return function(money, dt, sheets) for i,f in ipairs(money) do if not f.collected then f.y = f.y + dt * f.speed f.y = clamp(f.y, 0, 0.9) end f.time = f.time + dt if f.y == 0.9 and not f.collected then f.deathtimer = f.deathtimer + dt end if f.collected then f.collecttimer = f.collecttimer + dt end if f.deathtimer > 1 or f.collecttimer > 1 then table.remove(money, i) end local dist = math.abs(love.mouse.getX() - f.x * + math.abs(love.mouse.getY() - f.y * if dist < sheets.coin1.width/2 and not f.collected then setCursor(cursors.hover) end end end