#!/bin/bash # config path CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/distrohopper" source "$CONFIG_DIR"/distrohopper.conf # Renew VMs renew_ready() { echo "Updating VMs..." # Enter ditrohopper VMs dir cd "$VMS_DIR" || exit # check for VMs .conf files (ready to run VMs) for vm_conf in *.conf; do vm_desktop=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf) # Use fuzzy matching to find the best matching icon file (ready to run VMs) icon_name=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf | cut -d'-' -f -2) icon_file=$(find "$ICON_DIR" -type f -iname "${icon_name// /}.*") # If no icon was found, try shorter name (ready to run VMs) if [ -z "$icon_file" ]; then icon_name=$(basename "$VMS_DIR/$vm_conf" .conf | cut -d'-' -f1) icon_file=$(find "$ICON_DIR" -type f -iname "${icon_name// /}.*") fi # If no icon was found, use a default icon (ready to run VMs) if [ -z "$icon_file" ]; then icon_file="$ICON_DIR/tux.svg" fi # content of desktop files (ready to run VMs) desktop_file_content="[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=$vm_desktop Exec=sh -c 'cd \"$VMS_DIR\" && quickemu -vm \"$vm_conf\"' Icon=$icon_file Categories=System;Virtualization;" # create desktop files (ready to run VMs) echo "$desktop_file_content" > "$CONFIG_DIR"/ready/"$vm_desktop".desktop done } renew_supported() { # get supported VMs quickget | sed 1d | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -o '[^ ]*' > "$CONFIG_DIR/supported.md" while read -r get_name; do vm_desktop=$(echo "$get_name" | tr ' ' '_') releases=$(quickget "$vm_desktop" | grep 'Releases' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //') editions=$(quickget "$vm_desktop" | grep 'Editions' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //') icon_name="$ICON_DIR/$get_name" if [ -f "$icon_name.svg" ]; then icon_file="$icon_name.svg" elif [ -f "$icon_name.png" ]; then icon_file="$icon_name.png" else icon_file="$ICON_DIR/tux.svg" fi # Check if there are editions if [ -z "$editions" ]; then # Create desktop file for VMs without editions desktop_file_content="[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=$get_name releases=$releases replace=$replace Exec=sh -c 'cd \"$VMS_DIR\" && yad --form --field=\"Release:CB\" \"${releases// /$replace}\" | cut -d\"|\" -f1 | xargs -I{} sh -c \"quickget $get_name {}\"' Icon=$icon_file Categories=System;Virtualization;" echo "$desktop_file_content" > "$CONFIG_DIR"/supported/"$vm_desktop".desktop else # Create desktop file for VMs with editions desktop_file_content="[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=$get_name releases=$releases editions=$editions replace=$replace Exec=sh -c 'cd \"$VMS_DIR\" && yad --form --separator=\" \" --field=\"Release:CB\" \"${releases// /$replace}\" --field=\"Edition:CB\" \"${editions// /$replace}\" | xargs -I{} sh -c \"quickget $get_name {}\"' Icon=$icon_file Categories=System;Virtualization;" echo "$desktop_file_content" > "$CONFIG_DIR"/supported/"$vm_desktop".desktop fi done < "$CONFIG_DIR"/supported.md } renew_supported renew_ready echo "Done"