# OpenAsar Roadmap These are rough milestones for OpenAsar progress over original Discord's asar. ## Nick's Milestone use all social media under single electron `/proc/?/..` - [ ] Tend to wrap implementation(s). + lib(s) with plus you can see, view, edit, modify - [ ] For Own Security Make sure your 2FA/otpclient is working all fine! ## Milestone 3 - complete rewrite - [X] Self-write 100% of code: - [X] Updater - [X] Splash backend - [ ] Make splash compatible with client mod theming - [ ] Full custom splashes ## Milestone 2 - major improvements over original (recommended for average use) - [X] Look into performance optimisations via Chromium flags - [X] More config options - [X] Fixes for custom setups - [X] System electron - [X] More QuickStart testing and improvements - [X] ThemeSync - [X] Eliminate all NPM dependencies ## Milestone 1 - alternative - [X] A bunch of specific minor fixes / features - [X] Auto start - [X] First run - [X] Overlay - [X] Self-rewrite some small / utility parts of internals - [X] `windowsUtils` - [X] `Settings` - [X] `Backoff` - [X] `securityUtils` - [X] Replication of original Discord splash UI