const { join } = require('path'); global.log = (area, ...args) => console.log(`[\x1b[38;2;88;101;242mOpenAsar\x1b[0m > ${area}]`, ...args); // Make log global for easy usage everywhere global.oaVersion = 'nightly'; log('Init', 'OpenAsar', oaVersion); if (process.resourcesPath.startsWith('/usr/lib/electron')) global.systemElectron = true; // Using system electron, flag for other places process.resourcesPath = join(__dirname, '..'); // Force resourcesPath for system electron const paths = require('./paths'); paths.init(); global.settings = require('./appSettings').getSettings(); global.oaConfig = settings.get('openasar', {}); require('./cmdSwitches')(); // Force u2QuickLoad (pre-"minified" ish) const M = require('module'); // Module const b = join(paths.getExeDir(), 'modules'); // Base dir if (process.platform === 'win32') for (const m of require('fs').readdirSync(b)) M.globalPaths.push(join(b, m)); // For each module dir, add to globalPaths if (process.argv.includes('--overlay-host')) { // If overlay require('./utils/requireNative')('discord_overlay2', 'standalone_host.js'); // Start overlay } else { require('./bootstrap')(); // Start bootstrap }