
173 lines
5.2 KiB

import "./meta"
import { ScorePlayerData } from "./types"
import { waitForDocumentLoaded } from "./utils"
import * as recaptcha from "./recaptcha"
import { PDFWorkerHelper } from "./worker-helper"
import FileSaver from "file-saver/dist/FileSaver.js"
const saveAs: typeof import("file-saver").saveAs = FileSaver.saveAs
let pdfBlob: Blob
const generatePDF = async (imgURLs: string[], imgType: "svg" | "png", name?: string) => {
if (pdfBlob) {
return saveAs(pdfBlob, `${name}.pdf`)
const cachedImg = document.querySelector("img[src*=score_]") as HTMLImageElement
const { naturalWidth: width, naturalHeight: height } = cachedImg
const worker = new PDFWorkerHelper()
const pdfArrayBuffer = await worker.generatePDF(imgURLs, imgType, width, height)
pdfBlob = new Blob([pdfArrayBuffer])
saveAs(pdfBlob, `${name}.pdf`)
const getPagesNumber = (scorePlayerData: ScorePlayerData) => {
try {
return scorePlayerData.json.metadata.pages
} catch (_) {
return document.querySelectorAll("img[src*=score_]").length
const getImgType = (): "svg" | "png" => {
try {
const imgE: HTMLImageElement = document.querySelector("img[src*=score_]")
const { pathname } = new URL(imgE.src)
const imgtype = pathname.match(/\.(\w+)$/)[1]
return imgtype as "svg" | "png"
} catch (_) {
return null
const getTitle = (scorePlayerData: ScorePlayerData) => {
try {
return scorePlayerData.json.metadata.title
} catch (_) {
return ""
const getScoreFileName = (scorePlayerData: ScorePlayerData) => {
return getTitle(scorePlayerData).replace(/[\s<>:{}"/\\|?*~.\0\cA-\cZ]+/g, "_")
const main = () => {
// @ts-ignore
if (!window.UGAPP || ! || ! { return }
// init recaptcha
// @ts-ignore
const scorePlayer: ScorePlayerData =
const { id } = scorePlayer.json
const baseURL = scorePlayer.urls.image_path
// const msczURL = `${getIndexPath(id)}/${id}/score_${vid}_${scoreHexId}.mscz`
const msczURL = `${id}&token=`
const mxlURL = baseURL + "score.mxl"
const { midi: midiURL, mp3: mp3URL } = scorePlayer.urls
const btnsDiv = document.querySelector(".score-right .buttons-wrapper") || document.querySelectorAll("aside section > div")[4]
const downloadBtn = btnsDiv.querySelector("button, .button") as HTMLElement
downloadBtn.onclick = null
// fix the icon of the download btn
// if the `downloadBtn` seleted was a `Print` btn, replace the `print` icon with the `download` icon
const svgPath: SVGPathElement = downloadBtn.querySelector("svg > path")
if(svgPath) {
svgPath.setAttribute("d", "M9.6 2.4h4.8V12h2.784l-5.18 5.18L6.823 12H9.6V2.4zM19.2 19.2H4.8v2.4h14.4v-2.4z")
const imgType = getImgType() || "svg"
const sheetImgURLs = Array.from({ length: getPagesNumber(scorePlayer) }).fill(null).map((_, i) => {
return baseURL + `score_${i}.${imgType}`
const downloadURLs = {
"MSCZ": msczURL,
"PDF": null,
"MusicXML": mxlURL,
"MIDI": midiURL,
"MP3": mp3URL,
const createBtn = (name: string) => {
const btn = downloadBtn.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
if (btn.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "button") {
btn.setAttribute("style", "width: 205px !important")
} else { = ""
const textNode = [...btn.childNodes].find((x) => {
return x.textContent.includes("Download") || x.textContent.includes("Print")
textNode.textContent = `Download ${name}`
return {
const newDownloadBtns = Object.keys(downloadURLs).map((name) => {
const url = downloadURLs[name]
const { btn, textNode } = createBtn(name)
if (name == "PDF") {
btn.onclick = () => {
const text = textNode.textContent
const filename = getScoreFileName(scorePlayer)
textNode.textContent = "Processing…"
generatePDF(sheetImgURLs, imgType, filename).then(() => {
textNode.textContent = text
} else if (name == "MSCZ") {
btn.onclick = async () => {
const text = textNode.textContent
textNode.textContent = "Processing…"
const token = await recaptcha.execute()
const filename = getScoreFileName(scorePlayer)
const r = await fetch(url + token)
const data = await r.blob()
textNode.textContent = text
saveAs(data, `${filename}.mscz`)
} else {
btn.onclick = () => {
return btn