# OpenAsar **An experimental open-source alternative of Discord desktop's `app.asar`** ## Features - **:rocket: Startup Speed**: ~2x faster startup times (up to ~4x with experimental config) - **:chart_with_upwards_trend: Performance**: OpenAsar can make your client feel snappier (scrolling, switching channels, etc) - **:paintbrush: Splash Theming**: Easy theming for your splash which works with most themes for any client mod - **:electric_plug: Drop-in**: Replace one file and it's installed, that's it (same with uninstall) - **:gear: Configurable**: Adds many config options for Discord and OpenAsar enhancements (see config section) - **:feather: Lightweight**: <1% of Discord's original size (9mb -> ~80kb) - **:shield: No Tracking**: Removes Discord's built-in tracking for crashes and errors in the asar (not app itself) ### See [FAQ](faq.md) for more details
## [Install Guide](https://github.com/GooseMod/OpenAsar/wiki/Install-Guide) ## Config You can configure OpenAsar by clicking the "OpenAsar..." version info in the bottom of your settings sidebar, which will open the config window.