import './meta' import FileSaver from 'file-saver' import { waitForSheetLoaded, console } from './utils' import { downloadPDF } from './pdf' import { downloadMscz } from './mscz' import { getFileUrl } from './file' import { INDV_DOWNLOADS } from './mscore' import { getLibreScoreLink } from './librescore-link' import { BtnList, BtnAction, BtnListMode, ICON } from './btn' import { ScoreInfoInPage, SheetInfoInPage, getActualId } from './scoreinfo' import i18n from './i18n' const { saveAs } = FileSaver const main = (): void => { const btnList = new BtnList() const scoreinfo = new ScoreInfoInPage(document) const { fileName } = scoreinfo // eslint-disable-next-line no-void void getActualId(scoreinfo) let indvPartBtn: HTMLButtonElement | null = null const fallback = () => { // btns fallback to load from MSCZ file (`Individual Parts`) return indvPartBtn?.click() } btnList.add({ name: i18n('DOWNLOAD')('MSCZ'), action: BtnAction.process(() => downloadMscz(scoreinfo, saveAs)), }) btnList.add({ name: i18n('DOWNLOAD')('PDF'), action: BtnAction.process(() => downloadPDF(scoreinfo, new SheetInfoInPage(document)), fallback, 3 * 60 * 1000 /* 3min */), }) btnList.add({ name: i18n('DOWNLOAD')('MusicXML'), action: BtnAction.mscoreWindow(scoreinfo, async (w, score) => { const mxl = await score.saveMxl() const data = new Blob([mxl]) saveAs(data, `${fileName}.mxl`) w.close() }), }) btnList.add({ name: i18n('DOWNLOAD')('MIDI'), action: => getFileUrl(, 'midi'), fallback, 30 * 1000 /* 30s */), }) btnList.add({ name: i18n('DOWNLOAD')('MP3'), action: => getFileUrl(, 'mp3'), fallback, 30 * 1000 /* 30s */), }) indvPartBtn = btnList.add({ name: i18n('IND_PARTS')(), tooltip: i18n('IND_PARTS_TOOLTIP')(), action: BtnAction.mscoreWindow(scoreinfo, async (w, score, txt) => { const metadata = await score.metadata() console.log('score metadata loaded by webmscore', metadata) // add the "full score" option as a "part" metadata.excerpts.unshift({ id: -1, title: i18n('FULL_SCORE')(), parts: [] }) // render the part selection page txt.remove() const fieldset = w.document.createElement('fieldset') w.document.body.append(fieldset) const downloads = INDV_DOWNLOADS // part selection const DEFAULT_PART = -1 // initially select "full score" for (const excerpt of metadata.excerpts) { const id = const partName = excerpt.title const e = w.document.createElement('input') = 'score-part' e.type = 'radio' e.alt = partName e.checked = id === DEFAULT_PART e.onclick = () => { return score.setExcerptId(id) // set selected part } const label = w.document.createElement('label') label.innerText = partName const br = w.document.createElement('br') fieldset.append(e, label, br) } await score.setExcerptId(DEFAULT_PART) // submit buttons for (const d of downloads) { const submitBtn = w.document.createElement('input') submitBtn.type = 'submit' = '0.5em' fieldset.append(submitBtn) const initBtn = () => { submitBtn.onclick = onSubmit submitBtn.disabled = false submitBtn.value = } const onSubmit = async (): Promise => { // lock the button when processing submitBtn.onclick = null submitBtn.disabled = true submitBtn.value = i18n('PROCESSING')() const checked = fieldset.querySelector('input:checked') as HTMLInputElement const partName = checked.alt const data = new Blob([await d.action(score)]) saveAs(data, `${fileName} - ${partName}.${d.fileExt}`) // unlock button initBtn() } initBtn() } }), }) btnList.add({ name: 'View in LibreScore', action: BtnAction.openUrl(() => getLibreScoreLink(scoreinfo)), tooltip: 'BETA', icon: ICON.LIBRESCORE, }) btnList.commit(BtnListMode.InPage) } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises waitForSheetLoaded().then(main)