# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # tacibot core # Handles all important main features of any bot. '''Core File''' import discord import os from discord.ext import commands import time import asyncio import sys import cpuinfo import math import psutil import itertools class Core(commands.Cog): """Provides all core features of a bot.""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.settings = { 'extensions': [] } self._original_help_command = bot.help_command if bot.config['CUSTOM_HELP']: bot.help_command = HelpCommand() bot.help_command.cog = self self._init_extensions() def _init_extensions(self): """Initializes extensions.""" for ext in os.listdir('extensions'): if ext.endswith('.py') and not ext.startswith('core'): try: self.bot.load_extension(f'extensions.{ext[:-3]}') self.settings['extensions'].append( f'extensions.{ext[:-3]}') except: pass def _humanbytes(self, B) -> str: # function lifted from StackOverflow """Return the given bytes as a human friendly KB, MB, GB, or TB string.""" B = float(B) KB = float(1024) MB = float(KB ** 2) # 1,048,576 GB = float(KB ** 3) # 1,073,741,824 TB = float(KB ** 4) # 1,099,511,627,776 if B < KB: return '{0} {1}'.format( B, 'Bytes' if 0 == B > 1 else 'Byte') elif KB <= B < MB: return '{0:.2f} KB'.format(B/KB) elif MB <= B < GB: return '{0:.2f} MB'.format(B/MB) elif GB <= B < TB: return '{0:.2f} GB'.format(B/GB) elif TB <= B: return '{0:.2f} TB'.format(B/TB) @commands.command(aliases=['info', 'source', 'server']) async def about(self, ctx): """Returns information about this bot.""" msg = f"**{self.bot.description}**\n" msg += f"Created by **taciturasa#4365**, this instance by **{self.bot.appinfo.owner}.**\n\n" msg += "**Source Code:** __\n" msg += "**Support Server:** __\n" msg += "_Note: Please attempt to contact the hoster of any separate instances before this server._\n\n" msg += f"_See **{ctx.prefix}** `help` for help, `invite` to add the bot, and `stats` for statistics._" await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command(aliases=['addbot', 'connect', 'join']) async def invite(self, ctx): """Gets a link to invite this bot to your server.""" msg = ( "**Thanks for checking me out!**\n\n" "Use the following link to add me:\n" f"**" ) if self.bot.config['PERMS'] is not None: msg += f"&permissions={self.bot.config['PERMS']}" await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command() async def stats(self, ctx): """Provides statistics on the bot itself.""" mem = psutil.virtual_memory() currproc = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) total_ram = self._humanbytes(mem[0]) available_ram = self._humanbytes(mem[1]) usage = self._humanbytes(currproc.memory_info().rss) msg = f""" ``` Total RAM: {total_ram} Available RAM: {available_ram} RAM used by bot: {usage} Number of bot commands: {len(ctx.bot.commands)} Number of extensions present: {len(ctx.bot.cogs)} ``` """ await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command() async def ping(self, ctx): """Checks the ping of the bot.""" before = time.monotonic() pong = await ctx.send("...") after = time.monotonic() ping = (after - before) * 1000 await pong.edit(content="`PING discordapp.com {}ms`".format(int(ping))) @commands.command() @commands.is_owner() async def load(self, ctx, name: str): """Load an extension into the bot.""" m = await ctx.send(f'Loading {name}') extension_name = 'extensions.{0}'.format(name) if extension_name not in self.settings['extensions']: try: self.bot.load_extension(extension_name) self.settings['extensions'].append(extension_name) await m.edit(content='Extension loaded.') except Exception as e: await m.edit( content=f'Error while loading {name}\n`{type(e).__name__}: {e}`') else: await m.edit(content='Extension already loaded.') @commands.command(aliases=["ule", "ul"]) @commands.is_owner() async def unload(self, ctx, name: str): """Unload an extension from the bot.""" m = await ctx.send(f'Unloading {name}') extension_name = 'extensions.{0}'.format(name) if extension_name in self.settings['extensions']: self.bot.unload_extension(extension_name) self.settings['extensions'].remove(extension_name) await m.edit(content='Extension unloaded.') else: await m.edit(content='Extension not found or not loaded.') @commands.command(aliases=["rle", "rl"]) @commands.is_owner() async def reload(self, ctx, name: str): """Reload an extension of the bot.""" m = await ctx.send(f'Reloading {name}') extension_name = 'extensions.{0}'.format(name) if extension_name in self.settings['extensions']: self.bot.unload_extension(extension_name) try: self.bot.load_extension(extension_name) await m.edit(content='Extension reloaded.') except Exception as e: self.settings['extensions'].remove(extension_name) await m.edit( content=f'Failed to reload extension\n`{type(e).__name__}: {e}`') else: await m.edit(content='Extension isn\'t loaded.') @commands.command(aliases=['exit', 'reboot']) @commands.is_owner() async def restart(self, ctx): """Turns the bot off.""" await ctx.send(':zzz: **Restarting.**') exit() def cog_unload(self): self.bot.help_command = self._original_help_command class HelpCommand(commands.MinimalHelpCommand): def __init__(self, **options): super().__init__(**options) self.command_attrs['help'] = "Find more assistance on this bot." self.subcommands_heading = "Subcommands" def get_opening_note(self): bot = self.context.bot return f"__**{bot.user.name} v{bot.config['VERSION']}**__ - _{bot.description}_" def get_ending_note(self): command_name = self.invoked_with return ( "_For more info, see " f"`{self.clean_prefix}{command_name} [category/command/subcommand]`._" ) def get_command_signature(self, command): return f"**`{self.clean_prefix}{command.qualified_name} {command.signature}`**" def add_aliases_formatting(self, aliases): self.paginator.add_line( f"_{self.aliases_heading} {','.join(f'`{a}`' for a in aliases)}_" ) def add_command_formatting(self, command): if command.description: self.paginator.add_line(command.description, empty=True) signature = self.get_command_signature(command) if command.aliases: self.paginator.add_line(signature) self.add_aliases_formatting(command.aliases) else: self.paginator.add_line(signature, empty=True) if command.help: try: self.paginator.add_line(command.help, empty=True) except RuntimeError: for line in command.help.splitlines(): self.paginator.add_line(line) self.paginator.add_line() def add_subcommand_formatting(self, command): if command.short_doc: line = f"`{command.qualified_name}` - {command.short_doc}" else: line = f"`{command.qualified_name}`" self.paginator.add_line(line) def add_bot_commands_formatting(self, commands, heading): if commands: self.paginator.add_line(f"**{heading}**") # TODO Make the Main Dynamic if heading == 'Core/Bot List': self.paginator.add_line(", ".join(f"`{c.name}`" for c in commands)) else: for c in commands: self.paginator.add_line(f'`{c.name}` - {c.short_doc}') self.paginator.add_line() async def send_bot_help(self, mapping): ctx = self.context bot = ctx.bot note = self.get_opening_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note, empty=True) no_category = '\u200b{0.no_category}'.format(self) def get_category(command, *, no_category=no_category): cog = command.cog return cog.qualified_name if cog is not None else no_category filtered = await self.filter_commands(bot.commands, sort=True, key=get_category) to_iterate = itertools.groupby(filtered, key=get_category) main_cmds = [] other_cmds = {} for category, commands in to_iterate: commands = sorted(commands, key=lambda c: c.name) if self.sort_commands else list(commands) if category in ['Core', 'Bot List']: main_cmds.extend(commands) else: other_cmds[category] = commands self.add_bot_commands_formatting(main_cmds, 'Core/Bot List') for category, commands in other_cmds.items(): self.add_bot_commands_formatting(commands, category) note = self.get_ending_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note) await self.send_pages() async def send_cog_help(self, cog): note = self.get_opening_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note, empty=True) self.paginator.add_line(f"**{cog.qualified_name}**") if cog.description: self.paginator.add_line(f"_{cog.description}_", empty=True) filtered = await self.filter_commands(cog.get_commands(), sort=self.sort_commands) if filtered: for command in filtered: self.add_subcommand_formatting(command) note = self.get_ending_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line() self.paginator.add_line(note) await self.send_pages() async def send_group_help(self, group): note = self.get_opening_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note, empty=True) self.add_command_formatting(group) filtered = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort=self.sort_commands) if filtered: self.paginator.add_line('**%s**' % self.subcommands_heading) for command in filtered: self.add_subcommand_formatting(command) note = self.get_ending_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line() self.paginator.add_line(note) await self.send_pages() async def send_command_help(self, command): note = self.get_opening_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note, empty=True) self.add_command_formatting(command) note = self.get_ending_note() if note: self.paginator.add_line(note) self.paginator.close_page() await self.send_pages() def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Core(bot))