[Utils > Backoff] Remove as no longer used

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Ducko 2022-04-04 15:25:18 +01:00
parent 53f2767b28
commit c1b6fc2a97
1 changed files with 0 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
module.exports = class Backoff { // Internal library / utility for a class to retry a callback with delays, etc.
constructor(min = 500, max = (min * 10)) {
Object.assign(this, { min, max });
this.pending = () => this._timeoutId != null; // If timeout currently set / waiting
fail(callback) { // On fail, wait and callback
this.current = Math.min(this.current + (this.current * 2), this.max);
this.fails++; // Bump fails
if (!callback) return this.current; // No callback given, skip rest of this
if (this._timeoutId != null) throw new Error(); // Timeout already set as waiting for another callback to call, throw error
this._timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { // Set new timeout
try {
callback(); // Run callback
} finally {
this._timeoutId = null; // Stop tracking timeout internally as it's been executed
}, this.current);
return this.current;
succeed() { // Reset and cancel
cancel() { // Cancel current timeout
this._timeoutId = clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); // Stop timeout
reset() { // Reset internal state
this.current = this.min;
this.fails = 0;