# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # tacibot logging util # Provides utils for logging via webhooks. '''Online File''' import asyncio import traceback from typing import Optional import discord from discord.ext.commands import Context class Logging(): """Provides logging utilities for bots.""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.request = bot.request self.online = bot.online self.maintenance = bot.maintenance self.debug_toggle = bot.debug_toggle # Sets info hook first self.info_hook = self.online.get_webhook( bot.config['HOOKS']['INFO_HOOK']) \ if bot.config['HOOKS']['INFO_HOOK'] \ else None # Sets other hooks or defaults them if self.info_hook: self.warn_hook = self.online.get_webhook( bot.config['HOOKS']['WARN_HOOK']) \ if bot.config['HOOKS']['WARN_HOOK'] \ else self.info_hook self.error_hook = self.online.get_webhook( bot.config['HOOKS']['ERROR_HOOK']) \ if bot.config['HOOKS']['ERROR_HOOK'] \ else self.info_hook self.debug_hook = self.online.get_webhook( bot.config['HOOKS']['DEBUG_HOOK']) \ if bot.config['HOOKS']['DEBUG_HOOK'] \ else self.info_hook # If no hooks, nothing is there else: self.warn_hook = self.error_hook = self.debug_hook = None async def _create_error_embed(self, error: Exception, ctx: Context): """Creates a new basic error embed.""" # Prerequisites formatted_tb = traceback.format_tb(error.__traceback__) tb_str = ''.join(formatted_tb) original_exc = traceback.format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__) # Hastebins Traceback try: url = await self.online.hastebin( ''.join(original_exc)) except Exception as e: url = None print(e) # Embed Building error_embed = discord.Embed( title=( f"{type(error).__name__} " f"{'(Click for Hastebin)' if url else ''}" ), url=url if url else None, color=0xFF0000 ) # Formats Traceback trace_content = ( "```py\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):" "\n{}{}: {}```").format( tb_str, type(error).__name__, error) # Adds Traceback error_embed.add_field( name=( f"`{type(error).__name__}` in " f"command `{ctx.command.qualified_name}`" ), value=(trace_content[:1018] + '...```') if len(trace_content) > 1024 else trace_content ) # Provides completed embed return error_embed def info(self, content: str, embed: Optional[discord.Embed] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): """Logs info and sends it to the appropriate places.""" if self.info_hook: async def task(): await self.info_hook.send( content=content, username=( f"{self.bot.user.name} - {name if name else 'unknown'}" ), avatar_url=str(self.bot.user.avatar_url), embed=embed ) asyncio.create_task(task()) else: return def warn(self, content: str, embed: Optional[discord.Embed] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): """Logs warnings and sends them to the appropriate places.""" if self.warn_hook: async def task(): await self.warn_hook.send( content=content, username=( f"{self.bot.user.name} - {name if name else 'unknown'}" ), avatar_url=str(self.bot.user.avatar_url), embed=embed ) asyncio.create_task(task()) else: return async def error(self, error: Exception, ctx: Context, name: Optional[str]): """Logs errors and sends them to the appropriate places.""" # Prerequisites error_embed = await self._create_error_embed(error, ctx) # Log and say so if self.error_hook: # Log fallback = ( f"**{ctx.author}** encountered a(n) " f"`{type(error).__name__}` when attempting to use " f"`{ctx.command}`." ) await self.error_hook.send( content=fallback, username=( f"{self.bot.user.name} - {name if name else 'unknown'}" ), avatar_url=str(self.bot.user.avatar_url), embed=error_embed ) # Say so is_reported = "has been automatically reported, but" # Say hasn't been logged else: is_reported = "has not been automatically reported, so" # Added reported info and return error_embed.description = ( f"This is (probably) a bug. This {is_reported} " f"please give **{self.bot.appinfo.owner}** a heads-up in DMs." ) return error_embed def debug(self, content: str, embed: Optional[discord.Embed] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): """Logs warnings and sends them to the appropriate places.""" if self.debug_hook and (self.maintenance or self.debug_toggle): async def task(): await self.debug_hook.send( content=f"```{content}```", username=( f"{self.bot.user.name} - {name if name else 'unknown'}" ), avatar_url=str(self.bot.user.avatar_url), embed=embed ) asyncio.create_task(task()) else: return def setup(bot): bot.logging = Logging(bot)