# © lambda#0987 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later """various utilities for use within the bot""" import asyncio import discord def format_user(user, *, mention=False): """Format a user object for audit log purposes.""" # not mention: @null byte#8191 (140516693242937345) # mention: <@140516693242937345> (null byte#8191) # this allows people to still see the username and discrim # if they don't share a server with that user if mention: return f'{user.mention} (@{user})' else: return f'@{user} ({user.id})' def format_http_exception(exception: discord.HTTPException): """Formats a discord.HTTPException for relaying to the user. Sample return value: BAD REQUEST (status code: 400): Invalid Form Body In image: File cannot be larger than 256 kb. """ return ( f'{exception.response.reason} (status code: {exception.response.status}):' f'\n{exception.text}') def strip_angle_brackets(string): """Strip leading < and trailing > from a string. Useful if a user sends you a url like to avoid embeds, or to convert emotes to reactions.""" if string.startswith('<') and string.endswith('>'): return string[1:-1] return string async def gather_or_cancel(*awaitables, loop=None): """run the awaitables in the sequence concurrently. If any of them raise an exception, propagate the first exception raised and cancel all other awaitables. """ gather_task = asyncio.gather(*awaitables, loop=loop) try: return await gather_task except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: gather_task.cancel() raise