# cutthecord Discord Android app patches. ## Binaries An F-Droid repo is available on https://fdroid.a3.pm/seabear/repo/. You can add that to your phone and get updates easily or just download directly from there. **You will need to uninstall any and all existing Discord or CutTheCord applications from your phone before installing one, or else installation will fail.** Feel free to ignore play protect, it's bullshit. ## Building #### Toolchain setup - Get apktool - Get a keystore, see [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/14994354/3286892), step 1. - If you want Mutant Standard emoji patches, get 72x72 copies of latest version of mutant standard emojis with codepoints. I have a zip [here](https://mutant.lavatech.top/72x72.zip). - Extract the emojis you got somewhere. - Clone this repo somewhere, edit `emojireplace.py` and set the `extracted_mutstd_path` folder to the folder you just extracted emojis to. #### Building a patched discord app - Get a Discord apk (*cough* [apkmirror](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/discord-inc/discord-chat-for-gamers/), [aptoide API](https://ws75.aptoide.com/api/7/app/getMeta?package_name=com.discord)). - Extract it with apktool (`apktool d `) - Get all the necessary patches for that version. Necessary patches are not available for all versions and are only required to get some versions to pack together correctly. - Get optional patches you want for your version. If the patch you want isn't available for your version, you'll have to port them yourself. - Apply the patches (`patch -p1 < `). - If you want mutant (or other emoji patches), edit `patches/mutant/emojireplace.py` to point to extracted discord folder (`extracted_discord_path`), and apply emoji patches (`python3 emojireplace.py`) - Build the new APK (`apktool b com.discord-832`) - Sign the new APK (`jarsigner -keystore /dist/.apk `) - Get your new APK from `/dist/.apk`, install and enjoy! #### Building patches `diff -crB -x "dist" -x "res/raw" -x "build" CleanFolder PatchedFolder > patchname.patch` #### Disclaimer about emojos This [thing] uses Mutant Standard emoji (https://mutant.tech), which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).