import asyncio import contextlib import typing import discord from discord.ext.commands import Context # Copyright © 2016-2017 Pandentia and contributors # class Paginator: def __init__(self, ctx: Context, pages: typing.Iterable, *, timeout=300, delete_message=False, delete_message_on_timeout=False, text_message=None): self.pages = list(pages) self.timeout = timeout = = self.delete_msg = delete_message self.delete_msg_timeout = delete_message_on_timeout self.text_message = text_message self._stopped = None # we use this later self._embed = None self._message = None self._client = self.footer = 'Page {} of {}' self.navigation = { '\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}': self.first_page, '\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}': self.previous_page, '\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}': self.next_page, '\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}': self.last_page, '\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}': self.stop } self._page = None def react_check(self, reaction, user): if user is None or user != return False if != return False return bool(discord.utils.find(lambda emoji: reaction.emoji == emoji, self.navigation)) async def begin(self): """Starts pagination""" self._stopped = False self._embed = discord.Embed() await self.first_page() for button in self.navigation: await self._message.add_reaction(button) while not self._stopped: try: reaction, user = await self._client.wait_for( 'reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=self.timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.stop(delete=self.delete_msg_timeout) continue reaction = reaction.emoji if reaction not in self.navigation: continue # not worth our time await self.navigation[reaction]() await asyncio.sleep(0.2) with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await self._message.remove_reaction(reaction, user) async def stop(self, *, delete=None): """Aborts pagination.""" if delete is None: delete = self.delete_msg if delete: with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await self._message.delete() else: await self._clear_reactions() self._stopped = True async def _clear_reactions(self): try: await self._message.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: for button in self.navigation: with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await self._message.remove_reaction(button, except discord.HTTPException: pass async def format_page(self): self._embed.description = self.pages[self._page] self._embed.set_footer(text=self.footer.format(self._page + 1, len(self.pages))) kwargs = {'embed': self._embed} if self.text_message: kwargs['content'] = self.text_message if self._message: await self._message.edit(**kwargs) else: self._message = await**kwargs) async def first_page(self): self._page = 0 await self.format_page() async def next_page(self): self._page += 1 if self._page == len(self.pages): # avoid the inevitable IndexError self._page = 0 await self.format_page() async def previous_page(self): self._page -= 1 if self._page < 0: # ditto self._page = len(self.pages) - 1 await self.format_page() async def last_page(self): self._page = len(self.pages) - 1 await self.format_page() class ListPaginator(Paginator): def __init__(self, ctx, _list: list, per_page=10, **kwargs): pages = [] page = '' c = 0 l = len(_list) for i in _list: if c > l: break if c % per_page == 0 and page: pages.append(page.strip()) page = '' page += '{}. {}\n'.format(c+1, i) c += 1 pages.append(page.strip()) # shut up, IDEA # noinspection PyArgumentList super().__init__(ctx, pages, **kwargs) self.footer += ' ({} entries)'.format(l)