public class CodegenImpl implements Codegen { private int labelCounter = 0; public CodegenImpl() {} public String codegen(Program p) throws CodegenException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Declaration main = null; for (Declaration d : p.decls) { if (main == null) { main = d; } builder.append(compileDeclaration(d)); } return builder.toString() + "call " + String.format("%s_%d\n",, main.numOfArgs); } private String generateLabel() { return String.format("branch_%d", labelCounter++); } public String compileDeclaration(Declaration d) throws CodegenException { return String.format("%s_%d:\n",, d.numOfArgs) + compileExp(d.body) + "ret\n"; } public String compileExp(Exp e) throws CodegenException { if (e instanceof IntLiteral) { return String.format("li a0,%d\n", ((IntLiteral) e).n); } else if (e instanceof If) { If eIf = (If) e; String thenLabel = generateLabel(); String elseLabel = generateLabel(); String finalizeLabel = generateLabel(); return compileFullComp(eIf.l, eIf.r, eIf.comp, thenLabel, elseLabel) + thenLabel + ": " + compileExp(eIf.thenBody) + "j " + finalizeLabel + "\n" + elseLabel + ": " + compileExp(eIf.elseBody) + finalizeLabel + ": " + "lw s1,(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,4\n"; } else if (e instanceof Binexp) { Binexp b = (Binexp) e; return compileExp(b.l) + "sw s1,-4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-4\n" + "mv s1,a0\n" + compileExp(b.r) + "mv t1,a0\n" + compileExpBinop(b.binop); } else if (e instanceof Variable) { int offset = ((Variable) e).x; return String.format("lw a0,%d(s0)\n", offset * 4); } else if (e instanceof Invoke) { return compileCall((Invoke) e, false); } else if (e instanceof Seq) { String result = ""; Seq statements = (Seq) e; if (statements.r instanceof Invoke) { // tail call result = compileCall((Invoke) statements.r, true); } else { result = compileExp(statements.r); } return compileExp(statements.l) + result; } else if (e instanceof While) { While eWhile = (While) e; String startLabel = generateLabel(); String bodyLabel = generateLabel(); String exitLabel = generateLabel(); return "sw s2,-4(sp)\n" + "sw s3,-8(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-8\n" + "la s2," + startLabel + "\n" + "la s3," + exitLabel + "\n" + startLabel + ": " + compileFullComp(eWhile.l, eWhile.r, eWhile.comp, bodyLabel, exitLabel) + bodyLabel + ": " + compileExp(eWhile.body) + "lw s1,(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,4\n" + "j " + startLabel + "\n" + exitLabel + ": lw s1,(sp)\n" + "lw s3,4(sp)\n" + "lw s2,8(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,12\n"; } else if (e instanceof RepeatUntil) { RepeatUntil eUntil = (RepeatUntil) e; String compLabel = generateLabel(); String bodyLabel = generateLabel(); String exitLabel = generateLabel(); String contLabel = generateLabel(); String breakLabel = generateLabel(); return "sw s2,-8(sp)\n" + "sw s3,-4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-8\n" + "la s2," + contLabel + "\n" + "la s3," + breakLabel + "\n" + bodyLabel + ": " + compileExp(eUntil.body) + contLabel + ": sw s4,-4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-4\n" + "mv s4,a0\n" + compileFullComp(eUntil.l, eUntil.r, eUntil.comp, exitLabel, compLabel) + compLabel + ": lw s1,(sp)\n" + "lw s4,4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,8\n" + "j " + bodyLabel + "\n" + breakLabel + ": sw s1,-8(sp)\n" + "sw s4,-4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-8\n" + "mv s4,a0\n" + exitLabel + ": lw s1,(sp)\n" + "mv a0,s4\n" // body result to accumulator + "lw s4,4(sp)\n" // restore previous s4 + "lw s2,8(sp)\n" + "lw s3,12(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,16\n"; } else if (e instanceof Assign) { Assign assign = (Assign) e; return compileExp(assign.e) + String.format("sw a0,%d(s0)", assign.x * 4); } else if (e instanceof Continue) { return "jr s2\n"; } else if (e instanceof Break) { return "jr s3\n"; } else if (e instanceof Skip) { return "nop\n"; } throw new CodegenException("Unsupported expression!"); } public String compileCall(Invoke call, boolean tailCall) throws CodegenException { int argLen = call.args.size(); String methodLabel = String.format("%s_%d",, argLen); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // Store return address builder.append("sw ra,-4(sp)\n"); builder.append("mv t0,sp\n"); // shuffle stack pointer to start of arguments builder.append(String.format("addi sp,sp,-%d\n", (argLen + 1) * 4)); builder.append("sw t0,-8(sp)\n"); // store old stack pointer (top of frame) for (int i = argLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Exp argExp = call.args.get(i); builder.append(compileExp(argExp)); builder.append( String.format("sw a0,%d(sp)\n", i*4) ); } // push old frame pointer builder.append("sw s0,-4(sp)\n"); builder.append("addi sp,sp,-8\n"); builder.append( // set frame pointer to start of arguments "addi s0,sp,8\n" + "call " + methodLabel + "\n" // restore old frame pointer & stack pointer + "lw s0,4(sp)\n" + "lw sp,(sp)\n" // restore return address of caller + "lw ra,-4(sp)\n" ); return builder.toString(); } public String compileFullComp(Exp left, Exp right, Comp c, String successLabel, String failLabel) throws CodegenException { return compileExp(left) + "sw s1,-4(sp)\n" + "addi sp,sp,-4\n" + "mv s1,a0\n" + compileExp(right) + "mv t1,a0\n" + compileComp(c, successLabel, failLabel); } public String compileComp(Comp c, String thenLabel, String elseLabel) throws CodegenException { String instruction = ""; if (c instanceof Equals) { instruction = "beq"; } else if (c instanceof Less) { instruction = "blt"; } else if (c instanceof LessEq) { instruction = "ble"; } else if (c instanceof Greater) { instruction = "bgt"; } else if (c instanceof GreaterEq) { instruction = "bge"; } else { throw new CodegenException("Unsupported comparison!"); } return String.format("%s s1,t1,%s\nb %s\n", instruction, thenLabel, elseLabel); } public String compileExpBinop(Binop bin) throws CodegenException { if (bin instanceof Plus) { return "add a0,s1,t1\n"; } else if (bin instanceof Minus) { return "sub a0,s1,t1\n"; } else if (bin instanceof Times) { return "mul a0,s1,t1\n"; } else if (bin instanceof Div) { return "div a0,s1,t1\n"; } throw new CodegenException("Unsupported bin-op! " + bin); } }