feat: restore automated Windows .iso downloads from Microsoft servers

This implementation is based on Mido:

- https://github.com/ElliotKillick/Mido

More useful failure messages are presented and if the download is blocked clear steps to manually complete the setup are presented. Windows 8 is re-instated as a supported release, although without install automation or driver optimisation.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Wimpress 2023-11-10 13:48:31 +00:00 committed by Martin Wimpress
parent c52171e797
commit e0fce7b1df
2 changed files with 192 additions and 51 deletions

View file

@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ sudo rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist
Now reboot, and the App Store should work.
## Windows 10 & 11 Guests
## Windows 8, 10 & 11 Guests
`quickget` can download
[Windows10](https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows10) and
@ -491,9 +491,12 @@ automatically and create an optimised virtual machine configuration.
This configuration also includes the [VirtIO drivers for
Windows 8.1 is also supported but doesn't feature any automated installation or
driver optimisation.
``` bash
quickget windows 11
quickemu --vm windows-11-22H2.conf
quickemu --vm windows-11.conf
- Complete the installation as you normally would.
@ -511,7 +514,7 @@ disk_img="windows-11/disk.qcow2"
- `guest_os="windows"` instructs `quickemu` to optimise for Windows.

View file

@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ function releases_vxlinux() {
function releases_windows() {
echo 10 11
echo 8 10 11
function releases_xerolinux() {
@ -1157,13 +1157,7 @@ EOF
# Enable TPM for Windows 11
if [ "${OS}" == "windows" ] && [ "${RELEASE}" -ge 11 ]; then
echo "tpm=\"on\"" >> "${CONF_FILE}"
# Only force SecureBoot on for non-Debian/Ubuntu distros.
if [ -e "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE_4M.fd" ] && [ -e "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS_4M.fd" ]; then
echo "secureboot=\"${SEC_BOOT}\"" >> "${CONF_FILE}"
echo "secureboot=\"off\"" >> "${CONF_FILE}"
@ -2477,48 +2471,191 @@ function unattended_windows() {
handle_curl_error() {
local error_code="$1"
function get_windows() {
# Use the iTechtics CDN to download the ISOs.
# - https://www.itechtics.com/windows-10-download-iso/
# - https://www.itechtics.com/windows-11-download-iso/
# 0 : Prompt for a manual ISO download
# 1 : Download automatically
local fatal_error_action=2
if [ ${AUTO_DOWNLOAD} -eq 1 ]; then
# Ignore the most recent Windows 10 release for now.
case ${RELEASE} in
10) DOWNLOAD_URL="https://www.itechtics.com/?dl_id=173"
11) DOWNLOAD_URL="https://www.itechtics.com/?dl_id=168"
case "$error_code" in
echo "Failed to resolve Microsoft servers! Is there an Internet connection? Exiting..."
return "$fatal_error_action"
echo "Failed to contact Microsoft servers! Is there an Internet connection or is the server down?"
echo "Failed at writing Windows media to disk! Out of disk space or permission error? Exiting..."
return "$fatal_error_action"
echo "Ran out of memory during download! Exiting..."
return "$fatal_error_action"
echo "Failed to continue earlier download!"
echo "Microsoft servers returned failing HTTP status code!"
# POSIX defines exit statuses 1-125 as usable by us
# https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_08_02
$((error_code <= 125)))
# Must be some other server error (possibly with this specific request/file)
# This is when accounting for all possible errors in the curl manual assuming a correctly formed curl command and HTTP(S) request, using only the curl features we're using, and a sane build
echo "Server returned an error status!"
126 | 127)
echo "Curl command not found! Please install curl and try again. Exiting..."
return "$fatal_error_action"
# Exit statuses are undefined by POSIX beyond this point
case "$(kill -l "$error_code")" in
# Signals defined to exist by POSIX:
# https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/signal.h.html
echo "Curl was interrupted!"
# There could be other signals but these are most common
echo "Curl crashed! Failed exploitation attempt? Please report any core dumps to curl developers. Exiting..."
return "$fatal_error_action"
echo "Curl terminated due to a fatal signal!"
echo "Downloading Windows ${RELEASE} ${EDITION}..."
web_get "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" "${VM_PATH}" "${FILE_NAME}"
return 1
check_hash "${FILE_NAME}" "${FILE_HASH}"
case ${RELEASE} in
10) WINDOWS_ISO_URL="https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows10";;
11) WINDOWS_ISO_URL="https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11";;
echo "######################################################################"
echo "# Download a Windows ${RELEASE} .iso image from:"
echo "# - ${WINDOWS_ISO_URL}"
echo "# Put the .iso image in the ${VM_PATH} directory and rename"
echo "# it to windows-${RELEASE}.iso."
echo "######################################################################"
function download_windows() {
# Download newer consumer Windows versions from behind gated Microsoft API
# This function aims to precisely emulate what Fido does down to the URL requests and HTTP headers (exceptions: updated user agent and referer adapts to Windows version instead of always being "windows11") but written in POSIX sh (with coreutils) and curl instead of PowerShell (also simplified to greatly reduce attack surface)
# However, differences such as the order of HTTP headers and TLS stacks (could be used to do TLS fingerprinting) still exist
# Command translated: ./Fido -Win 10 -Lang English -Verbose
# "English" = "English (United States)" (as opposed to the default "English (International)")
# For testing Fido, replace all "https://" with "http://" and remove all instances of "-MaximumRedirection 0" (to allow redirection of HTTP traffic to HTTPS) so HTTP requests can easily be inspected in Wireshark
# Fido (command-line only) works under PowerShell for Linux if that makes it easier for you
# UPDATE: Fido v1.4.2+ no longer works without being edited on Linux due to these issues on the Fido GitHub repo (and possibly others after these): #56 and #58
# If this function in Mido fails to work for you then please test with the Fido script before creating an issue because we basically just copy what Fido does exactly:
# https://github.com/pbatard/Fido
# Either 8, 10, or 11
local windows_version="$1"
local url="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows$windows_version"
case "$windows_version" in
8 | 10) url="${url}ISO";;
local user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0"
# uuidgen: For MacOS (installed by default) and other systems (e.g. with no /proc) that don't have a kernel interface for generating random UUIDs
local session_id="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid 2> /dev/null || uuidgen --random)"
# Get product edition ID for latest release of given Windows version
# Product edition ID: This specifies both the Windows release (e.g. 22H2) and edition ("multi-edition" is default, either Home/Pro/Edu/etc., we select "Pro" in the answer files) in one number
# This is the *only* request we make that Fido doesn't. Fido manually maintains a list of all the Windows release/edition product edition IDs in its script (see: $WindowsVersions array). This is helpful for downloading older releases (e.g. Windows 10 1909, 21H1, etc.) but we always want to get the newest release which is why we get this value dynamically
# Also, keeping a "$WindowsVersions" array like Fido does would be way too much of a maintenance burden
# Remove "Accept" header that curl sends by default
local iso_download_page_html="$(curl --silent --user-agent "$user_agent" --header "Accept:" --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "$url")" || {
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
# Limit untrusted size for input validation
iso_download_page_html="$(echo "$iso_download_page_html" | head -c 102400)"
# tr: Filter for only numerics to prevent HTTP parameter injection
# head -c was recently added to POSIX: https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=407
local product_edition_id="$(echo "$iso_download_page_html" | grep -Eo '<option value="[0-9]+">Windows' | cut -d '"' -f 2 | head -n 1 | tr -cd '0-9' | head -c 16)"
echo " - Product edition ID: $product_edition_id"
# Permit Session ID
# "org_id" is always the same value
curl --silent --output /dev/null --user-agent "$user_agent" --header "Accept:" --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "https://vlscppe.microsoft.com/tags?org_id=y6jn8c31&session_id=$session_id" || {
# This should only happen if there's been some change to how this API works (copy whatever fix Fido implements)
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
# Extract everything after the last slash
local url_segment_parameter="${url##*/}"
# Get language -> skuID association table
# SKU ID: This specifies the language of the ISO. We always use "English (United States)", however, the SKU for this changes with each Windows release
# We must make this request so our next one will be allowed
# --data "" is required otherwise no "Content-Length" header will be sent causing HTTP response "411 Length Required"
local language_skuid_table_html="$(curl --silent --request POST --user-agent "$user_agent" --data "" --header "Accept:" --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/api/controls/contentinclude/html?pageId=a8f8f489-4c7f-463a-9ca6-5cff94d8d041&host=www.microsoft.com&segments=software-download,$url_segment_parameter&query=&action=getskuinformationbyproductedition&sessionId=$session_id&productEditionId=$product_edition_id&sdVersion=2")" || {
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
# Limit untrusted size for input validation
language_skuid_table_html="$(echo "$language_skuid_table_html" | head -c 10240)"
# tr: Filter for only alphanumerics or "-" to prevent HTTP parameter injection
local sku_id="$(echo "$language_skuid_table_html" | grep "English (United States)" | sed 's/&quot;//g' | cut -d ',' -f 1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:alnum:]-' | head -c 16)"
echo " - SKU ID: $sku_id"
# Get ISO download link
# If any request is going to be blocked by Microsoft it's always this last one (the previous requests always seem to succeed)
# --referer: Required by Microsoft servers to allow request
local iso_download_link_html="$(curl --silent --request POST --user-agent "$user_agent" --data "" --referer "$url" --header "Accept:" --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.2 --http1.1 -- "https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/api/controls/contentinclude/html?pageId=6e2a1789-ef16-4f27-a296-74ef7ef5d96b&host=www.microsoft.com&segments=software-download,$url_segment_parameter&query=&action=GetProductDownloadLinksBySku&sessionId=$session_id&skuId=$sku_id&language=English&sdVersion=2")" || {
# This should only happen if there's been some change to how this API works
handle_curl_error $?
return $?
local failed=0
# Limit untrusted size for input validation
iso_download_link_html="$(echo "$iso_download_link_html" | head -c 4096)"
if ! [ "$iso_download_link_html" ]; then
# This should only happen if there's been some change to how this API works
echo " - Microsoft servers gave us an empty response to our request for an automated download."
if echo "$iso_download_link_html" | grep -q "We are unable to complete your request at this time."; then
echo " - Microsoft blocked the automated download request based on your IP address."
if [ ${failed} -eq 1 ]; then
echo " - Manually download the Windows ${windows_version} ISO using a web browser from: ${url}"
echo " - Save the downloaded ISO to: $(realpath ${VM_PATH})"
echo " - Update the config file to reference the downloaded ISO: ./${VM_PATH}.conf"
echo " - Continuing with the VM creation process..."
return 1
# Filter for 64-bit ISO download URL
# sed: HTML decode "&" character
# tr: Filter for only alphanumerics or punctuation
local iso_download_link="$(echo "$iso_download_link_html" | grep -o "https://software.download.prss.microsoft.com.*IsoX64" | cut -d '"' -f 1 | sed 's/&amp;/\&/g' | tr -cd '[:alnum:][:punct:]' | head -c 512)"
if ! [ "$iso_download_link" ]; then
# This should only happen if there's been some change to the download endpoint web address
echo " - Microsoft servers gave us no download link to our request for an automated download. Please manually download this ISO in a web browser: $url"
return 1
echo " - Got latest ISO download link (valid for 24 hours): $iso_download_link"
# Download ISO
FILE_NAME="$(echo "$iso_download_link" | cut -d'?' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f5)"
web_get "$iso_download_link" "${VM_PATH}" "${FILE_NAME}"
function get_windows() {
echo "Downloading Windows ${RELEASE}..."
download_windows "${RELEASE}"
echo "Downloading VirtIO drivers..."
web_get "https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/stable-virtio/virtio-win.iso" "${VM_PATH}"
rm -f "${VM_PATH}/unattended.iso"
@ -2534,10 +2671,11 @@ function get_windows() {
case "${AUTO_DOWNLOAD}" in
0) make_vm_config "windows-${RELEASE}.iso" "virtio-win.iso";;
1) make_vm_config "${FILE_NAME}" "virtio-win.iso";;
if [ -n "${FILE_NAME}" ]; then
make_vm_config "${FILE_NAME}" "virtio-win.iso"
make_vm_config "windows-${RELEASE}.iso" "virtio-win.iso"
open_url() {