"""Provide high-level UDP endpoints for asyncio. Example: async def main(): # Create a local UDP enpoint local = await open_local_endpoint('localhost', 8888) # Create a remote UDP enpoint, pointing to the first one remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address) # The remote endpoint sends a datagram remote.send(b'Hey Hey, My My') # The local endpoint receives the datagram, along with the address data, address = await local.receive() # This prints: Got 'Hey Hey, My My' from port 8888 print(f"Got {data!r} from {address[0]} port {address[1]}") """ __all__ = ['open_local_endpoint', 'open_remote_endpoint'] # Imports import asyncio import warnings # Datagram protocol class DatagramEndpointProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol): """Datagram protocol for the endpoint high-level interface.""" def __init__(self, endpoint): self._endpoint = endpoint # Protocol methods def connection_made(self, transport): self._endpoint._transport = transport def connection_lost(self, exc): assert exc is None if self._endpoint._write_ready_future is not None: self._endpoint._write_ready_future.set_result(None) self._endpoint.close() # Datagram protocol methods def datagram_received(self, data, addr): self._endpoint.feed_datagram(data, addr) def error_received(self, exc): msg = 'Endpoint received an error: {!r}' warnings.warn(msg.format(exc)) # Workflow control def pause_writing(self): assert self._endpoint._write_ready_future is None loop = self._endpoint._transport._loop self._endpoint._write_ready_future = loop.create_future() def resume_writing(self): assert self._endpoint._write_ready_future is not None self._endpoint._write_ready_future.set_result(None) self._endpoint._write_ready_future = None # Enpoint classes class Endpoint: """High-level interface for UDP enpoints. Can either be local or remote. It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams. """ def __init__(self, queue_size=None): if queue_size is None: queue_size = 0 self._queue = asyncio.Queue(queue_size) self._closed = False self._transport = None self._write_ready_future = None # Protocol callbacks def feed_datagram(self, data, addr): try: self._queue.put_nowait((data, addr)) except asyncio.QueueFull: warnings.warn('Endpoint queue is full') def close(self): # Manage flag if self._closed: return self._closed = True # Wake up if self._queue.empty(): self.feed_datagram(None, None) # Close transport if self._transport: self._transport.close() # User methods def send(self, data, addr): """Send a datagram to the given address.""" if self._closed: raise IOError("Enpoint is closed") self._transport.sendto(data, addr) async def receive(self): """Wait for an incoming datagram and return it with the corresponding address. This method is a coroutine. """ if self._queue.empty() and self._closed: raise IOError("Enpoint is closed") data, addr = await self._queue.get() if data is None: raise IOError("Enpoint is closed") return data, addr def abort(self): """Close the transport immediately.""" if self._closed: raise IOError("Enpoint is closed") self._transport.abort() self.close() async def drain(self): """Drain the transport buffer below the low-water mark.""" if self._write_ready_future is not None: await self._write_ready_future # Properties @property def address(self): """The endpoint address as a (host, port) tuple.""" return self._transport.get_extra_info("socket").getsockname() @property def closed(self): """Indicates whether the endpoint is closed or not.""" return self._closed class LocalEndpoint(Endpoint): """High-level interface for UDP local enpoints. It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams. """ pass class RemoteEndpoint(Endpoint): """High-level interface for UDP remote enpoints. It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams. """ def send(self, data): """Send a datagram to the remote host.""" super().send(data, None) async def receive(self): """ Wait for an incoming datagram from the remote host. This method is a coroutine. """ data, addr = await super().receive() return data # High-level coroutines async def open_datagram_endpoint(endpoint_factory=Endpoint, **kwargs): """Open and return a datagram endpoint. The default endpoint factory is the Endpoint class. The endpoint can be made local or remote using the remote argument. Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() endpoint = endpoint_factory() kwargs['protocol_factory'] = lambda: DatagramEndpointProtocol(endpoint) await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(**kwargs) return endpoint async def open_local_endpoint(host='', port=0, *, queue_size=None, **kwargs): """Open and return a local datagram endpoint. An optional queue size arguement can be provided. Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`. """ return await open_datagram_endpoint( local_addr=(host, port), endpoint_factory=lambda: LocalEndpoint(queue_size), **kwargs, ) async def open_remote_endpoint(host, port, queue_size=None, **kwargs): """Open and return a remote datagram endpoint. An optional queue size arguement can be provided. Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`. """ return await open_datagram_endpoint( remote_addr=(host, port), endpoint_factory=lambda: RemoteEndpoint(queue_size), **kwargs, ) # Testing try: import pytest pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass async def test_standard_behavior(): local = await open_local_endpoint() remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address) remote.send(b'Hey Hey') data, address = await local.receive() assert data == b'Hey Hey' assert address == remote.address local.send(b'My My', address) data = await remote.receive() assert data == b'My My' local.abort() assert local.closed with pytest.warns(UserWarning): await asyncio.sleep(1e-3) remote.send(b'U there?') await asyncio.sleep(1e-3) remote.abort() assert remote.closed async def test_closed_endpoint(): local = await open_local_endpoint() future = asyncio.ensure_future(local.receive()) local.abort() assert local.closed with pytest.raises(IOError): await future with pytest.raises(IOError): await local.receive() with pytest.raises(IOError): await local.send(b'test', ('localhost', 8888)) with pytest.raises(IOError): local.abort() async def test_queue_size(): local = await open_local_endpoint(queue_size=1) remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address) remote.send(b'1') remote.send(b'2') with pytest.warns(UserWarning): await asyncio.sleep(1e-3) assert await local.receive() == (b'1', remote.address) remote.send(b'3') assert await local.receive() == (b'3', remote.address) remote.send(b'4') await asyncio.sleep(1e-3) local.abort() assert local.closed assert await local.receive() == (b'4', remote.address) remote.abort() assert remote.closed async def test_flow_control(): m = n = 1024 remote = await open_remote_endpoint("", 12345) for _ in range(m): remote.send(b"a" * n) await remote.drain() for _ in range(m): remote.send(b"a" * n) remote.abort() await remote.drain() if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover pytest.main([__file__])