ease = require 'lib.ease' FISH_SPLINE_QUALITY = 6 -- bigger number = more lag, smaller number = more noise FISH_RENDER_ITERS = 4 -- a bigger number allows for more smoother flipper movement and rotation, but is significantly laggier FISH_RENDER_ITEROFF = 0.025 -- should be 1/iters*0.1, lower numbers will make movement snappier and higher numbers will make it smoother but glitchier FISH_RENDER_FREQ = 4 -- only update the quality renders once every x frames FISH_COLISSION_CHECK_FREQ = 2 -- how often to update the colission FISH_EASE = ease.inOutSine -- ease used for fish movement FISH_ANGLE = 30 -- bigger angle allows for fish to swim further down/up at once FISH_FOLLOW_RANDOM = 10 FISH_FOOD_CHECK_FREQ = 1 -- how often to check for food FISH_FOOD_1_COOLDOWN = 10 FISH_FOOD_2_COOLDOWN = 20 -- needs to be checked a second time, not sure if this is correct FISH_FOOD_3_COOLDOWN = 25 FISH_FOOD_HUNGRY = -5 FISH_FOOD_DEAD = -13 FISH_AGE_MEDIUM = 25 -- the age, in seconds, needed for a guppy to become a medium guppy FISH_AGE_BIG = 65 -- see above, but for big FISH_SIZE = 6 -- how many large guppies can you fit on the screen FOOTER_HEIGHT = 68 FOOD_HITBOX = 0.08 DEBUG_FISH_PATH_SUBDIVISIONS = 50 DEBUG_FISH_PREDICT_AMOUNT = 0.5