const { join } = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const Module = require('module'); const { execFile } = require('child_process'); const paths = require('../paths'); const request = require('request'); const events = = new (require('events').EventEmitter)(); exports.INSTALLED_MODULE = 'installed-module'; // Fixes DiscordNative ensureModule as it uses export let skipHost, skipModule, remote = {}, installed = {}, downloading, installing, basePath, manifestPath, downloadPath, hostUpdater, baseUrl, qs, checking, last; const resetTracking = () => { const base = { done: 0, total: 0, fail: 0 }; downloading = Object.assign({}, base); installing = Object.assign({}, base); }; exports.init = (endpoint, { releaseChannel, version }) => { skipHost = settings.get('SKIP_HOST_UPDATE'); skipModule = settings.get('SKIP_MODULE_UPDATE'); basePath = join(paths.getUserDataVersioned(), 'modules'); manifestPath = join(basePath, 'installed.json'); downloadPath = join(basePath, 'pending'); resetTracking(); Module.globalPaths.push(basePath); // Purge pending fs.rmSync(downloadPath, { recursive: true, force: true }); mkdirp.sync(downloadPath); try { installed = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath)); } catch { for (const m of [ 'desktop_core', 'utils' ]) { // Ignore actual bootstrap manifest and choose our own core 2, others are deferred installed['discord_' + m] = { installedVersion: 0 }; // Set initial version as 0 } } hostUpdater = require('./hostUpdater'); hostUpdater.on('update-available', () => { log('Modules', 'Host available'); events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: true, updateCount: 1 }); events.emit('downloading-module', { name: 'host' }); }); hostUpdater.on('update-progress', progress => events.emit('downloading-module-progress', { name: 'host', progress })); hostUpdater.on('update-not-available', hostPassed); hostUpdater.on('update-manually', d => { log('Modules', 'Host manual'); checking = false; events.emit('update-manually', { details: d }); events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: true, updateCount: 1 }); }); hostUpdater.on('update-downloaded', () => { checking = false; events.emit('downloaded-module', { name: 'host' }); events.emit('downloading-modules-finished', { succeeded: 1 }); }); hostUpdater.on('error', () => { log('Modules', 'Host error'); checking = false; events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: false }); }); const platform = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'osx' : 'linux'; hostUpdater.setFeedURL(`${endpoint}/updates/${releaseChannel}?platform=${platform}&version=${version}`); baseUrl = `${endpoint}/modules/${releaseChannel}`; qs = { host_version: version, platform }; }; const hostPassed = (skip = skipModule) => { if (skip) return events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: true, updateCount: 0 }); log('Modules', 'Host good'); checkModules(); }; const checkModules = async () => { try { remote = await new Promise((res) => request({ url: baseUrl + '/versions.json', qs }, (e, r, b) => res(JSON.parse(b)))); checking = false; } catch (e) { checking = false; log('Modules', 'Check failed', e); return events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: false, updateCount: 0 }); } let doing = 0; for (const name in installed) { const inst = installed[name].installedVersion; const rem = remote[name]; if (inst !== rem) { log('Modules', 'Update:', name, inst, '->', rem); doing++; downloadModule(name, rem); } } events.emit('update-check-finished', { succeeded: true, updateCount: doing }); }; const downloadModule = async (name, ver) => {; const path = join(downloadPath, name + '-' + ver + '.zip'); const file = fs.createWriteStream(path); // log('Modules', 'Downloading', `${name}@${ver}`); let success, total, cur = 0; request({ url: baseUrl + '/' + name + '/' + ver, qs }).on('response', (res) => { success = res.statusCode === 200; total = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'] ?? 1, 10); res.pipe(file); res.on('data', c => { cur += c.length; events.emit('downloading-module', { name, cur, total }); }); }); await new Promise((res) => file.on('close', res)); if (!installed[name]) installed[name] = {}; if (success) commitManifest(); else; events.emit('downloaded-module', { name }); downloading.done++; if (downloading.done === { events.emit('downloading-modules-finished', { succeeded: -, failed: }); } installModule(name, ver, path); }; const installModule = async (name, ver, path) => {; // log('Modules', 'Installing', `${name}@${ver}`); let hasError; const handleErr = e => { if (hasError) return; hasError = true; log('Modules', 'Failed install', `${name}@${ver}`, e); finishInstall(name, ver, false); }; // Extract zip via unzip cmd line - replaces yauzl dep (speed++, size--, jank++) const ePath = join(basePath, name); const total = await new Promise((res) => { const p = execFile('unzip', ['-l', path]); p.stdout.on('data', x => { const m = x.toString().match(/([0-9]+) files/); if (m) res(parseInt(m[1])); }); p.stderr.on('data', res); // On error resolve undefined (??'d to 0) }) ?? 0; mkdirp.sync(ePath); const proc = execFile('unzip', ['-o', path, '-d', ePath]); proc.on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { require('electron').dialog.showErrorBox('Failed Dependency', 'Please install "unzip"'); process.exit(1); // Close now } handleErr(err); }); proc.stderr.on('data', handleErr); let cur = 0; proc.stdout.on('data', x => x.toString().split('\n').forEach(y => { if (!y.includes('inflating')) return; cur++; events.emit('installing-module', { name, cur, total }); })); proc.on('close', () => { if (hasError) return; installed[name].installedVersion = ver; commitManifest(); finishInstall(name, ver, true); }); }; const finishInstall = (name, ver, success) => { if (!success); events.emit('installed-module', { name, succeeded: true }); installing.done++; log('Modules', 'Finished', `${name}@${ver}`); if (installing.done === { if (! last =; events.emit('installing-modules-finished', { succeeded: -, failed: }); resetTracking(); } }; exports.checkForUpdates = () => { log('Modules', 'Checking'); if (checking) return; checking = true; events.emit('checking-for-updates'); if (skipHost) hostPassed(); else if (last > - 10000) hostPassed(true); else hostUpdater.checkForUpdates(); }; exports.quitAndInstallUpdates = () => hostUpdater.quitAndInstall(); const isInstalled = exports.isInstalled = (n, v) => installed[n] && !(v && installed[n].installedVersion !== v); exports.getInstalled = () => ({ ...installed }); const commitManifest = () => fs.writeFileSync(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(installed, null, 2)); exports.install = (name, def, { version } = {}) => { if (isInstalled(name, version)) { if (!def) events.emit('installed-module', { name, succeeded: true }); return; } if (def) { installed[name] = { installedVersion: 0 }; return commitManifest(); } downloadModule(name, version ?? remote[name] ?? 0); };