" : v} /> ); } interface DonateCardProps { image: string; } function DonateCard({ image }: DonateCardProps) { return (
Support the Project Please consider supporting the development of Vencord by donating!
); } export default ErrorBoundary.wrap(VencordSettings);