/* eslint-disable */ const w = typeof unsafeWindow == 'object' ? unsafeWindow : window; // GM APIs glue const _GM = typeof GM == 'object' ? GM : undefined; const gmId = '' + Math.random(); w[gmId] = _GM; if (_GM && _GM.registerMenuCommand && _GM.openInTab) { // add buttons to the userscript manager menu _GM.registerMenuCommand( '** Source Code **', () => _GM.openInTab(_GM.info.script.homepage, { active: true }) ) _GM.registerMenuCommand( '** Discord **', () => _GM.openInTab("https://discord.gg/DKu7cUZ4XQ", { active: true }) ) } // script loader new Promise(resolve => { const id = '' + Math.random(); w[id] = resolve; setTimeout(`(function a(){window['${id}'](new Image());delete window['${id}'];})()//# sourceURL=${location.href}`) }).then(d => { d.style.display = 'none'; d.src = ''; d.once = false; d.setAttribute('onload', `if(this.once)return;this.once=true;this.remove();const GM=window['${gmId}'];delete window['${gmId}'];(` + function a () { /** script code here */ }.toString() + ')()');document.body.prepend(d)})