# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Search Functionality # Provides search results from Qwant '''Search Cog''' from typing import List import discord from discord.ext import commands import html2text import re from urllib.parse import quote_plus from extensions.models import searchexceptions from extensions.models.regex import nono_re class Search(commands.Cog, name="Basic"): """Searches the web for a variety of different resources.""" def __init__(self, bot): # Main Stuff self.bot = bot self.info = bot.logging.info self.warn = bot.logging.warn self.debug = bot.logging.debug self.request = bot.request self.emoji = "\U0001F50D" self.scrape_token = bot.config['SCRAPESTACK'] # Markdown converter self.tomd = html2text.HTML2Text() self.tomd.ignore_links = True self.tomd.ignore_images = True self.tomd.ignore_tables = True self.tomd.ignore_emphasis = True self.tomd.body_width = 0 async def _search_logic(self, query: str, is_nsfw: bool = False, category: str = 'web', count: int = 5) -> list: """Uses scrapestack and the Qwant API to find search results.""" # Typing base: str safesearch: str # NSFW Filtering if nono_re.match(query) and not is_nsfw: raise searchexceptions.SafesearchFail('Query had NSFW.') base = "https://api.qwant.com/api" # Safesearch if is_nsfw: safesearch = "0" else: safesearch = "2" # Search URL Building # api.qwant.com/api/search/web?count=5&q=test&safesearch=2&... search_url = ( f"{base}/search/{category}" f"?count={count}" f"&q={query}" f"&safesearch={safesearch}" "&t=web" "&locale=en_US" "&uiv=4" ) # Scrape or not if self.scrape_token != '': search_url = ( "http://api.scrapestack.com/scrape" f"?access_key={self.scrape_token}" f"&url={quote_plus(search_url)}" ) self.debug(search_url, name="_search_logic") # Searching headers = { 'User-Agent': ( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:74.0)' ' Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0' ) } async with self.request.get(search_url, headers=headers) as resp: to_parse = await resp.json() # Sends results return to_parse['data']['result']['items'] async def _basic_search(self, ctx, query: str, category: str = 'web'): """Basic search formatting.""" # NOTE Customizable count not yet implemented. count: int = 5 # Safesearch variable is_nsfw = ( ctx.channel.is_nsfw() if hasattr(ctx.channel, 'is_nsfw') else False ) # Handling async with ctx.typing(): # Searches results = await self._search_logic(query, is_nsfw, category) count = len(results) # Escapes all nasties for displaying query_display = discord.utils.escape_mentions(query) query_display = discord.utils.escape_markdown(query_display) # Return if no results try: results[0] except IndexError: return await ctx.send( f"No results found for `{query_display}`." ) # Gets the first entry's stuff first_title = self.tomd.handle(results[0]['title']).rstrip('\n') first_url = results[0]['url'] first_desc = self.tomd.handle(results[0]['desc']).rstrip('\n') # Builds the substring for each of the other results. other_results: List[str] = [] for r in results[1:count]: title = self.tomd.handle(r['title']).rstrip('\n') url = r['url'] other_results.append(f"**{title}** {url}") other_msg: str = "\n".join(other_results) # Builds message msg = ( f"Showing **{count}** results for `{query_display}`.\n\n" f"**{first_title}** {first_url}\n{first_desc}\n\n" f"{other_msg}\n\n_Powered by Qwant._" ) msg = re.sub( r'(https?://(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]+\.' r'[a-zA-Z0-9()]+\b[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)', r'<\1>', msg ) # Sends message self.info( f"**New Search** - `{ctx.author}` in `{ctx.guild}`\n\n{msg}", name="New Search" ) await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command() async def search(self, ctx, *, query: str): """Search online for general results.""" await self._basic_search(ctx, query) # @commands.command(aliases=['video']) # async def videos(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for videos.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'videos') # @commands.command() # async def music(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for music.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'music') # @commands.command(aliases=['file']) # async def files(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for files.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'files') # @commands.command(aliases=['image']) # async def images(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for images.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'images') # @commands.command() # async def it(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for IT-related information.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'it') # @commands.command(aliases=['map']) # async def maps(self, ctx, *, query: str): # """Search online for map information.""" # await self._basic_search(ctx, query, 'maps') @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): """Listener makes no command fallback to searching.""" fallback = (commands.CommandNotFound, commands.CheckFailure) if isinstance(error, fallback): try: await self._basic_search( ctx, ctx.message.content[len(ctx.prefix):] ) except searchexceptions.SafesearchFail: await ctx.send( "**Sorry!** That query included language " "we cannot accept in a non-NSFW channel. " "Please try again in an NSFW channel." ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Search(bot))