# Lets you enable / disable certain features and modify them.
# (Default = true) Optimizes vanilla's per-player mobspawning by using PaperMC's PlayerMobDistanceMap.
use_distance_map = true
# (Default = false) Stops the server from loading spawn chunks.
disable_spawn_chunks = false
# (Default = false) Allows more xp orbs to merge with one another, to reduce xp orb lag.
fast_xp_merging = false
# (Default = false) Prevents players from moving into unloaded chunks.
prevent_moving_into_unloaded_chunks = false
# (Default = 128) The radius at which the game will look for other portals. Lower values can reduce lagspikes.
# Does not work if lithium is installed.
portal_search_radius = 128
# (Default = 16) The radius at which the game will try to create new portals.
# It is recommended to make this smaller than the search radius.
portal_create_radius = 16
# (Default = true) Whether the custom portal radius will use the vanilla dimension scale.
portal_search_vanilla_scaling = true
# (Default = false) Makes villagers tick less often if they are stuck in a 1x1 space.
lobotomize_villagers = false
# (Default = 20) Decides the interval in between villager ticks when lobotomized.
lobotomized_tick_interval = 20
# (Default = -1) The threshold MSPT that the server is allowed to run mid-tick chunk saves at.
# Setting this value to negative will disable this threshold.
chunk_save_threshold = -1
# (Default = 5) The amount of minutes in between auto-save intervals when /save-on is active.
auto_save_interval = 5
# (Default = 0.5) Decides the radius in blocks that items / xp will merge at.
item_merge_radius = 0.5
xp_merge_radius = 0.5
# Modifies mobcaps, no-chunk-tick, simulation and view-distance depending on the MSPT.
# (Default = false) Enables this feature.
enabled = false
# (Default = 35) The average MSPT to target.
target_mspt = 35
# (Default = 15) The amount of seconds between dynamic performance updates.
update_rate = 15
# (Default = 150) The amount of seconds between dynamic viewdistance updates.
# This value is separate from the other checks because it makes all clients reload their chunks.
view_distance_update_rate = 150
# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which random ticks and mobspawning can happen.
max_chunk_tick_distance = 10
min_chunk_tick_distance = 2
# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which the world will tick, similar to no-tick-vd.
max_simulation_distance = 10
min_simulation_distance = 2
# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which the world will render.
max_view_distance = 10
min_view_distance = 2
# (Default = [Max: 1.0, Min: 0.3]) Global multiplier that decides the percentage of the mobcap to be used.
max_mobcap = 1.0
min_mobcap = 0.3
# Stops animals / villagers from breeding if there are too many of the same type nearby.
# (Default = false) Enables this feature.
enabled = false
# (Default = [Villager: 24, Animals: 32]) Maximum count before stopping entities of the same type from breeding.
villager_count = 24
animal_count = 32
# (Default = [Villager: 64, Animals: 64]) The range it will check for entities of the same type.
villager_range = 64
animal_range = 64
# Allows you to disable specific commands and modify the way some of them are formatted.
# Enables / disables the /servercore status command.
command_status = true
# Enables / disables the /mobcaps command.
# Forcefully set to false by: VMP
command_mobcaps = true
# The title for the /mobcaps command.
mobcap_title = "%LINE% Mobcaps (%MODIFIER%) %LINE%"
# The content for the /mobcaps command. This is displayed for every existing spawngroup.
mobcap_content = "» %NAME%: %CURRENT% / %CAPACITY%"
# The title for the /servercore status command.
status_title = "%LINE% ServerCore %LINE%"
# The content for the /servercore status command.
status_content = "» Version: %VERSION%\n» Chunk-Tick Distance: %CHUNK_TICK_DISTANCE%\n» Simulation Distance: %SIMULATION_DISTANCE%\n» View Distance: %VIEW_DISTANCE%\n» Mobcap Multiplier: %MOBCAPS%"
# The title for the /statistics command.
stats_title = "%LINE% Statistics %LINE%"
# The content for the /statistics command.
stats_content = "» TPS: %TPS% - MSPT: %MSPT%\n» Total chunk count: %CHUNK_COUNT%\n» Total entity count: %ENTITY_COUNT%\n» Total block entity count: %BLOCK_ENTITY_COUNT%"
# The title for the /statistics (block) entities command.
stats_page_title = "%LINE% %TITLE% by %TYPE% %LINE%"
stats_page_title_player = "%LINE% %TITLE% for %PLAYER% %LINE%"
# The content for the /statistics (block) entities command. This is displayed for every entry.
stats_page_content = "%INDEX%. %NAME% %COUNT%"
# The footer for the /statistics (block) entities command.
stats_page_footer = "%LINE% %PREV_PAGE% Page %PAGE% of %PAGE_COUNT% %NEXT_PAGE% %LINE%"
# Stops entities from ticking if they are too far away.
# (Default = false) Enables this feature.
enabled = false
# (Default = false) Enables vertical range checks. By default, activation ranges only work horizontally.
# This can greatly improve performance on taller worlds, but might break a few very specific ai-based mobfarms.
use_vertical_range = false
# (Default = true) Allows villagers to tick regardless of the activation range when panicking.
villager_tick_panic = true
# (Default = false) Allows villagers to tick regardless of the activation range.
villager_tick_always = false
# (Default = 20) The time in seconds that a villager needs to be inactive for before obtaining work immunity (if it has work tasks).
villager_work_immunity_after = 20
# (Default = 20) The amount of ticks an inactive villager will wake up for when it has work immunity.
villager_work_immunity_for = 20
# Activation Range = The range an entity is required to be in from a player to tick.
# Tick Inactive = Whether an entity is allowed to tick once per second whilst inactive.
# Wakeup Max = The maximum amount of entities in the same group and world that are allowed to be awakened at the same time.
# Wakeup Interval = The interval between inactive entity wake ups in seconds.
# Activation range settings for villagers.
villager_activation_range = 16
villager_tick_inactive = true
villager_wakeup_max = 4
villager_wakeup_interval = 30
# Activation range settings for monsters.
monster_activation_range = 32
monster_tick_inactive = true
monster_wakeup_max = 8
monster_wakeup_interval = 20
# Activation range settings for animals.
animal_activation_range = 16
animal_tick_inactive = true
animal_wakeup_max = 4
animal_wakeup_interval = 60
# Activation range settings for flying mobs.
flying_activation_range = 48
flying_wakeup_max = 8
flying_wakeup_interval = 10
flying_tick_inactive = true
# Activation range settings for water mobs.
water_activation_range = 16
water_tick_inactive = true
# Activation range settings for neutral mobs.
neutral_activation_range = 24
neutral_tick_inactive = true
# Activation range settings for zombies.
zombie_activation_range = 16
zombie_tick_inactive = true
# Activation range settings for raider mobs.
raider_activation_range = 48
raider_tick_inactive = true
# Activation range settings for miscellaneous entities.
misc_activation_range = 16
misc_tick_inactive = true