
202 lines
5.9 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
/* eslint-disable no-void */
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import os from 'os'
import { fetchMscz, setMscz, MSCZ_URL_SYM } from './mscz'
import { loadMscore, INDV_DOWNLOADS, WebMscore } from './mscore'
import { ScoreInfo, ScoreInfoHtml, ScoreInfoObj, getActualId } from './scoreinfo'
import { getLibreScoreLink } from './librescore-link'
import { escapeFilename } from './utils'
import { isNpx, getVerInfo, getSelfVer } from './npm-data'
import i18n from './i18n'
const inquirer: typeof import('inquirer') = require('inquirer')
const ora: typeof import('ora') = require('ora')
const chalk: typeof import('chalk') = require('chalk')
const SCORE_URL_PREFIX = 'https://(s.)'
const SCORE_URL_REG = /https:\/\/(s\.)?musescore\.com\//
const EXT = '.mscz'
interface Params {
fileInit: string;
confirmed: boolean;
part: number;
types: number[];
dest: string;
void (async () => {
const arg = process.argv[2]
if (['-v', '--version'].includes(arg)) { // ran with flag -v or --version, `msdl -v`
console.log(getSelfVer()) // print musescore-downloader version
return // exit process
// Determine platform and paste message
const platform = os.platform()
let pasteMessage = ''
if (platform === 'win32') {
pasteMessage = 'right-click to paste'
} else if (platform === 'linux') {
pasteMessage = 'usually Ctrl+Shift+V to paste'
} // For MacOS, no hint is needed because the paste shortcut is universal.
let scoreinfo: ScoreInfo
let librescoreLink: Promise<string> | undefined
// ask for the page url or path to local file
const { fileInit } = await inquirer.prompt<Params>({
type: 'input',
name: 'fileInit',
message: 'Score URL or path to local MSCZ file:',
suffix: '\n ' +
`(starts with "${SCORE_URL_PREFIX}" or local filepath ends with "${EXT}") ` +
`${chalk.bgGray(pasteMessage)}\n `,
validate (input: string) {
return input &&
!!input.match(SCORE_URL_REG) ||
(input.endsWith(EXT) && fs.statSync(input).isFile())
default: arg,
const isLocalFile = fileInit.endsWith(EXT)
if (!isLocalFile) {
// request scoreinfo
scoreinfo = await ScoreInfoHtml.request(fileInit)
try {
await getActualId(scoreinfo as any)
} catch (err) {
// confirmation
const { confirmed } = await inquirer.prompt<Params>({
type: 'confirm',
name: 'confirmed',
message: 'Continue?',
prefix: `${chalk.yellow('!')} ` +
`ID: ${}\n ` +
`Title: ${scoreinfo.title}\n `,
default: true,
if (!confirmed) return
// initiate LibreScore link request
librescoreLink = getLibreScoreLink(scoreinfo)
// print a blank line to the terminal
} else {
scoreinfo = new ScoreInfoObj(0, path.basename(fileInit, EXT))
const spinner = ora({
text: i18n('PROCESSING')(),
color: 'blue',
spinner: 'bounce',
indent: 0,
let score: WebMscore
let metadata: import('webmscore/schemas').ScoreMetadata
try {
if (!isLocalFile) {
// fetch mscz file from the dataset, and cache it for side effect
await fetchMscz(scoreinfo)
} else {
// load local file
const data = await fs.promises.readFile(fileInit)
await setMscz(scoreinfo, data.buffer)
}'MSCZ file loaded')
if (!isLocalFile) {`File URL: ${ as string}`)
if (librescoreLink) {
try {`${i18n('VIEW_IN_LIBRESCORE')()}: ${await librescoreLink}`)
} catch { } // it doesn't affect the main feature
// load score using webmscore
score = await loadMscore(scoreinfo)
metadata = await score.metadata()'Score loaded by webmscore')
} catch (err) {
// build part choices
const partChoices = => ({ name: p.title, value: }))
// add the "full score" option as a "part"
partChoices.unshift({ value: -1, name: i18n('FULL_SCORE')() })
// build filetype choices
const typeChoices =, i) => ({ name:, value: i }))
// part selection
const { part } = await inquirer.prompt<Params>({
type: 'list',
name: 'part',
message: 'Part Selection',
choices: partChoices,
const partName = partChoices[part + 1].name
await score.setExcerptId(part)
// filetype selection
const { types } = await inquirer.prompt<Params>({
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'types',
message: 'Filetype Selection',
choices: typeChoices,
validate (input: number[]) {
return input.length >= 1
const filetypes = => INDV_DOWNLOADS[i])
// destination directory
const { dest } = await inquirer.prompt<Params>({
type: 'input',
name: 'dest',
message: 'Destination Directory:',
validate (input: string) {
return input && fs.statSync(input).isDirectory()
default: process.cwd(),
// export files
const fileName = scoreinfo.fileName || await score.titleFilenameSafe()
await Promise.all( (d) => {
const data = await d.action(score)
const n = `${fileName} - ${escapeFilename(partName)}.${d.fileExt}`
const f = path.join(dest, n)
await fs.promises.writeFile(f, data)`Saved ${chalk.underline(f)}`)
if (!isNpx()) {
const { installed, latest, isLatest } = await getVerInfo()
if (!isLatest) {
console.log(chalk.yellowBright(`\nYour installed version (${installed}) of the musescore-downloader CLI is not the latest one (${latest})!\nRun npm i -g musescore-downloader to update.`))