# © 2018–2020 io mintz # # Emote Manager is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Emote Manager is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Emote Manager. If not, see . import asyncio import base64 import contextlib import functools import io import logging import signal import sys import typing logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import wand.image except (ImportError, OSError): logger.warn('Failed to import wand.image. Image manipulation functions will be unavailable.') else: import wand.exceptions from utils import errors def resize_until_small(image_data: io.BytesIO) -> None: """If the image_data is bigger than 256KB, resize it until it's not.""" # It's important that we only attempt to resize the image when we have to, # ie when it exceeds the Discord limit of 256KiB. # Apparently some <256KiB images become larger when we attempt to resize them, # so resizing sometimes does more harm than good. max_resolution = 128 # pixels image_size = size(image_data) if image_size <= 256 * 2**10: return try: with wand.image.Image(blob=image_data) as original_image: while True: logger.debug('image size too big (%s bytes)', image_size) logger.debug('attempting resize to at most%s*%s pixels', max_resolution, max_resolution) with original_image.clone() as resized: resized.transform(resize=f'{max_resolution}x{max_resolution}') image_size = len(resized.make_blob()) if image_size <= 256 * 2**10 or max_resolution < 32: # don't resize past 256KiB or 32×32 image_data.truncate(0) image_data.seek(0) resized.save(file=image_data) image_data.seek(0) break max_resolution //= 2 except wand.exceptions.CoderError: raise errors.InvalidImageError def convert_to_gif(image_data: io.BytesIO) -> None: try: with wand.image.Image(blob=image_data) as orig, orig.convert('gif') as converted: # discord tries to stop us from abusing animated gif slots by detecting single frame gifs # so make it two frames converted.sequence[0].delay = 0 # show the first frame forever converted.sequence.append(wand.image.Image(width=1, height=1)) image_data.truncate(0) image_data.seek(0) converted.save(file=image_data) image_data.seek(0) except wand.exceptions.CoderError: raise errors.InvalidImageError def mime_type_for_image(data): if data.startswith(b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'): return 'image/png' if data.startswith(b'\xFF\xD8') and data.rstrip(b'\0').endswith(b'\xFF\xD9'): return 'image/jpeg' if data.startswith((b'GIF87a', b'GIF89a')): return 'image/gif' if data.startswith(b'RIFF') and data[8:12] == b'WEBP': return 'image/webp' raise errors.InvalidImageError def image_to_base64_url(data): fmt = 'data:{mime};base64,{data}' mime = mime_type_for_image(data) b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode('ascii') return fmt.format(mime=mime, data=b64) def main() -> typing.NoReturn: """resize or convert an image from stdin and write the resized or converted version to stdout.""" import sys if sys.argv[1] == 'resize': f = resize_until_small elif sys.argv[1] == 'convert': f = convert_to_gif else: sys.exit(1) data = io.BytesIO(sys.stdin.buffer.read()) try: f(data) except errors.InvalidImageError: # 2 is used because 1 is already used by python's default error handler sys.exit(2) stdout_write = sys.stdout.buffer.write # getattr optimization while True: buf = data.read(16 * 1024) if not buf: break stdout_write(buf) sys.exit(0) async def process_image_in_subprocess(command_name, image_data: bytes): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( sys.executable, '-m', __name__, command_name, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) try: image_data, err = await asyncio.wait_for(proc.communicate(image_data), timeout=float('inf')) except asyncio.TimeoutError: proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) raise errors.ImageResizeTimeoutError if command_name == 'resize' else errors.ImageConversionTimeoutError else: if proc.returncode == 2: raise errors.InvalidImageError if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(err.decode('utf-8') + f'Return code: {proc.returncode}') return image_data resize_in_subprocess = functools.partial(process_image_in_subprocess, 'resize') convert_to_gif_in_subprocess = functools.partial(process_image_in_subprocess, 'convert') def size(fp): """return the size, in bytes, of the data a file-like object represents""" with preserve_position(fp): fp.seek(0, io.SEEK_END) return fp.tell() class preserve_position(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): def __init__(self, fp): self.fp = fp self.old_pos = fp.tell() def __exit__(self, *excinfo): self.fp.seek(self.old_pos) if __name__ == '__main__': main()