refactor(dh): replace hardcoded strings with variables and improve readability

refactor(dh): replace hardcoded strings with variables in the dh script

refactor(lang): improve language translations and remove unnecessary escape characters

chore(lang): update language files formatting and translations
This commit is contained in:
zenobit 2023-04-02 11:14:03 +02:00
parent 7cdb647f6f
commit 7f9a85e1f7
5 changed files with 152 additions and 152 deletions

View file

@ -20,47 +20,47 @@ while true
function bugs_notice_show() {
echo ""
echo $"Done"
echo "$MSG_DONE"
echo ""
echo $"PS: You saw some bugs?"
echo $"Could you please provide feedback?"
echo $"How do you like DistroHopper?"
echo $"What can be improved, added, changed?"
echo $" Let me know..."
echo "$MSG_BUGS"
echo "$MSG_LIKE"
echo "$MSG_KNOW"
echo ""
echo $"Wish you flawless distro hopping..."
echo " zenobit"
function help_show() {
echo "DistroHopper v. $version"
echo "quickemu v. $("$portable_prefix"quickemu --version)"
printf $"\texample for First run from terminal: ./dh i && dh s g\n"
echo $"Possible arguments:"
printf $"\th\thelp\t\t\tShow this help and exit\n"
printf "$MSG_H_FIRST ./dh i && dh s g\n"
printf $"\th\thelp\t\t\t$MSG_H_HELP\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\td\tdir\t\t\tSet default directory where VMs are stored\n"
printf $"\ti\tinstall\t\t\tInstall DistroHopper\n"
printf $"\td\tdir\t\t\t$MSG_H_DIR\n"
printf $"\ti\tinstall\t\t\t$MSG_H_INSTALL\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\tm\tmode\t\t\tPortable mode\n"
printf $"\tm\tmode\t\t\t$MSG_H_MODE\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\ts\tsupported\t\tUpdate supported VMs\n"
printf $"\tr\tready\t\t\tUpdate ready to run VMs\n"
printf $"\ts\tsupported\t\t$MSG_H_SUPPORTED\n"
printf $"\tr\tready\t\t\t$MSG_H_READY\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\tt\ttui\t\t\tRun terminal user interface (TUI)\n"
printf $"\tg\tgui\t\t\tRun graphical user interface (GUI)\n"
printf $"\tt\ttui\t\t\t$MSG_H_TUI\n"
printf $"\tg\tgui\t\t\t$MSG_H_GUI\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\ta\tadd\t\t\tAdd new distro to quickget\n"
printf $"\tf\tfunctions\t\tSort functions in quickget\n"
printf $"\tp\tpush\t\t\tPush changed quickget to quickemu project #todo\n"
printf $"\ta\tadd\t\t\t$MSG_H_ADD\n"
printf $"\tf\tfunctions\t\t$MSG_H_SORT\n"
printf $"\tp\tpush\t\t\t$MSG_H_PUSH\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\tc\tcopy\t\t\tCopy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)\n"
printf $"\tc\tcopy\t\t\t$MSG_H_COPY\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
printf $"\tl\tlanguage\t\tTranslate DistroHopper\n"
printf $"\tl\tlanguage\t\t$MSG_H_TRANSLATE\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo $"Homepage:"
echo $"Project hosted at:"
echo $"Chat group on SimpleX:"
echo "$MSG_HOSTED"
echo "$MSG_CHAT"
function check_and_set_mode() {
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ do
# installation ---------------------------------------------------------
function dependencies_check_gui() {
[ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/yad" ] || echo $"Missing yad!"
[ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/yad" ] || echo "$MSG_YAD"
function dependencies_check_tui() {
[ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/fzf" ] || echo $"Missing fzf!"
[ -f "$PATH_PREFIX/fzf" ] || echo "$MSG_FZF"
function variables_set() {
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ EOF
function directory_structure_create() {
source distrohopper.conf
echo $"creating config dir..."
echo "$MSG_CONFIG"
mkdir -p "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"
echo $"creating icons dir as root..."
echo "$MSG_ICONS"
mkdir -p "$DH_ICON_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo mkdir -p "$DH_ICON_DIR"
function desktop_entry_distrohopper() {
echo $"Do you want DistroHopper to run in the terminal? (y/n)"
echo "$MSG_INTERM"
@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ EOF
if hash dnf 2>/dev/null; then
sudo dnf install qemu bash coreutils edk2-tools grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-gtk-tools swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs xrandr unzip gettext yad fzf
echo "ERROR: I currently don't have support for your distro"
exit 1
echo "ERROR: I currently don't have support for your distro"
exit 1
@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ EOF
cp dh quickget quickemu macrecovery windowskey "$PATH_PREFIX" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo cp dh quickget quickemu macrecovery windowskey "$PATH_PREFIX"
# quickget also to config directory for adding new distros...
cp quickget "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/"
echo $"Copying icons..."
echo "$MSG_C_ICONS"
cp icons/* "$DH_ICON_DIR/" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo cp icons/* "$DH_ICON_DIR/"
echo $"Copying desktop entries and locales..."
cp -r ready "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/"
cp -r supported "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/"
cp -r locale "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/"
@ -235,15 +235,15 @@ EOF
echo $"Creating directory structure..." \
&& directory_structure_create \
&& echo $"Setting up directory..." \
&& echo "$MSG_SETTINGUP" \
&& virtual_machines_directory_choose \
&& echo $"Installing needed..." \
&& echo "$MSG_NEEDED" \
&& dependencies_install \
&& echo $"Installing DistroHopper..." \
&& echo "$MSG_INSTALLING" \
&& distrohopper_install \
&& echo $"Copying desktop entry..." \
&& echo "$MSG_C_ENTRY" \
&& desktop_entry_distrohopper
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ EOF
function virtual_machines_update_supported() {
echo $"Do you want quickget to show outputs in the terminal? (y/n)"
echo "$MSG_Q_INTERM"
# get supported VMs
"$portable_prefix"quickget | sed 1d | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -o '[^ ]*' > "$DH_CONFIG_DIR/"
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ EOF
echo $"Creating $vm_desktop desktop entry..."
echo ""
# Check if there are editions
@ -416,18 +416,18 @@ EOF
tui_run() {
cd "$VMS_DIR" || exit 1
printf $" Prepared VMs:\n-------------\n\n"
printf "$MSG_PREPARED:\n-------------\n\n"
# Check if there are any VMs
if [ ${#vms[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
echo $"No VMs found."
echo "$MSG_NO_VM"
exit 1
# Print the names of the available VMs
printf "%s\n" "${vms[@]%.*}"
echo "-------------"
# Action prompt
echo $" Do you want to create a new VM? (c)"
printf $" or run an existing one? (press anything)\n"
echo "$MSG_NEW (c)"
printf "$MSG_OR_RUN\n"
read -rn 1 -s start
case $start in
c )
@ -488,17 +488,17 @@ Choose other language" | fzf --cycle)
function quickget_download_os_release() {
printf $"\n Trying to download %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release"
printf $"\n $MSG_TRYING %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release"
"$portable_prefix"quickget "$os" "$release"
function quickget_download_os_release_edition() {
printf $"\n Trying to download %s %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release" "$edition"
printf $"\n $MSG_TRYING %s %s %s...\n\n" "$os" "$release" "$edition"
"$portable_prefix"quickget "$os" "$release" "$edition"
function quickget_download_windows() {
printf $"\n Trying to download Windows %s %s...\n\n" "$wrelease" "$wlang"
printf $"\n $MSG_TRYING %s %s...\n\n" "$wrelease" "$wlang"
"$portable_prefix"quickget "windows" "$wrelease" "$wlang"
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ Choose other language" | fzf --cycle)
function virtual_machine_run() {
printf $"\n Starting %s...\n\n" "$choosed"
printf $"\n $MSG_STARTING %s...\n\n" "$choosed"
"$portable_prefix"quickemu -vm "$choosed.conf"
@ -582,20 +582,20 @@ EOF
function TOOL_distrohopper_translate() {
echo $"Which language change? (en/cs)"
echo $"If you want create new one, insert two digit language code..."
read lang
echo $"Choosed language is: $lang"
echo $"Dumping language source..."
echo "$MSG_LANG: $lang"
echo "$MSG_DUMP"
bash --dump-po-strings dh > "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/dh-source.pot
echo $"Merging changes... (Do it yourself)"
meld "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/dh-source.pot "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/distrohopper-"$lang".pot
echo $"Generating .mo file..."
echo "$MSG_MO"
msgfmt -o "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/distrohopper-"$lang".mo "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/distrohopper-"$lang".pot
echo $"Do you want copy $lang translation to '/usr/share/local' as root? (y/n)"
echo "$MSG_COPY $lang $MSG_TRANSLATION '/usr/share/local' $MSG_AS_ROOT"
read response
if [[ "$response" =~ ^[YyAa]$ ]]; then
echo $"Copying translation to '/usr/share/local'..."
echo "$MSG_C_TRANSLATION '/usr/share/local'..."
sudo cp "$DH_CONFIG_DIR"/lang/distrohopper-"$lang".mo /usr/share/lang/"$lang"/LC_MESSAGES/
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ EOF
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
printf $"No argumet provided!\n\n"
printf "$MSG_NO\n\n"
@ -622,52 +622,52 @@ EOF
echo $"Starting installation..."
echo $"Switching to portable mode!"
echo "$MSG_MODE"
echo $"Updating supported VMs..."
echo $"Updating ready VMs..."
echo "$MSG_U_READY"
echo $"Running DistroHopper TUI..."
echo "$MSG_S_TUI"
echo $"Starting DistroHopper GUI..."
echo "$MSG_S_GUI"
echo $"Adding new distro started..."
echo $"Sorting functions in template..."
echo $"Pushing changes to..."
echo $"Copying ISOs to dir. It will take some time..."
echo "$MSG_C_ISOS"
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ EOF
echo $"Invalid option: $1"
echo "$MSG_INVALID: $1"
echo ""
exit 1

View file

@ -8,30 +8,30 @@ MSG_C_LANG="Chcete kopírovat překlad do systému? (y/n)"
MSG_C_TRANS="Kopírování překladu..."
MSG_D_INTERM="Chcete, aby se DistroHopper spouštěl v terminálu? (y/n)"
MSG_DIR="vytvoření konfiguračního adresáře..."
MSG_D_LANG="\\n Pokoušíme se stáhnout systém Windows %s %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_LANG=" Pokus o stažení systému Windows %s %s..."
MSG_D_OS="\\n Pokus o stažení %s %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_RELEASE="\\n Pokus o stažení %s %s %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_OS=" Pokus o stažení %s %s..."
MSG_D_RELEASE=" Pokus o stažení %s %s %s %s..."
MSG_DUMP="Odhození jazykového zdroje..."
MSG_FEEDBACK="Mohli byste prosím poskytnout zpětnou vazbu?"
MSG_FZF="Chybí fzf!"
MSG_H_ADD="\\ta\\tadd\\t\\t\\tPřidání nové distribuce do quickget\\n"
MSG_H_COPY="\\tc\\tcopy\\t\\t\\tKopírování všech ISO do cílového adresáře (pro Ventoy)\\n"
MSG_H_DIR="\\td\\tdir\\t\\t\\tNastavení výchozího adresáře, kam se ukládají virtuální počítače\\n"
MSG_H_FIRST="\\texample pro První spuštění z terminálu:"
MSG_H_GUI="\\tg\\tgui\\t\\t\\t Spustit grafické uživatelské rozhraní (GUI)\\n"
MSG_H_HELP="\\th\\thelp\\t\\t\\tZobrazit tuto nápovědu a ukončit\\n"
MSG_H_INSTALL="\\ti\\tinstall\\t\\t\\t\\tInstall DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_LANG="\\tl\\tlanguage\\t\\tPřeložit DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_MODE="\\Přenosný režim"
MSG_H_ADD="Přidání nové distribuce do nástroje quickget"
MSG_H_COPY="Zkopírujte všechny soubory ISO do cílového adresáře (pro Ventoy)"
MSG_H_DIR="Nastavení výchozího adresáře, kam se ukládají virtuální počítače"
MSG_H_FIRST="příklad pro První spuštění z terminálu:"
MSG_H_GUI="Spuštění grafického uživatelského rozhraní (GUI)"
MSG_H_HELP="Zobrazte tuto nápovědu a ukončete ji"
MSG_H_INSTALL="Instalace programu DistroHopper"
MSG_H_LANG="Přeložit DistroHopper"
MSG_H_MODE="Přenosný režim"
MSG_HOMEPAGE="Domovská stránka:"
MSG_HOSTED="Projekt je umístěn na adrese:"
MSG_H_PUSH="\\tp\\tpush\\t\\t\\tPush změnil quickget na quickemu projektu\\n"
MSG_H_READY="\\tr\\tready\\t\\t\\tUpdate ready to run VMs\\n"
MSG_H_SORT="\\tf\\tfunkce\\t\\tSortovací funkce v quickget\\n"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="\\ts\\tpodporované\\t\\tAktualizace podporovaných virtuálních počítačů\\n"
MSG_H_TUI="\\tt\\ttui\\t\\t\\tSpustit uživatelské rozhraní terminálu (TUI)\\n"
MSG_H_PUSH="Push změnil quickget na quickemu projekt"
MSG_H_READY="Aktualizace virtuálních počítačů připravených ke spuštění"
MSG_H_SORT="Funkce řazení v nástroji quickget"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="Aktualizace podporovaných virtuálních počítačů"
MSG_H_TUI="Spuštění uživatelského rozhraní terminálu (TUI)"
MSG_CHAT="Chatovací skupina na SimpleX:"
MSG_ICONS="vytvoření adresáře s ikonami jako root..."
MSG_IMPROVE="Co lze zlepšit, přidat, změnit?"
@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ MSG_NEEDED="Potřebná instalace..."
MSG_NEW=" Chcete vytvořit nový virtuální počítač? (c)"
MSG_NO_CONF="Nebyly nalezeny žádné soubory .conf"
MSG_NO_DISTROERROR="V současné době nemám podporu pro vaše distro"
MSG_NO="Nebyl poskytnut žádný argument!\\n\\n"
MSG_NO_VM="Nebyl nalezen žádný virtuální počítač."
MSG_OR_RUN=" nebo spustit stávající? (stiskněte cokoli)\\n"
MSG_PREPARED=" Prepared VMs:\\n-------------\\n\\n"
MSG_NO="Žádný argument!"
MSG_OR_RUN=" nebo spustit stávající? (stiskněte cokoli)"
MSG_PREPARED=" Připravené virtuální počítače"
MSG_PUSHING="Prosazování změn v..."
MSG_Q_INTERM="Chcete, aby quickget zobrazoval výstupy v terminálu? (y/n)"
MSG_R_TUI="Spuštění DistroHopper TUI..."
MSG_RUNNING="DistroHopper je spuštěn... Pro ukončení stiskněte kdykoli klávesu Ctrl-Q."
MSG_SETTINGUP="Nastavení adresáře..."
MSG_S_GUI="Spuštění grafického rozhraní DistroHopper..."
MSG_S_CHOOSED="\\n Začíná %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_S_CHOOSED=" Spuštění %s..."
MSG_S_INSTALL="Zahájení instalace..."
MSG_SORTING="Funkce třídění v šabloně..."
MSG_STRUCTURE="Vytvoření adresářové struktury..."

View file

@ -8,30 +8,30 @@ MSG_C_LANG="Möchten Sie die Übersetzung ins System kopieren? (j/n)"
MSG_C_TRANS="Kopieren der Übersetzung..."
MSG_D_INTERM="Möchten Sie, dass DistroHopper im Terminal läuft? (j/n)"
MSG_DIR="Konfigurationsverzeichnis erstellen..."
MSG_D_LANG="\\n Versucht, Windows %s %s herunterzuladen...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_LANG=" Versucht, Windows %s %s herunterzuladen..."
MSG_D_OS="\\n Versucht, %s %s herunterzuladen...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_RELEASE="\\n Versucht, %s %s %s herunterzuladen...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_OS=" Versucht, %s %s herunterzuladen..."
MSG_D_RELEASE=" Versucht, %s %s %s herunterzuladen..."
MSG_DUMP="Dumping der Sprachquelle..."
MSG_FEEDBACK="Könnten Sie uns bitte ein Feedback geben?"
MSG_FZF="Fehlender fzf!"
MSG_H_ADD="\\ta\\tadd\\t\\t\\t Neue Distro zu quickget\\n hinzufügen"
MSG_H_COPY="\\tc\\tcopy\\t\\tCopy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)\\n"
MSG_H_DIR="\\td\\tdir\\t\\t\\tStandardverzeichnis festlegen, in dem VMs gespeichert werden\\n"
MSG_H_FIRST="\\Beispiel für die erste Ausführung vom Terminal aus:"
MSG_H_GUI="\\tg\\tgui\\t\\tAusführen der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche (GUI)\\n"
MSG_H_HELP="\\th\\thelp\\t\\t\\tDiese Hilfe anzeigen und beenden\\n"
MSG_H_INSTALL="\\ti\\tinstall\\t\\t\\tInstallation DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_LANG="\\tl\\tlanguage\\t\\tTranslate DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_MODE="\\und die Art und Weise und die Art und Weise und die Art und Weise des Tragens."
MSG_H_ADD="Neue Distro zu quickget hinzufügen"
MSG_H_COPY="Kopieren Sie alle ISOs in das Zielverzeichnis (für Ventoy)"
MSG_H_DIR="Standardverzeichnis festlegen, in dem VMs gespeichert werden"
MSG_H_FIRST="Beispiel für First run from terminal:"
MSG_H_GUI="Grafische Benutzeroberfläche (GUI) ausführen"
MSG_H_HELP="Diese Hilfe anzeigen und beenden"
MSG_H_INSTALL="DistroHopper installieren"
MSG_H_LANG="Übersetzen DistroHopper"
MSG_H_MODE="Tragbarer Modus"
MSG_HOSTED="Das Projekt ist zu finden unter:"
MSG_H_PUSH="\\tp\\tpush\\t\\tPush änderte quickget in quickemu project\\n"
MSG_H_READY="\\tr\\tready\\t\\t\\tAktualisierung bereit zur Ausführung von VMs\\n"
MSG_H_SORT="\\tf\\tFunktionen\\t\\tSortierfunktionen in quickget\\n"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="\\ts\\tsunterstützt\\t\\tUnterstützte VMs\\n aktualisieren"
MSG_H_TUI="\\tt\\ttui\\t\\t\\tAusführen der Terminal-Benutzeroberfläche (TUI)\\n"
MSG_H_PUSH="Push änderte quickget zu quickemu Projekt"
MSG_H_READY="Update für betriebsbereite VMs"
MSG_H_SORT="Sortierfunktionen in quickget"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="Unterstützte VMs aktualisieren"
MSG_H_TUI="Terminal-Benutzeroberfläche (TUI) ausführen"
MSG_CHAT="Chat-Gruppe auf SimpleX:"
MSG_ICONS="Icons-Verzeichnis als Root erstellen..."
MSG_IMPROVE="Was kann verbessert, hinzugefügt, verändert werden?"
@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ MSG_NEEDED="Installation erforderlich..."
MSG_NEW=" Möchten Sie eine neue VM erstellen? (c)"
MSG_NO_CONF="Keine .conf-Dateien gefunden"
MSG_NO_DISTROERROR="Ich habe derzeit keine Unterstützung für Ihre Distro"
MSG_NO="Es wurden keine Argumente vorgebracht!\\n\\n"
MSG_NO="Keine Argumente vorhanden!"
MSG_NO_VM="Keine VMs gefunden."
MSG_OR_RUN=" oder ein bestehendes ausführen? (irgendetwas drücken)\\n"
MSG_PREPARED=" Prepared VMs:\\n-------------\\n\\n"
MSG_OR_RUN=" oder ein bestehendes Programm ausführen? (irgendetwas drücken)"
MSG_PREPARED=" Vorbereitete VMs"
MSG_PUSHING="Änderungen vorantreiben..."
MSG_Q_INTERM="Möchten Sie, dass quickget die Ausgaben im Terminal anzeigt? (j/n)"
MSG_R_TUI="Laufender DistroHopper TUI..."
MSG_RUNNING="DistroHopper läuft... Drücken Sie jederzeit Strg-Q zum Beenden."
MSG_SETTINGUP="Verzeichnis einrichten..."
MSG_S_GUI="DistroHopper GUI starten..."
MSG_S_CHOOSED="\\n Beginnend mit %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_S_CHOOSED=" Starte %s..."
MSG_S_INSTALL="Start der Installation..."
MSG_SORTING="Sortierfunktionen in der Vorlage..."
MSG_STRUCTURE="Verzeichnisstruktur erstellen..."

View file

@ -8,30 +8,30 @@ MSG_C_LANG="Do you want copy translation to system? (y/n)"
MSG_C_TRANS="Copying translation..."
MSG_D_INTERM="Do you want DistroHopper to run in the terminal? (y/n)"
MSG_DIR="creating config dir..."
MSG_D_LANG="\n Trying to download Windows %s %s...\n\n"
MSG_D_LANG=" Trying to download Windows %s %s..."
MSG_D_OS="\n Trying to download %s %s...\n\n"
MSG_D_RELEASE="\n Trying to download %s %s %s...\n\n"
MSG_D_OS=" Trying to download %s %s..."
MSG_D_RELEASE=" Trying to download %s %s %s..."
MSG_DUMP="Dumping language source..."
MSG_FEEDBACK="Could you please provide feedback?"
MSG_FZF="Missing fzf!"
MSG_H_ADD="\ta\tadd\t\t\tAdd new distro to quickget\n"
MSG_H_COPY="\tc\tcopy\t\t\tCopy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)\n"
MSG_H_DIR="\td\tdir\t\t\tSet default directory where VMs are stored\n"
MSG_H_FIRST="\texample for First run from terminal:"
MSG_H_GUI="\tg\tgui\t\t\tRun graphical user interface (GUI)\n"
MSG_H_HELP="\th\thelp\t\t\tShow this help and exit\n"
MSG_H_INSTALL="\ti\tinstall\t\t\tInstall DistroHopper\n"
MSG_H_LANG="\tl\tlanguage\t\tTranslate DistroHopper\n"
MSG_H_MODE="\tm\tmode\t\t\tPortable mode\n"
MSG_H_ADD="Add new distro to quickget"
MSG_H_COPY="Copy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)"
MSG_H_DIR="Set default directory where VMs are stored"
MSG_H_FIRST="example for First run from terminal:"
MSG_H_GUI="Run graphical user interface (GUI)"
MSG_H_HELP="Show this help and exit"
MSG_H_INSTALL="Install DistroHopper"
MSG_H_LANG="Translate DistroHopper"
MSG_H_MODE="Portable mode"
MSG_HOSTED="Project hosted at:"
MSG_H_PUSH="\tp\tpush\t\t\tPush changed quickget to quickemu project\n"
MSG_H_READY="\tr\tready\t\t\tUpdate ready to run VMs\n"
MSG_H_SORT="\tf\tfunctions\t\tSort functions in quickget\n"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="\ts\tsupported\t\tUpdate supported VMs\n"
MSG_H_TUI="\tt\ttui\t\t\tRun terminal user interface (TUI)\n"
MSG_H_PUSH="Push changed quickget to quickemu project"
MSG_H_READY="Update ready to run VMs"
MSG_H_SORT="Sort functions in quickget"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="Update supported VMs"
MSG_H_TUI="Run terminal user interface (TUI)"
MSG_CHAT="Chat group on SimpleX:"
MSG_ICONS="creating icons dir as root..."
MSG_IMPROVE="What can be improved, added, changed?"
@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ MSG_NEEDED="Installing needed..."
MSG_NEW=" Do you want to create a new VM? (c)"
MSG_NO_CONF="No .conf files found"
MSG_NO_DISTROERROR="I currently don't have support for your distro"
MSG_NO="No argumet provided!\n\n"
MSG_NO="No argumet provided!"
MSG_NO_VM="No VMs found."
MSG_OR_RUN=" or run an existing one? (press anything)\n"
MSG_PREPARED=" Prepared VMs:\n-------------\n\n"
MSG_OR_RUN=" or run an existing one? (press anything)"
MSG_PREPARED=" Prepared VMs"
MSG_PUSHING="Pushing changes to..."
MSG_Q_INTERM="Do you want quickget to show outputs in the terminal? (y/n)"
MSG_R_TUI="Running DistroHopper TUI..."
MSG_RUNNING="DistroHopper is running... Press Ctrl-Q anytime to exit."
MSG_SETTINGUP="Setting up directory..."
MSG_S_GUI="Starting DistroHopper GUI..."
MSG_S_CHOOSED="\n Starting %s...\n\n"
MSG_S_CHOOSED=" Starting %s..."
MSG_S_INSTALL="Starting installation..."
MSG_SORTING="Sorting functions in template..."
MSG_STRUCTURE="Creating directory structure..."

View file

@ -8,30 +8,30 @@ MSG_C_LANG="Souhaitez-vous que la copie soit traduite dans le système ? (o/n)"
MSG_C_TRANS="Copier la traduction..."
MSG_D_INTERM="Voulez-vous que DistroHopper s'exécute dans le terminal ? (o/n)"
MSG_DIR="création du répertoire de config..."
MSG_D_LANG="\\nEssayant de télécharger Windows %s %s...\\n\\n"
MSG_D_LANG=" Essai de téléchargement de Windows %s %s..."
MSG_D_OS="\\N- Trying to download %s %s...\\N- Trying to download %s %s...\\N- Trying to download %s %s..."
MSG_D_RELEASE="\\N- Trying to download %s %s %s...\\N- Trying to download %s %s %s...\\N- Trying to download %s %s %s..."
MSG_D_OS=" Essai de téléchargement de %s %s..."
MSG_D_RELEASE=" Essai de téléchargement de %s %s %s..."
MSG_DUMP="Déversement de la source linguistique..."
MSG_FEEDBACK="Pourriez-vous nous faire part de vos commentaires ?"
MSG_FZF="Manque le fzf !"
MSG_H_ADD="\\ta\\tadd\\t\\t\\tAjouter une nouvelle distro au quickget\\n"
MSG_H_COPY="\\tc\\tcopy\\t\\t\\tCopy all ISOs to target dir (for Ventoy)\\n"
MSG_H_DIR="\\td\\tdir\\t\\t\\t Définir le répertoire par défaut dans lequel les VM sont stockées\\n"
MSG_H_FIRST="\\Exemple de première exécution à partir du terminal :"
MSG_H_GUI="\\tg\\tgui\\t\\t\\tRun graphical user interface (GUI)\\n"
MSG_H_HELP="\\th\\thelp\\t\\t\\t montrer cette aide et sortir\\n"
MSG_H_INSTALL="\\tin\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tInstallation DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_LANG="\\tl\\tlanguage\\tTranslate DistroHopper\\n"
MSG_H_MODE="\\tm\\tmode\\t\\t\\tPortable mode\\n"
MSG_H_ADD="Ajouter une nouvelle distro à quickget"
MSG_H_COPY="Copier tous les ISO dans le répertoire cible (pour Ventoy)"
MSG_H_DIR="Définir le répertoire par défaut où sont stockées les machines virtuelles"
MSG_H_FIRST="Exemple de première exécution à partir d'un terminal :"
MSG_H_GUI="Exécuter l'interface utilisateur graphique (GUI)"
MSG_H_HELP="Afficher cette aide et quitter"
MSG_H_INSTALL="Installer DistroHopper"
MSG_H_LANG="Traduire DistroHopper"
MSG_H_MODE="Mode portable"
MSG_HOMEPAGE="Page d'accueil :"
MSG_HOSTED="Projet hébergé à l'adresse suivante :"
MSG_H_PUSH="\\tp\\tpush\\t\\t\\tPush changed quickget to quickemu project\\n"
MSG_H_READY="\\N- La mise à jour est prête à exécuter les VMs\\N- La mise à jour est prête à exécuter les VMs\\N- La mise à jour est prête à exécuter les VMs\\N"
MSG_H_SORT="\\tf\\tfunctions\\t\\tSort des fonctions en quickget\\n"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="\\ts\\tsupported\\t\\tUpdate supported VMs\\n"
MSG_H_TUI="\\tt\\ttui\\t\\t\\tRun terminal user interface (TUI)\\n"
MSG_H_PUSH="Push a changé quickget en projet quickemu"
MSG_H_READY="Mise à jour des machines virtuelles prêtes à fonctionner"
MSG_H_SORT="Fonctions de tri dans quickget"
MSG_H_SUPPORTED="Mise à jour des machines virtuelles prises en charge"
MSG_H_TUI="Exécuter l'interface utilisateur du terminal (TUI)"
MSG_CHAT="Groupe de discussion sur SimpleX :"
MSG_ICONS="création d'un répertoire d'icônes en tant que racine..."
MSG_IMPROVE="Qu'est-ce qui peut être amélioré, ajouté, modifié ?"
@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ MSG_NO="Aucun argument n'a été fourni !"
MSG_NO_CONF="Aucun fichier .conf trouvé"
MSG_NO_DISTROERROR="Je n'ai actuellement pas de support pour votre distro"
MSG_NO_VM="Aucune VM n'a été trouvée."
MSG_OR_RUN=" ou d'en utiliser un déjà existant ? (appuyer sur n'importe quoi)\\n"
MSG_PREPARED=" Prepared VMs:\\n-------------\\n\\n"
MSG_OR_RUN=" ou en exécuter un existant ? (appuyer sur n'importe quoi)"
MSG_PREPARED=" VMs préparées"
MSG_PUSHING="Pousser les changements à..."
MSG_Q_INTERM="Voulez-vous que quickget affiche les sorties dans le terminal ? (y/n)"
MSG_R_TUI="Lancement de l'interface utilisateur de DistroHopper..."
MSG_RUNNING="DistroHopper est en cours d'exécution... Appuyez sur Ctrl-Q à tout moment pour quitter."
MSG_SETTINGUP="Mise en place d'un répertoire..."
MSG_S_GUI="Démarrage de l'interface graphique de DistroHopper..."
MSG_S_CHOOSED="\\N- Démarrage de %s...\\N- Démarrage de %s...\\N- Démarrage de %s..."
MSG_S_CHOOSED=" Démarrage de %s..."
MSG_S_INSTALL="Démarrage de l'installation..."
MSG_SORTING="Fonctions de tri dans les modèles..."
MSG_STRUCTURE="Création de la structure du répertoire..."