#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=1078,1079,1091,2027,2034 TEXTDOMAIN=distrohopper TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale export "TEXTDOMAINDIR" "TEXTDOMAIN" trap 'exit' SIGINT SIGTERM SIGQUIT set -e echo $"DistroHopper is running... Press Ctrl-Q anytime to exit." while true do function bugs_notice_show() { echo "" echo $"Done" echo "" echo $"PS: You saw some bugs?" echo $"Could you please provide feedback?" echo $"How do you like DistroHopper?" echo $"What can be improved, added, changed?" echo $" Let me know..." echo "" echo $"Wish you flawless distro hopping..." echo " zenobit" } function help_show() { echo "DistroHopper v. $version" echo "quickemu v. $("$portable_prefix"quickemu --version)" printf $"\texample for First run from terminal: ./dh i && dh s g\n" echo $"Possible arguments:" printf $"\th\thelp\t\t\tShow this help and exit\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\td\tdir\t\t\tSet default directory where VMs are stored\n" printf $"\ti\tinstall\t\t\tInstall DistroHopper\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\tm\tmode\t\t\tPortable mode\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\ts\tsupported\t\tUpdate supported VMs\n" printf $"\tr\tready\t\t\tUpdate ready to run VMs\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\tt\ttui\t\t\tRun terminal user interface (TUI)\n" printf $"\tg\tgui\t\t\tRun graphical user interface (GUI)\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\ta\tadd\t\t\tAdd new distro to quickget\n" printf $"\tf\tfunctions\t\tSort functions in quickget\n" printf $"\tp\tpush\t\t\tPush changed quickget to quickemu project #todo\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\tc\tcopy\t\t\tCopy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" printf $"\tl\tlanguage\t\tTranslate DistroHopper\n" echo "---------------------------------------------------------" echo $"Homepage: dh.osowoso.xyz" echo $"Project hosted at: https://github.com/oSoWoSo/DistroHopper" echo $"Chat group on SimpleX: https://tinyurl.com/7hm4kcjx" } function check_and_set_mode() { [ -f "$DH_CONFIG" ] && work_in_choosed_dir || work_in_current_dir } function work_in_current_dir() { VMS_DIR="$(pwd)" DH_CONFIG_DIR="$(pwd)" DH_ICON_DIR="$(pwd)/icons" portable_prefix='./' export "VMS_DIR" "DH_CONFIG_DIR" "DH_ICON_DIR" "TERMINAL" "replace" "portable_prefix" } function work_in_choosed_dir() { # shellcheck source=distrohopper.conf source "$DH_CONFIG" portable_prefix='' export "portable_prefix" } # installation --------------------------------------------------------- function dependencies_check_gui() { [ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/yad" ] || echo $"Missing yad!" } function dependencies_check_tui() { [ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/fzf" ] || echo $"Missing fzf!" } function variables_set() { # DEBUG mod #bash -x ./dh 2>&1 | tee output.log #progname="${progname:="${0##*/}"}" progname="DistroHopper" version="0.77b" #GTK_THEME="alt-dialog" DH_CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/distrohopper" DH_CONFIG="$DH_CONFIG_DIR/distrohopper.conf" DH_ICON_DIR="/usr/share/icons/distrohopper" PATH_PREFIX="/usr/bin/" TMP_DIR="/tmp" TERMINAL="sakura" replace='"!"' export "DH_CONFIG_DIR" "DH_CONFIG" "replace" "DH_ICON_DIR" "PATH_PREFIX" "TMP_DIR" "TERMINAL" check_and_set_mode # Set traps to catch the signals and exit gracefully trap "exit" INT trap "exit" EXIT } function desktop_entry_create() { cat < ${DESKTOP_FILE} [Desktop Entry] Version=$version Type=$type Name=$name GenericName=$gname Comment=$comment Exec=$execmd Icon=$icon Terminal=$terminal X-MultipleArgs=$args Type=$type Categories=$categories StartupNotify=$notify MimeType=$mime Keywords=$keyword EOF } function directory_structure_create() { source distrohopper.conf echo $"creating config dir..." mkdir -p "$DH_CONFIG_DIR" echo $"creating icons dir as root..." mkdir -p "$DH_ICON_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo mkdir -p "$DH_ICON_DIR" } function desktop_entry_distrohopper() { echo $"Do you want DistroHopper to run in the terminal? (y/n)" run_in_terminal DESKTOP_FILE="${TMP_DIR}/dh.desktop" type='Application' name='DistroHopper' comment='Quickly download, create and run VM of any#TODO operating system.' version='0.77b' execmd="sh -c 'cd ${VMS_DIR} && dh g'" if [ "$interminal" == "yes" ]; then terminal='true' fi icon='hop' categories='System;Virtualization;' desktop_entry_create sudo cp ${TMP_DIR}/dh.desktop /usr/share/applications/ } function virtual_machines_directory_choose() { NEWDIR="$(yad --width=900 --height=900 --file --directory --title="Where to save VMs?")" VMS_DIR="$NEWDIR" echo "VMS_DIR=\"$VMS_DIR\" export \"VMS_DIR\"" >> "$DH_CONFIG" export "VMS_DIR" } function dependencies_install() { # Find the current distribution and install dependecies if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then if grep -q arch /etc/os-release; then sudo pacman -S cdrtools coreutils edk2-ovmf grep jq procps python3 qemu-full sed socat spice-gtk swtpm usbutils util-linux wget xdg-user-dirs xorg-xrandr zsync getext yad fzf elif [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then sudo apt install qemu bash coreutils ovmf grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-client-gtk swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs zsync unzip gettext yad fzf elif grep -q void /etc/os-release; then sudo xbps-install -S qemu bash coreutils grep jq procps-ng python3 util-linux sed spice-gtk swtpm usbutils wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip zsync socat gettext yad fzf elif grep -q fedora /etc/os-release; then sudo dnf install qemu bash coreutils edk2-tools grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-gtk-tools swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip gettext yad fzf elif grep -q nix /etc/os-release; then echo "#TODO" elif grep -q openSUSE /etc/os-release; then # openSUSE supports dnf, but the default is zypper if hash dnf 2>/dev/null; then sudo dnf install qemu bash coreutils edk2-tools grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-gtk-tools swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip gettext yad fzf else echo "ERROR: I currently don't have support for your distro" exit 1 fi else echo "ERROR: I currently don't have support for your distro" exit 1 fi fi } function distrohopper_install() { cp dh quickget quickemu macrecovery windowskey "$PATH_PREFIX" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo cp dh quickget quickemu macrecovery windowskey "$PATH_PREFIX" # quickget also to config directory for adding new distros... cp quickget "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/" echo $"Copying icons..." cp icons/* "$DH_ICON_DIR/" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo cp icons/* "$DH_ICON_DIR/" echo $"Copying desktop entries and locales..." cp -r ready "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/" cp -r supported "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/" cp -r locale "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/" } function installation_process() { dependencies_check_tui dependencies_check_gui #check_quickemu_dependencies echo $"Creating directory structure..." \ && directory_structure_create \ && echo $"Setting up directory..." \ && virtual_machines_directory_choose \ && echo $"Installing needed..." \ && dependencies_install \ && echo $"Installing DistroHopper..." \ && distrohopper_install \ && echo $"Copying desktop entry..." \ && desktop_entry_distrohopper } # basic ---------------------------------------------------------------- function run_in_terminal() { read -r response if [[ "$response" =~ ^[YyAa]$ ]]; then interminal="yes" else interminal="no" fi } function virtual_machines_update_ready() { cd "$VMS_DIR" || exit 1 # for files in "$VMS_DIR"/*; do # if [ ! -e *.conf ]; then # echo $"No .conf files found" # return # fi for vm_conf in *.conf; do if [ "$vm_conf" == "distrohopper.conf" ]; then continue # skip processing distrohopper.conf fi vm_desktop=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf) # Use fuzzy matching to find the best matching icon file (ready to run VMs) icon_name=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf | cut -d'-' -f -2) icon_file=$(find "$DH_ICON_DIR" -type f -iname "${icon_name// /}.*") # If no icon was found, try shorter name (ready to run VMs) if [ -z "$icon_file" ]; then icon_name=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf | cut -d'-' -f1) icon_file=$(find "$DH_ICON_DIR" -type f -iname "${icon_name// /}.*") elif [ -z "$icon_file" ]; then icon_file="$DH_ICON_DIR/tux.svg" fi DESKTOP_FILE="$DH_CONFIG_DIR/ready/$vm_desktop.desktop" type='Application' name="$vm_desktop" comment='Quickly download, create and run VM of any#TODO operating system.' version='0.77b' execmd="sh -c 'cd ${VMS_DIR} && ${portable_prefix}quickemu -vm ${vm_conf}'" icon="$icon_file" categories='System;Virtualization;' desktop_entry_create done } function virtual_machines_update_supported() { echo $"Do you want quickget to show outputs in the terminal? (y/n)" run_in_terminal # get supported VMs "$portable_prefix"quickget | sed 1d | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -o '[^ ]*' > "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/supported.md" while read -r get_name; do vm_desktop=$(echo "$get_name" | tr ' ' '_') releases=$("$portable_prefix"quickget "$vm_desktop" | grep 'Releases' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/ *$//') editions=$("$portable_prefix"quickget "$vm_desktop" | grep 'Editions' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/ *$//') icon_name="$DH_ICON_DIR/$get_name" if [ -f "$icon_name.svg" ]; then icon_file="$icon_name.svg" elif [ -f "$icon_name.png" ]; then icon_file="$icon_name.png" else icon_file="$DH_ICON_DIR/tux.svg" fi echo $"Creating $vm_desktop desktop entry..." echo "" # Check if there are editions DESKTOP_FILE="$DH_CONFIG_DIR/supported/$vm_desktop.desktop" type='Application' name="$get_name" releases=$releases replace=$replace if [ -z "$editions" ]; then execmd="sh -c 'cd $VMS_DIR && yad --form --field=\"Release:CB\" \"${releases// /$replace}\" | cut -d\'|\' -f1 | xargs -I{} sh -c \"${portable_prefix}quickget $get_name {}\"'" elif [ "$interminal" == "yes" ]; then terminal='true' else editions=$editions execcmd="sh -c 'cd $VMS_DIR && yad --form --separator=\" \" --field=\"Release:CB\" \"${releases// /$replace}\" --field=\"Edition:CB\" \"${editions// /$replace}\" | xargs -I{} sh -c \"${portable_prefix}quickget $get_name {}\"'" fi icon='hop' categories='System;Virtualization;' desktop_entry_create done < "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/supported.md } function distrohopper_run_gui() { dependencies_check_gui key=$((RANDOM % 9000 + 1000)) yad --plug="$key" --tabnum=1 --monitor --icons --listen --read-dir="$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/ready --sort-by-name --no-buttons --borders=0 --icon-size=46 --item-width=76 & yad --plug="$key" --tabnum=2 --monitor --icons --listen --read-dir="$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/supported --sort-by-name --no-buttons --borders=0 --icon-size=46 --item-width=76 & yad --dynamic --notebook --key="$key" --monitor --listen --window-icon="$DH_ICON_DIR"/hop.svg --width=900 --height=900 --title="DistroHopper" --tab="run VM" --tab="download VM" } function distrohopper_run_tui() { dependencies_check_tui tui_run if [ "$todo" = "create" ]; then virtual_machine_create if [ "$os" = windows ]; then tui_windows else tui_get_releases_and_editions fzf_choose_release if [ "$(echo "$choices" | wc -l)" = 1 ]; then quickget_download_os_release else fzf_choose_edition quickget_download_os_release_edition fi fi else fzf_choose_virtual_machine_to_run virtual_machine_run fi } tui_run() { cd "$VMS_DIR" || exit 1 vms=(*.conf) printf $" Prepared VMs:\n-------------\n\n" # Check if there are any VMs if [ ${#vms[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo $"No VMs found." exit 1 fi # Print the names of the available VMs printf "%s\n" "${vms[@]%.*}" echo "-------------" # Action prompt echo $" Do you want to create a new VM? (c)" printf $" or run an existing one? (press anything)\n" read -rn 1 -s start case $start in c ) todo="create" ;; esac } tui_windows() { fzf_choose_language_windows_other if [ "$answer" = "Choose other language" ]; then fzf_choose_release_windows quickget_get_windows_languages_list fzf_choose_language_windows quickget_download_windows fi } function fzf_choose_release() { release=$(echo "$releases" | fzf --cycle --header='Choose Release or CTRL-c or ESC to quit') } function fzf_choose_edition() { edition=$(echo "$editions" | fzf --cycle --header='Choose Edition or CTRL-c or ESC to quit') } function fzf_choose_release_windows() { wrelease=$(echo "8 10 11" | fzf --cycle) } function fzf_choose_language_windows() { wlang=$(cat "$portable_prefix"quickget | sed '/Arabic/,$!d' | head -n $wlend | cut -d'=' -f2 | tail -c +2 | head -c -2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | fzf --cycle --header='Choose Language or CTRL-c or ESC to quit') } function fzf_choose_language_windows_other() { answer=$(echo "Default English Choose other language" | fzf --cycle) } function fzf_choose_virtual_machine_to_run() { choosed=$(echo "$(ls ***.conf 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\.conf$//')" | fzf --cycle --header='Choose VM to run or CTRL-c or ESC to quit') } function quickget_get_releases_and_editions() { result=$(quickget "$choices" | sed 1d | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -o '[^ ]*') releases=$(echo "$result" | head -1) editions=$(echo "$result" | tail -1) } function quickget_get_windows_languages_list() { wlend=$(($(cat "$portable_prefix"quickget | sed '/Arabic/,$!d' | grep -n '}' | cut -d':' -f1 | head -n 1) - 1)) } function quickget_download_os_release() { printf $"\n Trying to download %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release" "$portable_prefix"quickget "$os" "$release" } function quickget_download_os_release_edition() { printf $"\n Trying to download %s %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release" "$edition" "$portable_prefix"quickget "$os" "$release" "$edition" } function quickget_download_windows() { printf $"\n Trying to download Windows %s %s...\n\n" "$wrelease" "$wlang" "$portable_prefix"quickget "windows" "$wrelease" "$wlang" } function virtual_machine_create() { os=$("$portable_prefix"quickget | sed 1d | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -o '[^ ]*' | fzf --cycle --header='Choose OS to download or CTRL-c or ESC to quit') } function virtual_machine_run() { printf $"\n Starting %s...\n\n" "$choosed" "$portable_prefix"quickemu -vm "$choosed.conf" } # more ----------------------------------------------------------------- function TOOL_copy_ISOs_to_dir() { yad --width=900 --height=900 --file --directory > target cd "$VMS_DIR" || exit 1 # shellcheck disable=2154 cp ./*glob*/*.iso "$target" } # shellcheck disable=2086 function TOOL_quickget_add_distro() { yad --form --field="Pretty name" "" --field="Name" "" --field="Releases" "" --field="Editions" "" --field="URL" "" --field="ISO" "" --field="Checksum file" "" > ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp PRETTY_NAME="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f1)" NAME="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f2)" RELEASES="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f3)" EDITIONS="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f4)" URL="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f5)" ISO="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f6)" CHECKSUM_FILE="$(cat ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp | cut -d'|' -f7)" cat < ${TMP_DIR}/template.tmp #32 $NAME) PRETTY_NAME="$PRETTY_NAME";; #184+ $NAME \\ #262+ function releases_$NAME() { echo $RELEASES } function editions_$NAME() { echo $EDITIONS } #1052+ function get_$NAME() { local EDITION="\${1:-}" local HASH="" local ISO="$ISO" local URL="$URL" HASH="\$(wget -q -O- \${URL}/\${CHECKSUM_FILE} | grep (\${ISO} | cut -d' ' -f4)" echo "\${URL}/\${ISO}" "\${HASH}" } EOF echo "Done" meld "${TMP_DIR}"/template.tmp "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/quickget } function TOOL_quickget_sort_functions() { #TODO # Get the name of the script from the command line argument script_name=$1 # Get a list of all the function names in the script function_names=$(grep -oP '^[[:space:]]*function \K\w+' "$script_name") # Sort the function names alphabetically sorted_function_names=$(echo "$function_names" | sort) # Loop through the sorted function names and print the function definitions for function_name in $sorted_function_names do # Print the function definition to stdout grep -A "$(wc -l < "$script_name")" -w "function $function_name" "$script_name" done } function TOOL_distrohopper_translate() { echo $"Which language change? (en/cs)" echo $"If you want create new one, insert two digit language code..." read lang echo $"Choosed language is: $lang" echo $"Dumping language source..." bash --dump-po-strings dh > "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/dh-source.pot echo $"Merging changes... (Do it yourself)" meld "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/dh-source.pot "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/distrohopper-"$lang".pot echo $"Generating .mo file..." msgfmt -o "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/distrohopper-"$lang".mo "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/distrohopper-"$lang".pot echo $"Do you want copy $lang translation to '/usr/share/local' as root? (y/n)" read response if [[ "$response" =~ ^[YyAa]$ ]]; then echo $"Copying translation to '/usr/share/local'..." sudo cp "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/locale/distrohopper-"$lang".mo /usr/share/locale/"$lang"/LC_MESSAGES/distrohopper.mo fi } # run ------------------------------------------------------------------ variables_set if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then printf $"No argumet provided!\n\n" help_show fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in h|help) help_show shift ;; d|dir) virtual_machines_directory_choose shift ;; i|install) echo $"Starting installation..." installation_process shift ;; m|mode) echo $"Switching to portable mode!" work_in_current_dir shift ;; s|supported) echo $"Updating supported VMs..." virtual_machines_update_supported shift ;; r|ready) echo $"Updating ready VMs..." virtual_machines_update_ready shift ;; t|tui) echo $"Running DistroHopper TUI..." distrohopper_run_tui shift ;; g|gui) echo $"Starting DistroHopper GUI..." distrohopper_run_gui shift ;; a|add) echo $"Adding new distro started..." TOOL_quickget_add_distro shift ;; f|functions) echo $"Sorting functions in template..." TOOL_quickget_sort_functions shift ;; p|push) echo $"Pushing changes to... #TODO" push_changes shift ;; c|copy) echo $"Copying ISOs to dir. It will take some time..." TOOL_copy_ISOs_to_dir shift ;; l|language) TOOL_distrohopper_translate shift ;; z) WIP shift ;; *) echo $"Invalid option: $1" echo "" help_show exit 1 ;; esac done bugs_notice_show exit 0 done