# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # search - a tiny little search utility bot for discord. # All original work by taciturasa, with some code by ry00001. # Used and modified with permission. # See LICENSE for license information. '''Main File''' import asyncio import json import os import sys from typing import List import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import commands import rethinkdb from extensions.models import searchexceptions class Bot(commands.Bot): """Custom Bot Class that subclasses the commands.ext one""" def __init__(self, **options): """Initializes the main parts of the bot.""" # Initializes parent class super().__init__(self._get_prefix_new, **options) # Setup self.extensions_list: List[str] = [] self.debug_toggle = False with open('config.json') as f: self.config = json.load(f) # Info self.prefix: List[str] = self.config['PREFIX'] self.version: str = self.config['VERSION'] self.description: str = self.config['DESCRIPTION'] self.repo: str = self.config['REPO'] self.support_server: str = self.config['SERVER'] self.perms: int = self.config['PERMS'] if not self.config['CACHE']: self.max_messages = None # Toggles self.maintenance: bool = self.config['MAINTENANCE'] self.case_insensitive: bool = self.config['CASE_INSENSITIVE'] self.custom_help: bool = self.config['CUSTOM_HELP'] self.mention_assist: bool = self.config['MENTION_ASSIST'] self.prefixless_dms: bool = self.config['PREFIXLESS_DMS'] # RethinkDB if self.config['RETHINK']['DB']: self.re = rethinkdb.RethinkDB() self.re.set_loop_type('asyncio') self.rdb: str = self.config['RETHINK']['DB'] self.conn = None self.rtables: List[str] = [] def _init_extensions(self): """Initializes extensions.""" # Utils # Avoids race conditions with online utils_dir = os.listdir('extensions/utils') if 'online.py' in utils_dir: utils_dir.remove('online.py') bot.load_extension('extensions.utils.online') # Rest of utils for ext in utils_dir: if ext.endswith('.py'): try: bot.load_extension(f'extensions.utils.{ext[:-3]}') self.extensions_list.append( f'extensions.utils.{ext[:-3]}') except Exception as e: print(e) # Models for ext in os.listdir('extensions/models'): if ext.endswith('.py'): try: bot.load_extension(f'extensions.models.{ext[:-3]}') self.extensions_list.append( f'extensions.models.{ext[:-3]}') except Exception as e: print(e) # Extensions for ext in os.listdir('extensions'): if ext.endswith('.py'): try: bot.load_extension(f'extensions.{ext[:-3]}') self.extensions_list.append( f'extensions.{ext[:-3]}') except Exception as e: print(e) async def _init_rethinkdb(self): """Initializes RethinkDB.""" # Prerequisites dbc = self.config['RETHINK'] # Error handling the initialization try: # Create connection self.conn = await self.re.connect( host=dbc['HOST'], port=dbc['PORT'], db=dbc['DB'], user=dbc['USERNAME'], password=dbc['PASSWORD'] ) # Create or get database dbs = await self.re.db_list().run(self.conn) if self.rdb not in dbs: print('Database not present. Creating...') await self.re.db_create(self.rdb).run(self.conn) # Append any existing tables to rtables tables = await self.re.db(self.rdb).table_list().run(self.conn) self.rtables.extend(tables) # Exit if fails bc bot can't run without db except Exception as e: print('RethinkDB init error!\n{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)) sys.exit(1) print('RethinkDB initialisation successful.') async def _get_prefix_new(self, bot, msg): """More flexible check for prefix.""" # Adds empty prefix if in DMs if isinstance(msg.channel, discord.DMChannel) and self.prefixless_dms: plus_empty = self.prefix.copy() plus_empty.append('') return commands.when_mentioned_or(*plus_empty)(bot, msg) # Keeps regular if not else: return commands.when_mentioned_or(*self.prefix)(bot, msg) async def on_ready(self): """Initializes the main portion of the bot once it has connected.""" print('Connected.\n') # Prerequisites if not hasattr(self, 'request'): self.request = aiohttp.ClientSession() if not hasattr(self, 'appinfo'): self.appinfo = await self.application_info() if self.description == '': self.description = self.appinfo.description # Maintenance Mode if self.maintenance: async def presence_task(): await self.change_presence( activity=discord.Activity( name="Maintenance", type=discord.ActivityType.watching ), status=discord.Status.dnd ) else: async def presence_task(): await self.change_presence( activity=discord.Activity( name=f"@{self.user.name}", type=discord.ActivityType.listening ), status=discord.Status.online ) asyncio.create_task(presence_task()) # NOTE Rethink Entry Point # Initializes all rethink stuff if hasattr(self, 'rdb') and not self.rtables: await self._init_rethinkdb() # NOTE Extension Entry Point # Loads core, which loads all other extensions if not self.extensions_list: self._init_extensions() print('Initialized.\n') # Logging msg = "ALL ENGINES GO!\n" msg += "-----------------------------\n" msg += f"ACCOUNT: {bot.user}\n" msg += f"OWNER: {self.appinfo.owner}\n" msg += "-----------------------------\n" print(msg) # pylint: disable=no-member self.logging.info(content=msg, name="On Ready") async def on_message(self, message): """Handles what the bot does whenever a message comes across.""" # Prerequisites mentions = [self.user.mention, f'<@!{self.user.id}>'] ctx = await self.get_context(message) # Avoid warnings while loading if not hasattr(bot, 'appinfo'): return # Handling # Turn away bots elif message.author.bot: return # Ignore blocked users elif message.author.id in self.config.get('BLOCKED'): return # Maintenance mode elif ( self.maintenance and not message.author.id == bot.appinfo.owner.id ): return # Empty ping for assistance elif message.content in mentions and self.mention_assist: assist_msg = ( "**Hi there! How can I help?**\n\n" # Two New Lines Here f"You may use **{self.user.mention}** `term here` to search, " f"or **{self.user.mention}** `help` for assistance.") await ctx.send(assist_msg) # Move on to command handling else: await self.process_commands(message) # Creates Bot object bot = Bot() @bot.listen() async def on_command_error(ctx, error): """Handles all errors stemming from ext.commands.""" # Lets other cogs handle CommandNotFound. # Change this if you want command not found handling. if ( isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound) or isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure) ): return # Custom message for if an argument is missing. elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( f"**Missing Argument!** A `{error.param.name}` is needed." ) elif isinstance(error, searchexceptions.SafesearchFail): await ctx.send( "**Sorry!** That query included language " "we cannot accept in a non-NSFW channel. " "Please try again in an NSFW channel." ) # Provides a very pretty embed if something's actually a dev's fault. elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): # Prerequisites embed_fallback = ( f"**An error occured: {type(error).__name__}. " f"Please contact {bot.appinfo.owner}.**" ) error_embed = await bot.logging.error( # pylint: disable=no-member error, ctx, ctx.command.cog.qualified_name if ctx.command.cog.qualified_name else "DMs" ) # Sending await ctx.send(embed_fallback, embed=error_embed) # If anything else goes wrong, just go ahead and send it in chat. else: await bot.logging.error( # pylint: disable=no-member error, ctx, ctx.command.cog.qualified_name if ctx.command.cog.qualified_name else "DMs" ) await ctx.send(error) # NOTE Bot Entry Point # Starts the bot print("Connecting...\n") bot.run(bot.config['TOKEN'])