function TOOL_distrohopper_translate() { # Shell options shopt -s progcomp shopt -u dirspell progcomp_alias _sort_strings() { # RM duplicate strings from an array and sorts them alphabetically # Usage: _sort_strings "$@" (array of strings) # Returns: $sorted_strings (array) local string strings declare -A strings for string in "${@}"; do [[ $string ]] && IFS=" " strings["${string:- }"]=1 done # shellcheck disable=SC2207 IFS=$'\n' sorted_strings=($(sort <<< "${!strings[*]}")) unset IFS } _clean_cfg_files() { # RM duplicates lines and sorts them alphabetically # Usage: _clean_cfg_files "$@" (array of files) local file for file in "$@"; do mapfile -t strings < "$file" _sort_strings "${strings[@]}" printf "%s\n" "${sorted_strings[@]}" > "$file" done } _get_strings_from_cfg() { # Grabs strings from CFG files # Usage: _get_strings_from_cfg "$@" (array of files) # Returns: $_strings $cfg_list (arrays) local file name for file in "$@"; do name=${file##*/}; name="${name/.cfg/_strings}" mapfile -t "$name" < "$file" [[ $name != en_strings ]] && cfg_list+=("$name") done } _get_string_data() { # Grabs string name and string value # Returns: $data (array) IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra data <<< "${1//=/$'\n'}" data[1]=${data[1]//\"} unset IFS } _translate_string() { # Usage: _translate_string "string" "language code" # Returns: $translated (string) translated="$(curl -s \ -d auth_key=f1414922-db81-5454-67bd-9608cdca44b3:fx \ -d "text=$1" -d "target_lang=${2^^}" \ | grep -o '"text":"[^"]*' | grep -o '[^"]*$')" } _translate_and_add_missing_strings_into_cfg() { # Translates then write missing strings from base language # into the various translation files (from $cfg_list) local line language trad_strings for line in "${en_strings[@]:?}"; do _get_string_data "$line" for language in "${cfg_list[@]}"; do declare -n trad_strings="$language" if [[ "${trad_strings[*]}" != *"${data[0]}="* ]]; then _translate_string "${data[1]}" "${language/_strings}" [[ -n $translated ]] && line="${data[0]}=\"${translated}\"" [[ -n $translated ]] && note="translated" || note="original" trad_strings+=("$line"); file="${language/_strings/.cfg}" printf "%s\n" "${trad_strings[@]}" > "lang/$file" echo "=> ${data[0]} (${note}) added into $file" fi done done } # Run ZMB Translate if [[ $ttt == dh ]]; then echo "Running ZMB translate (this could take a while)..." _clean_cfg_files lang/*.cfg _get_strings_from_cfg lang/*.cfg _translate_and_add_missing_strings_into_cfg _clean_cfg_files lang/*.cfg [[ $note ]] && echo "==> done" || echo "==> nothing to translate" else echo "ERROR: you must specify 'dh' as argument" fi }