"use strict"; // Too much Rust integration stuff in here. /* eslint camelcase: 0 */ const childProcess = require('child_process'); const { app } = require('electron'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const NodeModule = require('module'); const path = require('path'); const { hrtime } = require('process'); const paths = require('../paths'); let instance; const TASK_STATE_COMPLETE = 'Complete'; const TASK_STATE_FAILED = 'Failed'; const TASK_STATE_WAITING = 'Waiting'; const TASK_STATE_WORKING = 'Working'; const INCONSISTENT_INSTALLER_STATE_ERROR = 'InconsistentInstallerState'; // The dumb linters are mad at each other. // eslint-disable-next-line quotes const INVALID_UPDATER_ERROR = "Can't send request to updater because the native updater isn't loaded."; class Updater extends EventEmitter { constructor(options) { super(); let nativeUpdaterModule = options.nativeUpdaterModule; if (nativeUpdaterModule == null) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved nativeUpdaterModule = require(paths.getExeDir() + '/updater'); } catch (e) { log('Updater', 'Failed to require nativeUpdater', e); if (e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return; throw e; } } this.committedHostVersion = null; this.committedModules = new Set(); this.rootPath = options.root_path; this.nextRequestId = 0; this.requests = new Map(); this.updateEventHistory = []; this.isRunningInBackground = false; this.currentlyDownloading = {}; this.currentlyInstalling = {}; this.hasEmittedUnhandledException = false; this.nativeUpdater = new nativeUpdaterModule.Updater({ response_handler: this._handleResponse.bind(this), ...options }); } get valid() { return this.nativeUpdater != null; } _sendRequest(detail, progressCallback = null) { if (!this.valid) { throw new Error(INVALID_UPDATER_ERROR); } const requestId = this.nextRequestId++; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.requests.set(requestId, { resolve, reject, progressCallback }); this.nativeUpdater.command(JSON.stringify([requestId, detail])); }); } _sendRequestSync(detail) { if (!this.valid) { throw new Error(INVALID_UPDATER_ERROR); } const requestId = this.nextRequestId++; return this.nativeUpdater.command_blocking(JSON.stringify([requestId, detail])); } _handleResponse(response) { try { const [id, detail] = JSON.parse(response); const request = this.requests.get(id); if (request == null) { console.error('Received response ', detail, ' for a request (', id, ') not in the updater request map.'); return; } if (detail['Error'] != null) { const { kind, details, severity } = detail['Error']; const e = new Error(`(${kind}) ${details}`); if (severity === 'Fatal') { const handled = this.emit(kind, e); if (!handled) { throw e; } } else { this.emit('update-error', e); request.reject(e); this.requests.delete(id); } } else if (detail === 'Ok') { request.resolve(); this.requests.delete(id); } else if (detail['VersionInfo'] != null) { request.resolve(detail['VersionInfo']); this.requests.delete(id); } else if (detail['ManifestInfo'] != null) { request.resolve(detail['ManifestInfo']); this.requests.delete(id); } else if (detail['TaskProgress'] != null) { const msg = detail['TaskProgress']; const progress = { task: msg[0], state: msg[1], percent: msg[2], bytesProcessed: msg[3] }; this._recordTaskProgress(progress); if (request.progressCallback != null) { request.progressCallback(progress); } if (progress.task['HostInstall'] != null && progress.state === TASK_STATE_COMPLETE) { this.emit('host-updated'); } } else { console.warn('Unknown updater response', detail); } } catch (e) { console.error('Unhandled exception in updater response handler:', e); // Report the first time this happens, but don't spam. if (!this.hasEmittedUnhandledException) { this.hasEmittedUnhandledException = true; this.emit('unhandled-exception', e); } } } _handleSyncResponse(response) { const detail = JSON.parse(response); if (detail['Error'] != null) { throw new Error(detail['Error']); } else if (detail === 'Ok') { return; } else if (detail['VersionInfo'] != null) { return detail['VersionInfo']; } console.warn('Unknown updater response', detail); } _getHostPath() { const [major, minor, revision] = this.committedHostVersion; const hostVersionStr = `${major}.${minor}.${revision}`; return path.join(this.rootPath, `app-${hostVersionStr}`); } _startCurrentVersionInner(options, versions) { if (this.committedHostVersion == null) { this.committedHostVersion = versions.current_host; } const hostPath = this._getHostPath(); const hostExePath = path.join(hostPath, path.basename(process.execPath)); if (path.resolve(hostExePath) != path.resolve(process.execPath) && !(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.allowObsoleteHost)) { app.once('will-quit', () => { // TODO(eiz): the actual, correct way to do this (win32) is to inherit a // handle to the current process into a new child process which then // waits for that process handle to exit, then runs the new electron. // This requires either implementing a separate updater exe process (big // todo item atm) or likely modifying Electron? // // I intend to do it properly once the new production updater .exe is a // thing. childProcess.spawn(hostExePath, [], { detached: true, stdio: 'inherit' }); }); console.log(`Restarting from ${path.resolve(process.execPath)} to ${path.resolve(hostExePath)}`); app.quit(); return; } this._commitModulesInner(versions); } _commitModulesInner(versions) { const hostPath = this._getHostPath(); const modulesPath = path.join(hostPath, 'modules'); for (const module in versions.current_modules) { const moduleVersion = versions.current_modules[module]; const moduleSearchPath = path.join(modulesPath, `${module}-${moduleVersion}`); if (!this.committedModules.has(module) && NodeModule.globalPaths.indexOf(moduleSearchPath) === -1) { this.committedModules.add(module); NodeModule.globalPaths.push(moduleSearchPath); } } } _recordDownloadProgress(name, progress) { const now = String(hrtime.bigint()); if (progress.state === TASK_STATE_WORKING && !this.currentlyDownloading[name]) { this.currentlyDownloading[name] = true; this.updateEventHistory.push({ type: 'downloading-module', name: name, now: now }); } else if (progress.state === TASK_STATE_COMPLETE || progress.state === TASK_STATE_FAILED) { this.currentlyDownloading[name] = false; this.updateEventHistory.push({ type: 'downloaded-module', name: name, now: now, succeeded: progress.state === TASK_STATE_COMPLETE, receivedBytes: progress.bytesProcessed }); } } _recordInstallProgress(name, progress, newVersion, isDelta) { const now = String(hrtime.bigint()); if (progress.state === TASK_STATE_WORKING && !this.currentlyInstalling[name]) { this.currentlyInstalling[name] = true; this.updateEventHistory.push({ type: 'installing-module', name, now, newVersion, foreground: !this.isRunningInBackground }); } else if (progress.state === TASK_STATE_COMPLETE || progress.state === TASK_STATE_FAILED) { this.currentlyInstalling[name] = false; this.updateEventHistory.push({ type: 'installed-module', name, now, newVersion, succeeded: progress.state === TASK_STATE_COMPLETE, delta: isDelta, foreground: !this.isRunningInBackground }); } } _recordTaskProgress(progress) { if (progress.task.HostDownload != null) { this._recordDownloadProgress('host', progress); } else if (progress.task.HostInstall != null) { this._recordInstallProgress('host', progress, null, progress.task.HostInstall.from_version != null); } else if (progress.task.ModuleDownload != null) { this._recordDownloadProgress(progress.task.ModuleDownload.version.module.name, progress); } else if (progress.task.ModuleInstall != null) { this._recordInstallProgress(progress.task.ModuleInstall.version.module.name, progress, progress.task.ModuleInstall.version.version, progress.task.ModuleInstall.from_version != null); } } queryCurrentVersions() { return this._sendRequest('QueryCurrentVersions'); } queryCurrentVersionsSync() { return this._handleSyncResponse(this._sendRequestSync('QueryCurrentVersions')); } repair(progressCallback) { return this.repairWithOptions(null, progressCallback); } repairWithOptions(options, progressCallback) { return this._sendRequest({ Repair: { options } }, progressCallback); } collectGarbage() { return this._sendRequest('CollectGarbage'); } setRunningManifest(manifest) { return this._sendRequest({ SetManifests: ['Running', manifest] }); } setPinnedManifestSync(manifest) { return this._handleSyncResponse(this._sendRequestSync({ SetManifests: ['Pinned', manifest] })); } installModule(name, progressCallback) { return this.installModuleWithOptions(name, null, progressCallback); } installModuleWithOptions(name, options, progressCallback) { return this._sendRequest({ InstallModule: { name, options } }, progressCallback); } updateToLatest(progressCallback) { return this.updateToLatestWithOptions(null, progressCallback); } updateToLatestWithOptions(options, progressCallback) { return this._sendRequest({ UpdateToLatest: { options } }, progressCallback); } // If the running host is current, adopt the current installed modules and // set up the module search path accordingly. If the running host is not // current, start the new current host and exit this process. async startCurrentVersion(options) { const versions = await this.queryCurrentVersions(); await this.setRunningManifest(versions.last_successful_update); this._startCurrentVersionInner(options, versions); } startCurrentVersionSync(options) { const versions = this.queryCurrentVersionsSync(); this._startCurrentVersionInner(options, versions); } async commitModules(versions) { if (this.committedHostVersion == null) { throw new Error('Cannot commit modules before host version.'); } if (versions == null) { versions = await this.queryCurrentVersions(); } this._commitModulesInner(versions); } setRunningInBackground() { this.isRunningInBackground = true; } queryAndTruncateHistory() { const history = this.updateEventHistory; this.updateEventHistory = []; return history; } getKnownFolder(name) { if (!this.valid) { throw new Error(INVALID_UPDATER_ERROR); } return this.nativeUpdater.known_folder(name); } createShortcut(options) { if (!this.valid) { throw new Error(INVALID_UPDATER_ERROR); } return this.nativeUpdater.create_shortcut(options); } } function getUpdaterPlatformName(platform) { switch (platform) { case 'darwin': return 'osx'; case 'win32': return 'win'; default: return platform; } } function tryInitUpdater(buildInfo, repositoryUrl) { const rootPath = paths.getInstallPath(); // If we're not running from an actual install directory, don't bother trying // to initialize the updater. if (rootPath == null) { return false; } instance = new Updater({ release_channel: buildInfo.releaseChannel, platform: getUpdaterPlatformName(process.platform), repository_url: repositoryUrl, root_path: rootPath }); return instance.valid; } function getUpdater() { if (instance != null && instance.valid) { return instance; } } module.exports = { Updater, tryInitUpdater, getUpdater, TASK_STATE_COMPLETE, TASK_STATE_FAILED, TASK_STATE_WAITING, TASK_STATE_WORKING, INCONSISTENT_INSTALLER_STATE_ERROR };