import './meta' import { waitForDocumentLoaded, saveAs } from './utils' import { downloadPDF } from './pdf' import { fetchMscz, downloadMscz } from './mscz' import { getDownloadBtn, BtnList, BtnAction } from './btn' import * as recaptcha from './recaptcha' import scoreinfo from './scoreinfo' const WEBMSCORE_URL = '' const main = (): void => { // @ts-ignore if (!window.UGAPP || ! || ! { return } // init recaptcha // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises recaptcha.init() const btnList = new BtnList(getDownloadBtn()) btnList.add({ name: 'Download MSCZ', action: BtnAction.process(downloadMscz), }) btnList.add({ name: 'Download PDF', action: BtnAction.process(downloadPDF), }) btnList.add({ name: 'Download MusicXML', action: BtnAction.openUrl(scoreinfo.mxlUrl), }) btnList.add({ name: 'Download MIDI', action: BtnAction.openUrl(scoreinfo.midiUrl), }) btnList.add({ name: 'Download MP3', action: BtnAction.openUrl(scoreinfo.mp3Url), }) btnList.add({ name: 'Individual Parts', async action (btnName, btn, setText) { const _onclick = btn.onclick btn.onclick = null setText(BtnAction.PROCESSING_TEXT) const w ='') as Window const txt = document.createTextNode(BtnAction.PROCESSING_TEXT) w.document.body.append(txt) // set page hooks // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let score: any const destroy = (): void => { score && score.destroy() w.close() } window.addEventListener('unload', destroy) w.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { score && score.destroy() window.removeEventListener('unload', destroy) setText(btnName) btn.onclick = _onclick }) // load webmscore ( const script = w.document.createElement('script') script.src = WEBMSCORE_URL w.document.body.append(script) await new Promise(resolve => { script.onload = resolve }) // parse mscz data const data = new Uint8Array( new Uint8Array(await fetchMscz()), // copy its ArrayBuffer ) score = await w['WebMscore'].load('mscz', data) await score.generateExcerpts() const metadata = await score.metadata() console.log('score metadata loaded by webmscore', metadata) // render the part selection page txt.remove() const fieldset = w.document.createElement('fieldset') metadata.excerpts.unshift({ id: -1, title: 'Full score' }) for (const excerpt of metadata.excerpts) { const id = const partName = excerpt.title const e = w.document.createElement('input') = 'score-part' e.type = 'radio' e.alt = partName e.value = id e.checked = id === 0 // initially select the first part const label = w.document.createElement('label') label.innerText = partName const br = w.document.createElement('br') fieldset.append(e, label, br) } const submitBtn = w.document.createElement('input') submitBtn.type = 'submit' submitBtn.value = 'Download PDF' fieldset.append(submitBtn) w.document.body.append(fieldset) submitBtn.onclick = async (): Promise => { const checked = fieldset.querySelector('input:checked') as HTMLInputElement const id = checked.value const partName = checked.alt await score.setExcerptId(id) const filename = scoreinfo.fileName const data = new Blob([await score.savePdf()]) saveAs(data, `${filename} - ${partName}.pdf`) } }, }).title = 'Download individual parts (BETA)' btnList.commit() } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises waitForDocumentLoaded().then(main)