import { ScoreInfo } from './scoreinfo' import { loadMscore, WebMscore } from './mscore' import { useTimeout, windowOpenAsync, console, attachShadow } from './utils' import { isGmAvailable, _GM } from './gm' import i18n from './i18n' // @ts-ignore import btnListCss from './btn.css' type BtnElement = HTMLButtonElement export enum ICON { DOWNLOAD = 'M9.6 2.4h4.8V12h2.784l-5.18 5.18L6.823 12H9.6V2.4zM19.2 19.2H4.8v2.4h14.4v-2.4z', LIBRESCORE = 'm5.4837 4.4735v10.405c-1.25-0.89936-3.0285-0.40896-4.1658 0.45816-1.0052 0.76659-1.7881 2.3316-0.98365 3.4943 1 1.1346 2.7702 0.70402 3.8817-0.02809 1.0896-0.66323 1.9667-1.8569 1.8125-3.1814v-5.4822h8.3278v9.3865h9.6438v-2.6282h-6.4567v-12.417c-4.0064-0.015181-8.0424-0.0027-12.06-0.00676zm0.54477 2.2697h8.3278v1.1258h-8.3278v-1.1258z', } const getBtnContainer = (): HTMLDivElement => { const els = [...document.querySelectorAll('*')].reverse() const el = els.find(b => { const text = b?.textContent?.replace(/\s/g, '') || '' return text.includes('Download') || text.includes('Print') }) as HTMLDivElement | null const btnParent = el?.parentElement?.parentElement as HTMLDivElement | undefined if (!btnParent) throw new Error('btn parent not found') return btnParent } const buildDownloadBtn = (icon: ICON) => { const btn = document.createElement('button') btn.type = 'button' // build icon svg element const svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg') svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 24 24') const svgPath = document.createElementNS('', 'path') svgPath.setAttribute('d', icon) svgPath.setAttribute('fill', '#fff') svg.append(svgPath) const textNode = document.createElement('span') btn.append(svg, textNode) return btn } const cloneBtn = (btn: HTMLButtonElement) => { const n = btn.cloneNode(true) as HTMLButtonElement n.onclick = btn.onclick return n } interface BtnOptions { readonly name: string; readonly action: BtnAction; readonly disabled?: boolean; readonly tooltip?: string; readonly icon?: ICON; } export enum BtnListMode { InPage, ExtWindow, } export class BtnList { private readonly list: BtnElement[] = []; constructor (private getBtnParent: () => HTMLDivElement = getBtnContainer) { } add (options: BtnOptions): BtnElement { const btnTpl = buildDownloadBtn(options.icon ?? ICON.DOWNLOAD) const setText = (btn: BtnElement) => { const textNode = btn.querySelector('span') return (str: string): void => { if (textNode) textNode.textContent = str } } setText(btnTpl)( btnTpl.onclick = function () { const btn = this as BtnElement options.action(, btn, setText(btn)) } this.list.push(btnTpl) if (options.disabled) { btnTpl.disabled = options.disabled } if (options.tooltip) { btnTpl.title = options.tooltip } // add buttons to the userscript manager menu if (isGmAvailable('registerMenuCommand')) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-void void _GM.registerMenuCommand(, () => { options.action(, btnTpl, () => undefined) }) } return btnTpl } private _positionBtns (newParent: HTMLDivElement) { try { const anchorDiv = this.getBtnParent() const { top } = anchorDiv.getBoundingClientRect() = `${top}px` } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } private _commit () { const btnParent = document.querySelector('div') as HTMLDivElement const shadow = attachShadow(btnParent) // style the shadow DOM const style = document.createElement('style') style.innerText = btnListCss shadow.append(style) // hide buttons using the shadow DOM const slot = document.createElement('slot') shadow.append(slot) const newParent = document.createElement('div') newParent.append( => cloneBtn(e))) shadow.append(newParent) const pos = () => this._positionBtns(newParent) pos() document.addEventListener('readystatechange', pos) window.addEventListener('resize', pos) return btnParent } /** * replace the template button with the list of new buttons */ async commit (mode: BtnListMode = BtnListMode.InPage): Promise { switch (mode) { case BtnListMode.InPage: { let el: Element try { el = this._commit() } catch { // fallback to BtnListMode.ExtWindow return this.commit(BtnListMode.ExtWindow) } const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { // check if the buttons are still in document when dom updates if (!document.contains(el)) { // re-commit // performance issue? el = this._commit() } }) observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }) break } case BtnListMode.ExtWindow: { const div = this._commit() const w = await windowOpenAsync(undefined, '', undefined, 'resizable,width=230,height=270') // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions w?.document.body.append(div) window.addEventListener('unload', () => w?.close()) break } default: throw new Error('unknown BtnListMode') } } } type BtnAction = (btnName: string, btnEl: BtnElement, setText: (str: string) => void) => any // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace export namespace BtnAction { type Promisable = T | Promise type UrlInput = Promisable | (() => Promisable) const normalizeUrlInput = (url: UrlInput) => { if (typeof url === 'function') return url() else return url } export const download = (url: UrlInput, fallback?: () => Promisable, timeout?: number, target?: '_blank'): BtnAction => { return process(async (): Promise => { const _url = await normalizeUrlInput(url) const a = document.createElement('a') a.href = _url if (target) = target a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')) }, fallback, timeout) } export const openUrl = (url: UrlInput, fallback?: () => Promisable, timeout?: number): BtnAction => { return download(url, fallback, timeout, '_blank') } export const mscoreWindow = (scoreinfo: ScoreInfo, fn: (w: Window, score: WebMscore, processingTextEl: ChildNode) => any): BtnAction => { return async (btnName, btn, setText) => { const _onclick = btn.onclick btn.onclick = null setText(i18n('PROCESSING')()) const w = await windowOpenAsync(btn, '') as Window const txt = document.createTextNode(i18n('PROCESSING')()) w.document.body.append(txt) // set page hooks // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let score: WebMscore const destroy = (): void => { score && score.destroy() w.close() } window.addEventListener('unload', destroy) w.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { score && score.destroy() window.removeEventListener('unload', destroy) setText(btnName) btn.onclick = _onclick }) score = await loadMscore(scoreinfo, w) fn(w, score, txt) } } export const process = (fn: () => any, fallback?: () => Promisable, timeout = 10 * 60 * 1000 /* 10min */): BtnAction => { return async (name, btn, setText): Promise => { const _onclick = btn.onclick btn.onclick = null setText(i18n('PROCESSING')()) try { await useTimeout(fn(), timeout) setText(name) } catch (err) { console.error(err) if (fallback) { // use fallback await fallback() setText(name) } else { setText(i18n('BTN_ERROR')()) } } btn.onclick = _onclick } } export const deprecate = (action: BtnAction): BtnAction => { return (name, btn, setText) => { alert(i18n('DEPRECATION_NOTICE')(name)) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return action(name, btn, setText) } } }