const { join } = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { BrowserWindow, app } = require('electron'); const paths = require('../paths'); const moduleUpdater = require("../updater/moduleUpdater"); const updater = require("../updater/updater"); let splashState = {}; let modulesListeners = {}; let launchedMainWindow = false; let updateAttempt = 0; let win, newUpdater; exports.initSplash = (startMin = false) => { newUpdater = updater.getUpdater(); if (newUpdater == null) initModuleUpdater(); launchSplash(startMin); if (newUpdater != null) { updateUntilCurrent(); } else { moduleUpdater.installPendingUpdates(); } if (process.env.OPENASAR_QUICKSTART || oaConfig.quickstart) setTimeout(() => { destroySplash(); launchMain(); setTimeout(() => { events.emit('APP_SHOULD_SHOW'); }, 100); }, 300); }; exports.focusWindow = () => win?.focus?.(); exports.pageReady = () => destroySplash() || process.nextTick(() => events.emit('APP_SHOULD_SHOW')); const destroySplash = () => { win?.setSkipTaskbar?.(true); setTimeout(() => { if (!win) return; win.hide(); win.close(); win = null; }, 100); }; const launchMain = () => { for (const e in modulesListeners), modulesListeners[e]); // Remove updater v1 listeners if (!launchedMainWindow && win != null) { sendState('starting'); launchedMainWindow = true; events.emit('APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH'); } }; const sendState = (status) => { try { win.webContents.send('state', { status, ...splashState }); } catch (_e) {} }; const launchSplash = (startMin) => { win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 300, height: process.platform === 'darwin' ? 300 : 350, frame: false, resizable: false, center: true, show: false, backgroundColor: '#2f3136', webPreferences: { preload: join(__dirname, 'preload.js') } }); const wc = win.webContents; if (process.platform !== 'darwin') win.on('closed', () => !launchedMainWindow && app.quit()); wc.once('dom-ready', () => { if (oaConfig.themeSync !== false) wc.insertCSS(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(join(paths.getUserData(), 'userDataCache.json'), 'utf8')).openasarSplashCSS); if (oaConfig.splashText === true) { const buildInfo = require('../utils/buildInfo.js'); wc.executeJavaScript(`debug.textContent = '${buildInfo.releaseChannel} ${buildInfo.version}\\nOpenAsar ${oaVersion}'`); } }); if (!startMin) win.once('ready-to-show', () =>; win.loadURL(''); }; const CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = 'checking-for-updates'; const events = = new (require('events').EventEmitter)(); let progressState = 'downloading'; class UIProgress { // Generic class to track updating and sent states to splash constructor(st) { this.stateId = st ? 'installing' : 'downloading'; this.reset(); } reset() { Object.assign(this, { progress: new Map(), done: new Set(), total: new Set() }); } record(id, state, current, outOf) {; if (current) this.progress.set(id, [ current, outOf ?? 100 ]); if (state === 'Complete') this.done.add(id); this.send(); } send() { if ((newUpdater && this.progress.size > 0 && this.progress.size > this.done.size) || (!newUpdater && progressState === this.stateId)) { const progress = [...this.progress.values()].reduce((a, x) => a + x[0], 0) / [...this.progress.values()].reduce((a, x) => a + x[1], 0) * 100; if (progress > 100) return true; splashState = { current: this.done.size + 1, total:, progress }; sendState(this.stateId); return true; } } } const updateUntilCurrent = async () => { const retryOptions = { skip_host_delta: false, skip_module_delta: {} }; while (true) { sendState(CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES); try { let installedAnything = false; const downloads = new UIProgress(0); const installs = new UIProgress(1); await newUpdater.updateToLatestWithOptions(retryOptions, ({ task, state, percent }) => { const download = task.HostDownload || task.ModuleDownload; const install = task.HostInstall || task.ModuleInstall; installedAnything = true; const simpleRecord = (tracker, x) => tracker.record(x.package_sha256, state, percent); if (download != null) simpleRecord(downloads, download); if (!downloads.send()) installs.send(); if (install == null) return; simpleRecord(installs, install); if (task.HostInstall != null) { retryOptions.skip_host_delta = true; } else if (task.ModuleInstall != null) { retryOptions.skip_module_delta[] = true; } }); if (!installedAnything) { await newUpdater.startCurrentVersion(); newUpdater.collectGarbage(); return launchMain(); } } catch (e) { log('Splash', e); sendState('fail'); await new Promise(res => scheduleNextUpdate(res)); } } }; const initModuleUpdater = () => { // "Old" (not v2 / new, win32 only) let restartRequired; const add = (event, listener) => { modulesListeners[event] = listener;, listener); }; const callbackCheck = () => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates(); const downloads = new UIProgress(0), installs = new UIProgress(1); const handleFail = () => { scheduleNextUpdate(); sendState('fail'); }; add('update-check-finished', ({ succeeded, updateCount }) => { installs.reset(); downloads.reset(); if (!succeeded) { handleFail(); } else if (updateCount === 0) { launchMain(); } }); add('downloading-module', ({ name }) => { downloads.record(name, 'Waiting'); installs.record(name, 'Waiting'); }); add('downloading-modules-finished', ({ failed }) => { progressState = 'installing'; if (failed > 0) handleFail(); else if (restartRequired) moduleUpdater.quitAndInstallUpdates(); }); add('installing-module', ({ name }) => { installs.record(name, 'Waiting'); }); const segmentCallback = (tracker) => (({ name }) => { tracker.record(name, 'Complete'); if (name === 'host') restartRequired = true; }); add('downloaded-module', segmentCallback(downloads)); add('installed-module', segmentCallback(installs)); add('installing-modules-finished', callbackCheck); add('no-pending-updates', callbackCheck); const progressCallback = (tracker) => ({ name, cur, total }) => tracker.record(name, '', cur, total); add('downloading-module-progress', progressCallback(downloads)); add('installing-module-progress', progressCallback(installs)); add('update-manually', e => { splashState.newVersion = e.newVersion; sendState('update-manually'); }); sendState(CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES); }; const scheduleNextUpdate = (callback = moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates) => { // Used by v1 and v2, default to v1 as used more widely in it updateAttempt++; const wait = Math.min(updateAttempt * 10, 60); splashState.seconds = wait; setTimeout(callback, wait * 1000); };