# OpenAsar **Open-source alternative of Discord desktop's `app.asar`** OpenAsar is currently made of **~80% own code**, with the rest being from Discord as it hasn't been rewritten yet or because of compatibility reasons. ## Goals - **Hotpluggable** - just swap the asar file, nothing else needed - **Lightweight** - it should be at least as fast or lightweight, hopefully more - **No Tracking** - no crash reporting, error tracking, etc - **Minimal** - generally only doing what is needed (see: implementation) - **Patch Platform** - provide a platform for future patching ## Implementation Below is a list in order of priority, marked as complete when finished: - [X] Bootstrapping - [X] Splash screen - [X] Error handling - [ ] A bunch of specific minor fixes / features - [ ] Handle hardware acceleration - [ ] Auto start - [ ] First run - [ ] Self-write some small parts of internals - [ ] Patch updater to survive host updates - [ ] Self-write updater code (currently mostly copied) ## Custom Patches Custom patches are another main goal of OpenAsar, patching enhancements where otherwise impossible to do so with traditional mods. Our current ideas for patches to do: - [ ] Skipping checking for updates on startup - [ ] Linux host app updating ## Install Guide **OpenAsar is heavily disrecommened due to it being in early development.** 1. Clone repo 2. NPM install in `src` dir (`cd src; npm i`) 3. Pack into `app.asar` via `asar` NPM package - `asar pack src app.asar` 4. Backup your original `app.asar` (rename to `app.asar.backup` / etc) 5. Install OpenAsar `app.asar` into the original path