1:#!/usr/bin/env bash 2:# shellcheck disable=1078,1079,1091,2027,2034 4:# shellcheck source=/dev/null 75: #export "VMS_DIR" "DH_CONFIG_DIR" "DH_ICON_DIR" "terminal" "replace" "portable_prefix" 79: # shellcheck source=distrohopper.conf 82: #export "portable_prefix" 85:# installation --------------------------------------------------------- 96: # DEBUG mod 97: #bash -x ./dh 2>&1 | tee output.log 98: #progname="${progname 101: #GTK_THEME="alt-dialog" 109: #export "DH_CONFIG_DIR" "DH_CONFIG" "replace" "DH_ICON_DIR" "PATH_PREFIX" "TMP_DIR" "terminal" 111: # Set traps to catch the signals and exit gracefully 151: comment='Quickly download, create and run VM of any#TODO operating system.' 171: # Find the current distribution and install dependecies 206: # quickget also to config directory for adding new distros... 231:# basic ---------------------------------------------------------------- 245: # for files in "$VMS_DIR"/*; do 246: # if [ ! -e *.conf ]; then 247: # echo $"No .conf files found" 248: # return 249: # fi 252: continue # skip processing distrohopper.conf 255: # Use fuzzy matching to find the best matching icon file (ready to run VMs) 258: # If no icon was found, try shorter name (ready to run VMs) 268: comment='Quickly download, create and run VM of any#TODO operating system.' 281: # get supported VMs 297: # Check if there are editions 323: #define functions for buttons 354: --field="Push!!Push changed quickget to quickemu project #todo" 364: # posible 403: # Check if there are any VMs 404: if [ ${#vms[@]} -eq 0 ]; then 408: # Print the names of the available VMs 411: # Action prompt 498:# more ----------------------------------------------------------------- 503: # shellcheck disable=2154 506: # shellcheck disable=2086 517:#32 521:#184+ 525:#262+ 535:#1052+ 552: #TODO 553: # Get the name of the script from the command line argument 555: # Get a list of all the function names in the script 557: # Sort the function names alphabetically 559: # Loop through the sorted function names and print the function definitions 562: # Print the function definition to stdout 657:# run ------------------------------------------------------------------ 661: if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then 666: while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]