#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import asyncio import cgi import io import logging import weakref import posixpath import traceback import contextlib import urllib.parse import aioec import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import commands import utils import utils.archive import utils.image from utils import errors from utils.paginator import ListPaginator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Emotes(commands.Cog): IMAGE_MIMETYPES = {'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'} # TAR_MIMETYPES = {'application/x-tar', 'application/x-xz', 'application/gzip', 'application/x-bzip2'} TAR_MIMETYPES = {'application/x-tar'} ZIP_MIMETYPES = {'application/zip', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'multipart/x-zip'} ARCHIVE_MIMETYPES = TAR_MIMETYPES | ZIP_MIMETYPES def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.http = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.bot.loop, read_timeout=30, headers={ 'User-Agent': self.bot.config['user_agent'] + ' ' + self.bot.http.user_agent }) self.aioec = aioec.Client(loop=self.bot.loop) # keep track of paginators so we can end them when the cog is unloaded self.paginators = weakref.WeakSet() def cog_unload(self): async def close(): await self.http.close() await self.aioec.close() for paginator in self.paginators: await paginator.stop() self.bot.loop.create_task(close()) async def cog_check(self, context): if not context.guild or not isinstance(context.author, discord.Member): raise commands.NoPrivateMessage if context.command is self.list: return True if ( not context.author.guild_permissions.manage_emojis or not context.guild.me.guild_permissions.manage_emojis ): raise errors.MissingManageEmojisPermission return True @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_command_error(self, context, error): if isinstance(error, (errors.EmoteManagerError, errors.MissingManageEmojisPermission)): await context.send(str(error)) if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await context.send( f'{utils.SUCCESS_EMOJIS[False]} Sorry, this command may only be used in a server.') @commands.command(usage='[name] ') async def add(self, context, *args): """Add a new emote to this server. You can use it like this: `add :thonkang:` (if you already have that emote) `add rollsafe https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/06/1486495269-rollsafe.png` `add speedtest ` With a file attachment: `add name` will upload a new emote using the first attachment as the image and call it `name` `add` will upload a new emote using the first attachment as the image, and its filename as the name """ name, url = self.parse_add_command_args(context, args) async with context.typing(): message = await self.add_safe(context.guild, name, url, context.message.author.id) await context.send(message) @classmethod def parse_add_command_args(cls, context, args): if context.message.attachments: return cls.parse_add_command_attachment(context, args) elif len(args) == 1: match = utils.emote.RE_CUSTOM_EMOTE.match(args[0]) if match is None: raise commands.BadArgument( 'Error: I expected a custom emote as the first argument, ' 'but I got something else. ' "If you're trying to add an emote using an image URL, " 'you need to provide a name as the first argument, like this:\n' '`{}add NAME_HERE URL_HERE`'.format(context.prefix)) else: animated, name, id = match.groups() url = utils.emote.url(id, animated=animated) return name, url elif len(args) >= 2: name = args[0] match = utils.emote.RE_CUSTOM_EMOTE.match(args[1]) if match is None: url = utils.strip_angle_brackets(args[1]) else: url = utils.emote.url(match['id'], animated=match['animated']) return name, url elif not args: raise commands.BadArgument('Your message had no emotes and no name!') @classmethod def parse_add_command_attachment(cls, context, args): attachment = context.message.attachments[0] name = cls.format_emote_filename(''.join(args) if args else attachment.filename) url = attachment.url return name, url @staticmethod def format_emote_filename(filename): """format a filename to an emote name as discord does when you upload an emote image""" return posixpath.splitext(filename)[0].replace(' ', '') @commands.command(name='add-from-ec', aliases=['addfromec']) async def add_from_ec(self, context, name, *names): """Copies one or more emotes from Emote Collector to your server. The list of possible emotes you can copy is here: https://emote-collector.python-for.life/list """ if names: for name in (name,) + names: await context.invoke(self.add_from_ec, name) return name = name.strip(':') try: emote = await self.aioec.emote(name) except aioec.NotFound: return await context.send("Emote not found in Emote Collector's database.") except aioec.HttpException as exception: return await context.send( f'Error: the Emote Collector API returned status code {exception.status}') reason = ( f'Added from Emote Collector by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}. ' f'Original emote author: {utils.format_user(self.bot, emote.author)}') async with context.typing(): message = await self.add_safe(context.guild, name, utils.emote.url( emote.id, animated=emote.animated ), context.author.id, reason=reason) await context.send(message) @commands.command(name='add-zip', aliases=['add-tar', 'add-from-zip', 'add-from-tar']) async def add_archive(self, context, url=None): """Add several emotes from a .zip or .tar archive. You may either pass a URL to an archive or upload one as an attachment. All .gif, .png, and .jpg files in the archive will be uploaded as emotes. """ if url and context.message.attachments: raise commands.BadArgument('Either a URL or an attachment must be given, not both.') if not url and not context.message.attachments: raise commands.BadArgument('A URL or attachment must be given.') url = url or context.message.attachments[0].url archive = await self.fetch_safe(url, valid_mimetypes=self.ARCHIVE_MIMETYPES) if type(archive) is str: # error case await context.send(archive) return await self.add_from_archive(context, archive) async def add_from_archive(self, context, archive): limit = 50_000_000 # prevent someone from trying to make a giant compressed file async for name, img, error in utils.archive.extract_async(io.BytesIO(archive), size_limit=limit): if error is None: name = self.format_emote_filename(name) async with context.typing(): await context.send(await self.add_safe_bytes(context.guild, name, context.author.id, img)) continue if isinstance(error, errors.FileTooBigError): await context.send( f'{name}: file too big. ' f'The limit is {humanize.naturalsize(error.limit)} ' f'but this file is {humainze.naturalsize(error.size)}.') continue await context.send(f'{name}: {error}') async def add_safe(self, guild, name, url, author_id, *, reason=None): """Try to add an emote. Returns a string that should be sent to the user.""" try: image_data = await self.fetch_safe(url) except errors.InvalidFileError: raise errors.InvalidImageError if type(image_data) is str: # error case return image_data return await self.add_safe_bytes(guild, name, author_id, image_data, reason=reason) async def fetch_safe(self, url, valid_mimetypes=None): """Try to fetch a URL. On error return a string that should be sent to the user.""" try: return await self.fetch(url, valid_mimetypes=valid_mimetypes) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return 'Error: retrieving the image took too long.' except ValueError: return 'Error: Invalid URL.' async def add_safe_bytes(self, guild, name, author_id, image_data: bytes, *, reason=None): """Try to add an emote from bytes. On error, return a string that should be sent to the user.""" try: emote = await self.create_emote_from_bytes(guild, name, author_id, image_data, reason=reason) except discord.HTTPException as ex: return ( 'An error occurred while creating the emote:\n' + utils.format_http_exception(ex)) return f'Emote {emote} successfully created.' async def fetch(self, url, valid_mimetypes=None): valid_mimetypes = valid_mimetypes or self.IMAGE_MIMETYPES def validate_headers(response): if response.reason != 'OK': raise errors.HTTPException(response.status) # some dumb servers also send '; charset=UTF-8' which we should ignore mimetype, options = cgi.parse_header(response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')) if mimetype not in valid_mimetypes: raise errors.InvalidFileError async def validate(request): try: async with request as response: validate_headers(response) return await response.read() except aiohttp.ClientError as exc: raise errors.EmoteManagerError('An error occurred while retrieving the file: {exc}') await validate(self.http.head(url, timeout=5)) return await validate(self.http.get(url)) async def create_emote_from_bytes(self, guild, name, author_id, image_data: bytes, *, reason=None): image_data = await utils.image.resize_in_subprocess(image_data) if reason is None: reason = f'Created by {utils.format_user(self.bot, author_id)}' return await guild.create_custom_emoji(name=name, image=image_data, reason=reason) @commands.command(aliases=('delete', 'delet', 'rm')) async def remove(self, context, emote, *emotes): """Remove an emote from this server. emotes: the name of an emote or of one or more emotes you'd like to remove. """ if not emotes: emote = await self.parse_emote(context, emote) await emote.delete(reason=f'Removed by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}') await context.send(fr'Emote \:{emote.name}: successfully removed.') else: for emote in (emote,) + emotes: await context.invoke(self.remove, emote) with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await context.message.add_reaction(utils.SUCCESS_EMOJIS[True]) @commands.command(aliases=('mv',)) async def rename(self, context, old, new_name): """Rename an emote on this server. old: the name of the emote to rename, or the emote itself new_name: what you'd like to rename it to """ emote = await self.parse_emote(context, old) try: await emote.edit( name=new_name, reason=f'Renamed by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}') except discord.HTTPException as ex: return await context.send( 'An error occurred while renaming the emote:\n' + utils.format_http_exception(ex)) await context.send(fr'Emote successfully renamed to \:{new_name}:') @commands.command(aliases=('ls', 'dir')) async def list(self, context, animated=''): """A list of all emotes on this server. The list shows each emote and its raw form. If "animated" is provided, only show animated emotes. If "static" is provided, only show static emotes. Otherwise, show all emotes. """ animated = animated.lower() if animated == 'animated': pred = lambda e: e.animated elif animated == 'static': pred = lambda e: not e.animated else: pred = lambda e: True emotes = sorted( filter(pred, context.guild.emojis), key=lambda e: e.name.lower()) processed = [] for emote in emotes: raw = str(emote).replace(':', r'\:') processed.append(f'{emote} {raw}') paginator = ListPaginator(context, processed) self.paginators.add(paginator) await paginator.begin() async def parse_emote(self, context, name_or_emote): match = utils.emote.RE_CUSTOM_EMOTE.match(name_or_emote) if match: id = int(match.group('id')) emote = discord.utils.get(context.guild.emojis, id=id) if emote: return emote name = name_or_emote return await self.disambiguate(context, name) async def disambiguate(self, context, name): name = name.strip(':') # in case the user tries :foo: and foo is animated candidates = [e for e in context.guild.emojis if e.name.lower() == name.lower() and e.require_colons] if not candidates: raise errors.EmoteNotFoundError(name) if len(candidates) == 1: return candidates[0] message = ['Multiple emotes were found with that name. Which one do you mean?'] for i, emote in enumerate(candidates, 1): message.append(fr'{i}. {emote} (\:{emote.name}:)') await context.send('\n'.join(message)) def check(message): try: int(message.content) except ValueError: return False else: return message.author == context.author try: message = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise commands.UserInputError('Sorry, you took too long. Try again.') return candidates[int(message.content)-1] def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Emotes(bot))