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mirror of https://github.com/pbatard/rufus.git synced 2024-08-14 23:57:05 +00:00
Pete Batard 0fceb38433 [syslinux] fix tails breakage and add support for fine grained versions
* With that obscene an amount of pre-releases of 6.03 (seriously, how
  many more YEARS pre-release of the same version do you actually need?),
  of course the syslinux people have managed to break the last remnants
  of compatibility they had between a single major version, so we are now
  forced to provide a smorgasbord of pre-release and out of band syslinux
  binaries on our server, and make sure we detect and handle incompatible
  syslinux versions clientside...
  For instance, even after fixing the EFI vs isolinux issue, we find
  that tails 1.1 is incompatible with 'pre19'. But it also uses its own
  '20131220' extended identifier, instead of 'pre1', its closest
  relative. So we have to multiply files and symbolic links to try to
  keep everybody happy.
  Talk about a MAJOR LETDOWN from the syslinux project...
* Closes #363
2014-08-06 01:52:36 +01:00

799 lines
29 KiB

* Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
* ISO file extraction
* Copyright © 2011-2014 Pete Batard <pete@akeo.ie>
* Based on libcdio's iso & udf samples:
* Copyright © 2003-2012 Rocky Bernstein <rocky@gnu.org>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* Memory leaks detection - define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC as preprocessor macro */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cdio/cdio.h>
#include <cdio/logging.h>
#include <cdio/iso9660.h>
#include <cdio/udf.h>
#include "rufus.h"
#include "msapi_utf8.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "localization.h"
// How often should we update the progress bar (in 2K blocks) as updating
// the progress bar for every block will bring extraction to a crawl
#define FOUR_GIGABYTES 4294967296LL
// Needed for UDF ISO access
CdIo_t* cdio_open (const char* psz_source, driver_id_t driver_id) {return NULL;}
void cdio_destroy (CdIo_t* p_cdio) {}
RUFUS_ISO_REPORT iso_report;
int64_t iso_blocking_status = -1;
BOOL enable_iso = TRUE, enable_joliet = TRUE, enable_rockridge = TRUE, has_ldlinux_c32;
#define ISO_BLOCKING(x) do {x; iso_blocking_status++; } while(0)
static const char* psz_extract_dir;
static const char* bootmgr_efi_name = "bootmgr.efi";
static const char* ldlinux_name = "ldlinux.sys";
static const char* ldlinux_c32 = "ldlinux.c32";
static const char* efi_dirname = "/efi/boot";
static const char* syslinux_cfg[] = { "isolinux.cfg", "syslinux.cfg", "extlinux.conf"};
static const char dot_isolinux_bin[] = ".\\isolinux.bin";
static const char* isolinux_bin = &dot_isolinux_bin[2];
static const char* pe_dirname[] = { "/i386", "/minint" };
static const char* pe_file[] = { "ntdetect.com", "setupldr.bin", "txtsetup.sif" };
static const char* reactos_name = "setupldr.sys"; // TODO: freeldr.sys doesn't seem to work
static const char* kolibri_name = "kolibri.img";
static const char* autorun_name = "autorun.inf";
static const char* stupid_antivirus = " NOTE: This is usually caused by a poorly designed security solution. "
"See http://rufus.akeo.ie/compatibility.\r\n This file will be skipped for now, but you should really "
"look into using a *SMARTER* antivirus solution.";
const char* old_c32_name[NB_OLD_C32] = OLD_C32_NAMES;
static const int64_t old_c32_threshold[NB_OLD_C32] = OLD_C32_THRESHOLD;
static uint8_t i_joliet_level = 0;
static uint64_t total_blocks, nb_blocks;
static BOOL scan_only = FALSE;
static StrArray config_path, isolinux_path;
// Ensure filenames do not contain invalid FAT32 or NTFS characters
static __inline BOOL sanitize_filename(char* filename)
size_t i, j;
char unauthorized[] = {'<', '>', ':', '|', '*', '?'};
// Must start after the drive part (D:\...) so that we don't eliminate the first column
for (i=2; i<safe_strlen(filename); i++) {
for (j=0; j<sizeof(unauthorized); j++) {
if (filename[i] == unauthorized[j]) {
filename[i] = '_';
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
static void log_handler (cdio_log_level_t level, const char *message)
switch(level) {
// TODO: use a registry key to enable libcdio debug?
uprintf("libcdio: %s\n", message);
* Scan and set ISO properties
* Returns true if the the current file does not need to be processed further
static BOOL check_iso_props(const char* psz_dirname, BOOL* is_syslinux_cfg, BOOL* is_old_c32,
int64_t i_file_length, const char* psz_basename, const char* psz_fullpath)
size_t i, j;
// Check for an isolinux/syslinux config file anywhere
*is_syslinux_cfg = FALSE;
for (i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(syslinux_cfg); i++) {
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, syslinux_cfg[i]) == 0)
*is_syslinux_cfg = TRUE;
// Check for a syslinux v5.0+ file anywhere
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, ldlinux_c32) == 0) {
has_ldlinux_c32 = TRUE;
// Check for an old incompatible c32 file anywhere
for (i=0; i<NB_OLD_C32; i++) {
is_old_c32[i] = FALSE;
if ((safe_stricmp(psz_basename, old_c32_name[i]) == 0) && (i_file_length <= old_c32_threshold[i]))
is_old_c32[i] = TRUE;
if (scan_only) {
// Check for various files in root (psz_dirname = "")
if (*psz_dirname == 0) {
if (safe_strnicmp(psz_basename, bootmgr_efi_name, safe_strlen(bootmgr_efi_name)-5) == 0) {
iso_report.has_bootmgr = TRUE;
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, bootmgr_efi_name) == 0) {
iso_report.has_win7_efi = TRUE;
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, kolibri_name) == 0) {
iso_report.has_kolibrios = TRUE;
// Check for ReactOS' setupldr.sys anywhere
if ((iso_report.reactos_path[0] == 0) && (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, reactos_name) == 0))
safe_strcpy(iso_report.reactos_path, sizeof(iso_report.reactos_path), psz_fullpath);
// Check for the EFI boot directory
if (safe_stricmp(psz_dirname, efi_dirname) == 0)
iso_report.has_efi = TRUE;
// Check for PE (XP) specific files in "/i386" or "/minint"
for (i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(pe_dirname); i++)
if (safe_stricmp(psz_dirname, pe_dirname[i]) == 0)
for (j=0; j<ARRAYSIZE(pe_file); j++)
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, pe_file[j]) == 0)
iso_report.winpe |= (1<<i)<<(ARRAYSIZE(pe_dirname)*j);
if (*is_syslinux_cfg) {
// Maintain a list of all the isolinux/syslinux configs identified so far
StrArrayAdd(&config_path, psz_fullpath);
if (safe_stricmp(psz_basename, isolinux_bin) == 0) {
// Maintain a list of all the isolinux.bin files found
StrArrayAdd(&isolinux_path, psz_fullpath);
for (i=0; i<NB_OLD_C32; i++) {
if (is_old_c32[i])
iso_report.has_old_c32[i] = TRUE;
if (i_file_length >= FOUR_GIGABYTES)
iso_report.has_4GB_file = TRUE;
// Compute projected size needed
total_blocks += i_file_length/UDF_BLOCKSIZE;
if ((i_file_length != 0) && (i_file_length%ISO_BLOCKSIZE == 0)) //
return TRUE;
// In case there's an ldlinux.sys on the ISO, prevent it from overwriting ours
if ((*psz_dirname == 0) && (safe_strcmp(psz_basename, ldlinux_name) == 0)) {
uprintf("skipping % file from ISO image\n", ldlinux_name);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error
static int udf_extract_files(udf_t *p_udf, udf_dirent_t *p_udf_dirent, const char *psz_path)
HANDLE file_handle = NULL;
DWORD buf_size, wr_size, err;
BOOL r, is_syslinux_cfg, is_old_c32[NB_OLD_C32];
int i_length;
size_t i, nul_pos;
char tmp[128], *psz_fullpath = NULL;
const char* psz_basename;
udf_dirent_t *p_udf_dirent2;
uint8_t buf[UDF_BLOCKSIZE];
int64_t i_read, i_file_length;
if ((p_udf_dirent == NULL) || (psz_path == NULL))
return 1;
while ((p_udf_dirent = udf_readdir(p_udf_dirent)) != NULL) {
if (FormatStatus) goto out;
psz_basename = udf_get_filename(p_udf_dirent);
if (strlen(psz_basename) == 0)
i_length = (int)(3 + strlen(psz_path) + strlen(psz_basename) + strlen(psz_extract_dir) + 24);
psz_fullpath = (char*)calloc(sizeof(char), i_length);
if (psz_fullpath == NULL) {
uprintf("Error allocating file name\n");
goto out;
i_length = _snprintf(psz_fullpath, i_length, "%s%s/%s", psz_extract_dir, psz_path, psz_basename);
if (i_length < 0) {
goto out;
if (udf_is_dir(p_udf_dirent)) {
if (!scan_only) IGNORE_RETVAL(_mkdirU(psz_fullpath));
p_udf_dirent2 = udf_opendir(p_udf_dirent);
if (p_udf_dirent2 != NULL) {
if (udf_extract_files(p_udf, p_udf_dirent2, &psz_fullpath[strlen(psz_extract_dir)]))
goto out;
} else {
i_file_length = udf_get_file_length(p_udf_dirent);
if (check_iso_props(psz_path, &is_syslinux_cfg, is_old_c32, i_file_length, psz_basename, psz_fullpath)) {
// Replace slashes with backslashes and append the size to the path for UI display
nul_pos = safe_strlen(psz_fullpath);
for (i=0; i<nul_pos; i++)
if (psz_fullpath[i] == '/') psz_fullpath[i] = '\\';
safe_sprintf(&psz_fullpath[nul_pos], 24, " (%s)", SizeToHumanReadable(i_file_length, TRUE, FALSE));
uprintf("Extracting: %s\n", psz_fullpath);
safe_sprintf(&psz_fullpath[nul_pos], 24, " (%s)", SizeToHumanReadable(i_file_length, FALSE, FALSE));
SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, psz_fullpath);
// Remove the appended size for extraction
psz_fullpath[nul_pos] = 0;
for (i=0; i<NB_OLD_C32; i++) {
if (is_old_c32[i] && use_own_c32[i]) {
static_sprintf(tmp, "%s/syslinux-%s/%s", FILES_DIR, embedded_sl_version_str[0], old_c32_name[i]);
if (CopyFileA(tmp, psz_fullpath, FALSE)) {
uprintf(" Replaced with local version\n");
uprintf(" Could not replace file: %s\n", WindowsErrorString());
if (i < NB_OLD_C32)
if (sanitize_filename(psz_fullpath))
uprintf(" File name sanitized to '%s'\n", psz_fullpath);
file_handle = CreateFileU(psz_fullpath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
err = GetLastError();
uprintf(" Unable to create file: %s\n", WindowsErrorString());
if ((err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) && (safe_strcmp(&psz_fullpath[3], autorun_name) == 0))
goto out;
} else while (i_file_length > 0) {
if (FormatStatus) goto out;
memset(buf, 0, UDF_BLOCKSIZE);
i_read = udf_read_block(p_udf_dirent, buf, 1);
if (i_read < 0) {
uprintf(" Error reading UDF file %s\n", &psz_fullpath[strlen(psz_extract_dir)]);
goto out;
buf_size = (DWORD)MIN(i_file_length, i_read);
for (i=0; i<WRITE_RETRIES; i++) {
ISO_BLOCKING(r = WriteFile(file_handle, buf, buf_size, &wr_size, NULL));
if ((!r) || (buf_size != wr_size)) {
uprintf(" Error writing file: %s", WindowsErrorString());
if (i < WRITE_RETRIES-1)
uprintf(" RETRYING...\n");
} else {
if (i >= WRITE_RETRIES) goto out;
i_file_length -= i_read;
if (nb_blocks++ % PROGRESS_THRESHOLD == 0) {
SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)((MAX_PROGRESS*nb_blocks)/total_blocks), 0);
UpdateProgress(OP_DOS, 100.0f*nb_blocks/total_blocks);
// If you have a fast USB 3.0 device, the default Windows buffering does an
// excellent job at compensating for our small blocks read/writes to max out the
// device's bandwidth.
// The drawback however is with cancellation. With a large file, CloseHandle()
// may take forever to complete and is not interruptible. We try to detect this.
if (is_syslinux_cfg) {
// Workaround for isolinux config files requiring an ISO label for kernel
// append that may be different from our USB label.
if (replace_in_token_data(psz_fullpath, "append", iso_report.label, iso_report.usb_label, TRUE) != NULL)
uprintf("Patched %s: '%s' -> '%s'\n", psz_fullpath, iso_report.label, iso_report.usb_label);
return 0;
if (p_udf_dirent != NULL)
return 1;
// Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error
static int iso_extract_files(iso9660_t* p_iso, const char *psz_path)
HANDLE file_handle = NULL;
DWORD buf_size, wr_size, err;
BOOL s, is_syslinux_cfg, is_old_c32[NB_OLD_C32], is_symlink;
int i_length, r = 1;
char tmp[128], psz_fullpath[1024], *psz_basename;
const char *psz_iso_name = &psz_fullpath[strlen(psz_extract_dir)];
unsigned char buf[ISO_BLOCKSIZE];
CdioListNode_t* p_entnode;
iso9660_stat_t *p_statbuf;
CdioList_t* p_entlist;
size_t i, j, nul_pos;
lsn_t lsn;
int64_t i_file_length;
if ((p_iso == NULL) || (psz_path == NULL))
return 1;
i_length = _snprintf(psz_fullpath, sizeof(psz_fullpath), "%s%s/", psz_extract_dir, psz_path);
if (i_length < 0)
return 1;
psz_basename = &psz_fullpath[i_length];
p_entlist = iso9660_ifs_readdir(p_iso, psz_path);
if (!p_entlist) {
uprintf("Could not access directory %s\n", psz_path);
return 1;
_CDIO_LIST_FOREACH(p_entnode, p_entlist) {
if (FormatStatus) goto out;
p_statbuf = (iso9660_stat_t*) _cdio_list_node_data(p_entnode);
// Eliminate . and .. entries
if ( (strcmp(p_statbuf->filename, ".") == 0)
|| (strcmp(p_statbuf->filename, "..") == 0) )
// Rock Ridge requires an exception
is_symlink = FALSE;
if ((p_statbuf->rr.b3_rock == yep) && enable_rockridge) {
safe_strcpy(psz_basename, sizeof(psz_fullpath)-i_length-1, p_statbuf->filename);
if (safe_strlen(p_statbuf->filename) > 64)
iso_report.has_long_filename = TRUE;
// libcdio has a memleak for Rock Ridge symlinks. It doesn't look like there's an easy fix there as
// a generic list that's unaware of RR extensions is being used, so we prevent that memleak ourselves
is_symlink = (p_statbuf->rr.psz_symlink != NULL);
if (is_symlink)
iso_report.has_symlinks = TRUE;
if (scan_only)
} else {
iso9660_name_translate_ext(p_statbuf->filename, psz_basename, i_joliet_level);
if (p_statbuf->type == _STAT_DIR) {
if (!scan_only) IGNORE_RETVAL(_mkdirU(psz_fullpath));
if (iso_extract_files(p_iso, psz_iso_name))
goto out;
} else {
i_file_length = p_statbuf->size;
if (check_iso_props(psz_path, &is_syslinux_cfg, is_old_c32, i_file_length, psz_basename, psz_fullpath)) {
// Replace slashes with backslashes and append the size to the path for UI display
nul_pos = safe_strlen(psz_fullpath);
for (i=0; i<nul_pos; i++)
if (psz_fullpath[i] == '/') psz_fullpath[i] = '\\';
safe_sprintf(&psz_fullpath[nul_pos], 24, " (%s)", SizeToHumanReadable(i_file_length, TRUE, FALSE));
uprintf("Extracting: %s\n", psz_fullpath);
safe_sprintf(&psz_fullpath[nul_pos], 24, " (%s)", SizeToHumanReadable(i_file_length, FALSE, FALSE));
SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, psz_fullpath);
// ISO9660 cannot handle backslashes
for (i=0; i<nul_pos; i++) if (psz_fullpath[i] == '\\') psz_fullpath[i] = '/';
psz_fullpath[nul_pos] = 0;
for (i=0; i<NB_OLD_C32; i++) {
if (is_old_c32[i] && use_own_c32[i]) {
static_sprintf(tmp, "%s/syslinux-%s/%s", FILES_DIR, embedded_sl_version_str[0], old_c32_name[i]);
if (CopyFileA(tmp, psz_fullpath, FALSE)) {
uprintf(" Replaced with local version\n");
uprintf(" Could not replace file: %s\n", WindowsErrorString());
if (i < NB_OLD_C32)
if (sanitize_filename(psz_fullpath))
uprintf(" File name sanitized to '%s'\n", psz_fullpath);
if (is_symlink) {
if (i_file_length == 0)
uprintf(" Ignoring Rock Ridge symbolic link to '%s'\n", p_statbuf->rr.psz_symlink);
file_handle = CreateFileU(psz_fullpath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
err = GetLastError();
uprintf(" Unable to create file: %s\n", WindowsErrorString());
if ((err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) && (safe_strcmp(&psz_fullpath[3], autorun_name) == 0))
goto out;
} else for (i=0; i_file_length>0; i++) {
if (FormatStatus) goto out;
memset(buf, 0, ISO_BLOCKSIZE);
lsn = p_statbuf->lsn + (lsn_t)i;
if (iso9660_iso_seek_read(p_iso, buf, lsn, 1) != ISO_BLOCKSIZE) {
uprintf(" Error reading ISO9660 file %s at LSN %lu\n",
psz_iso_name, (long unsigned int)lsn);
goto out;
buf_size = (DWORD)MIN(i_file_length, ISO_BLOCKSIZE);
for (j=0; j<WRITE_RETRIES; j++) {
ISO_BLOCKING(s = WriteFile(file_handle, buf, buf_size, &wr_size, NULL));
if ((!s) || (buf_size != wr_size)) {
uprintf(" Error writing file: %s", WindowsErrorString());
if (j < WRITE_RETRIES-1)
uprintf(" RETRYING...\n");
} else {
if (j >= WRITE_RETRIES) goto out;
i_file_length -= ISO_BLOCKSIZE;
if (nb_blocks++ % PROGRESS_THRESHOLD == 0) {
SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)((MAX_PROGRESS*nb_blocks)/total_blocks), 0);
UpdateProgress(OP_DOS, 100.0f*nb_blocks/total_blocks);
if (is_syslinux_cfg) {
if (replace_in_token_data(psz_fullpath, "append", iso_report.label, iso_report.usb_label, TRUE) != NULL)
uprintf("Patched %s: '%s' -> '%s'\n", psz_fullpath, iso_report.label, iso_report.usb_label);
r = 0;
_cdio_list_free(p_entlist, true);
return r;
BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, BOOL scan)
size_t i, size;
int j;
uint16_t sl_version;
FILE* fd;
int r = 1;
iso9660_t* p_iso = NULL;
udf_t* p_udf = NULL;
udf_dirent_t* p_udf_root;
LONG progress_style;
char *tmp, *buf, *ext;
char path[MAX_PATH];
const char* basedir[] = { "i386", "minint" };
const char* tmp_sif = ".\\txtsetup.sif~";
iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask = ISO_EXTENSION_ALL;
if ((!enable_iso) || (src_iso == NULL) || (dest_dir == NULL))
return FALSE;
scan_only = scan;
psz_extract_dir = dest_dir;
progress_style = GetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE);
if (scan_only) {
total_blocks = 0;
memset(&iso_report, 0, sizeof(iso_report));
has_ldlinux_c32 = FALSE;
// String array of all isolinux/syslinux locations
StrArrayCreate(&config_path, 8);
StrArrayCreate(&isolinux_path, 8);
// Change the Window title and static text
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, lmprintf(MSG_202));
SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, lmprintf(MSG_202));
// Change progress style to marquee for scanning
SetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE, progress_style | PBS_MARQUEE);
SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETMARQUEE, TRUE, 0);
} else {
uprintf("Extracting files...\n");
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, lmprintf(MSG_231));
if (total_blocks == 0) {
uprintf("Error: ISO has not been properly scanned.\n");
goto out;
nb_blocks = 0;
iso_blocking_status = 0;
SetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE, progress_style & (~PBS_MARQUEE));
SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0);
SendMessage(hISOProgressDlg, UM_PROGRESS_INIT, 0, 0);
/* First try to open as UDF - fallback to ISO if it failed */
p_udf = udf_open(src_iso);
if (p_udf == NULL)
goto try_iso;
uprintf("Disc image is an UDF image\n");
p_udf_root = udf_get_root(p_udf, true, 0);
if (p_udf_root == NULL) {
uprintf("Couldn't locate UDF root directory\n");
goto out;
if (scan_only) {
if (udf_get_logical_volume_id(p_udf, iso_report.label, sizeof(iso_report.label)) <= 0)
iso_report.label[0] = 0;
r = udf_extract_files(p_udf, p_udf_root, "");
goto out;
// Perform our first scan with Joliet disabled (if Rock Ridge is enabled), so that we can find if
// there exists a Rock Ridge file with a name > 64 chars or if there are symlinks. If that is the
// case then we also disable Joliet during the extract phase.
if ((!enable_joliet) || (enable_rockridge && (scan_only || iso_report.has_long_filename || iso_report.has_symlinks))) {
iso_extension_mask &= ~ISO_EXTENSION_JOLIET;
if (!enable_rockridge) {
iso_extension_mask &= ~ISO_EXTENSION_ROCK_RIDGE;
p_iso = iso9660_open_ext(src_iso, iso_extension_mask);
if (p_iso == NULL) {
uprintf("Unable to open '%s' as an ISO image.\n", src_iso);
r = 1;
goto out;
uprintf("Disc image is an ISO9660 image\n");
i_joliet_level = iso9660_ifs_get_joliet_level(p_iso);
if (scan_only) {
if (iso9660_ifs_get_volume_id(p_iso, &tmp)) {
safe_strcpy(iso_report.label, sizeof(iso_report.label), tmp);
} else
iso_report.label[0] = 0;
} else {
uprintf("This image will be extracted using %s extensions (if present)",
(iso_extension_mask & ISO_EXTENSION_JOLIET)?"Joliet":"Rock Ridge");
uprintf("This image will not be extracted using any ISO extensions");
r = iso_extract_files(p_iso, "");
iso_blocking_status = -1;
if (scan_only) {
// Remove trailing spaces from the label
for (j=(int)safe_strlen(iso_report.label)-1; ((j>=0)&&(isspaceU(iso_report.label[j]))); j--)
iso_report.label[j] = 0;
// We use the fact that UDF_BLOCKSIZE and ISO_BLOCKSIZE are the same here
iso_report.projected_size = total_blocks * ISO_BLOCKSIZE;
// We will link the existing isolinux.cfg from a syslinux.cfg we create
// If multiple config files exist, choose the one with the shortest path
// (so that a '/syslinux.cfg' is preferred over a '/isolinux/isolinux.cfg')
if (!IsStrArrayEmpty(config_path)) {
safe_strcpy(iso_report.cfg_path, sizeof(iso_report.cfg_path), config_path.String[0]);
for (i=1; i<config_path.Index; i++) {
// Tails uses an '/EFI/BOOT/isolinux.cfg' along with a '/isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
// which are the exact same length. However, only the /isolinux one will work,
// so for now, at equal length, always pick the latest.
// We may have to revisit this and prefer a path that contains '/isolinux' if
// this hack is not enough for other images.
if (safe_strlen(iso_report.cfg_path) >= safe_strlen(config_path.String[i]))
safe_strcpy(iso_report.cfg_path, sizeof(iso_report.cfg_path), config_path.String[i]);
uprintf("Will use %s for Syslinux\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
// Extract all of the isolinux.bin files we found to identify their versions
for (i=0; i<isolinux_path.Index; i++) {
size = (size_t)ExtractISOFile(src_iso, isolinux_path.String[i], dot_isolinux_bin, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
if (size == 0) {
uprintf("Could not access %s\n", isolinux_path.String[i]);
} else {
buf = (char*)calloc(size, 1);
if (buf == NULL) break;
fd = fopen(dot_isolinux_bin, "rb");
if (fd == NULL) {
fread(buf, 1, size, fd);
sl_version = GetSyslinuxVersion(buf, size, &ext);
if (iso_report.sl_version == 0) {
safe_strcpy(iso_report.sl_version_ext, sizeof(iso_report.sl_version_ext), ext);
iso_report.sl_version = sl_version;
j = (int)i;
} else if ((iso_report.sl_version != sl_version) || (safe_strcmp(iso_report.sl_version_ext, ext) != 0)) {
uprintf("Found conflicting %s versions:\n '%s' (%d.%02d%s) vs '%s' (%d.%02d%s)\n", isolinux_bin,
isolinux_path.String[j], SL_MAJOR(iso_report.sl_version), SL_MINOR(iso_report.sl_version),
iso_report.sl_version_ext, isolinux_path.String[i], SL_MAJOR(sl_version), SL_MINOR(sl_version), ext);
if (iso_report.sl_version != 0) {
static_sprintf(iso_report.sl_version_str, "%d.%02d",
SL_MAJOR(iso_report.sl_version), SL_MINOR(iso_report.sl_version));
uprintf("Detected Isolinux version: %s%s (from '%s')",
iso_report.sl_version_str, iso_report.sl_version_ext, isolinux_path.String[j]);
if ( (has_ldlinux_c32 && (SL_MAJOR(iso_report.sl_version) < 5))
|| (!has_ldlinux_c32 && (SL_MAJOR(iso_report.sl_version) >= 5)) )
uprintf("Warning: Conflict between Isolinux version and the presence of ldlinux.c32...\n");
} else {
// Couldn't find a version from isolinux.bin. Force set to the versions we embed
iso_report.sl_version = embedded_sl_version[has_ldlinux_c32?1:0];
static_sprintf(iso_report.sl_version_str, "%d.%02d",
SL_MAJOR(iso_report.sl_version), SL_MINOR(iso_report.sl_version));
uprintf("Warning: Could not detect Isolinux version - Forcing to %s (embedded)",
if (IS_WINPE(iso_report.winpe)) {
// In case we have a WinPE 1.x based iso, we extract and parse txtsetup.sif
// during scan, to see if /minint was provided for OsLoadOptions, as it decides
// whether we should use 0x80 or 0x81 as the disk ID in the MBR
safe_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/%s/txtsetup.sif",
basedir[((iso_report.winpe&WINPE_I386) == WINPE_I386)?0:1]);
ExtractISOFile(src_iso, path, tmp_sif, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
tmp = get_token_data_file("OsLoadOptions", tmp_sif);
if (tmp != NULL) {
for (i=0; i<strlen(tmp); i++)
tmp[i] = (char)tolower(tmp[i]);
uprintf("Checking txtsetup.sif:\n OsLoadOptions = %s\n", tmp);
iso_report.uses_minint = (strstr(tmp, "/minint") != NULL);
} else if (HAS_SYSLINUX(iso_report)) {
safe_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\syslinux.cfg", dest_dir);
// Create a /syslinux.cfg (if none exists) that points to the existing isolinux cfg
fd = fopen(path, "r");
if (fd == NULL) {
fd = fopen(path, "w"); // No "/syslinux.cfg" => create a new one
if (fd == NULL) {
uprintf("Unable to create %s - booting from USB will not work\n", path);
r = 1;
} else {
fprintf(fd, "DEFAULT loadconfig\n\nLABEL loadconfig\n CONFIG %s\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
for (i=safe_strlen(iso_report.cfg_path); (i>0)&&(iso_report.cfg_path[i]!='/'); i--);
if (i>0) {
iso_report.cfg_path[i] = 0;
fprintf(fd, " APPEND %s/\n", iso_report.cfg_path);
iso_report.cfg_path[i] = '/';
uprintf("Created: %s\n", path);
if (fd != NULL)
SendMessage(hISOProgressDlg, UM_PROGRESS_EXIT, 0, 0);
if (p_iso != NULL)
if (p_udf != NULL)
if ((r != 0) && (FormatStatus == 0))
return (r == 0);
int64_t ExtractISOFile(const char* iso, const char* iso_file, const char* dest_file, DWORD attributes)
size_t i;
ssize_t read_size;
int64_t file_length, r = 0;
char buf[UDF_BLOCKSIZE];
DWORD buf_size, wr_size;
iso9660_t* p_iso = NULL;
udf_t* p_udf = NULL;
udf_dirent_t *p_udf_root = NULL, *p_udf_file = NULL;
iso9660_stat_t *p_statbuf = NULL;
lsn_t lsn;
file_handle = CreateFileU(dest_file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
uprintf(" Unable to create file %s: %s\n", dest_file, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
/* First try to open as UDF - fallback to ISO if it failed */
p_udf = udf_open(iso);
if (p_udf == NULL)
goto try_iso;
p_udf_root = udf_get_root(p_udf, true, 0);
if (p_udf_root == NULL) {
uprintf("Couldn't locate UDF root directory\n");
goto out;
p_udf_file = udf_fopen(p_udf_root, iso_file);
if (!p_udf_file) {
uprintf("Couldn't locate file %s in ISO image\n", iso_file);
goto out;
file_length = udf_get_file_length(p_udf_file);
while (file_length > 0) {
memset(buf, 0, UDF_BLOCKSIZE);
read_size = udf_read_block(p_udf_file, buf, 1);
if (read_size < 0) {
uprintf("Error reading UDF file %s\n", iso_file);
goto out;
buf_size = (DWORD)MIN(file_length, read_size);
s = WriteFile(file_handle, buf, buf_size, &wr_size, NULL);
if ((!s) || (buf_size != wr_size)) {
uprintf(" Error writing file %s: %s\n", dest_file, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
file_length -= read_size;
r += read_size;
goto out;
p_iso = iso9660_open(iso);
if (p_iso == NULL) {
uprintf("Unable to open image '%s'.\n", iso);
goto out;
p_statbuf = iso9660_ifs_stat_translate(p_iso, iso_file);
if (p_statbuf == NULL) {
uprintf("Could not get ISO-9660 file information for file %s\n", iso_file);
goto out;
file_length = p_statbuf->size;
for (i = 0; file_length > 0; i++) {
memset(buf, 0, ISO_BLOCKSIZE);
lsn = p_statbuf->lsn + (lsn_t)i;
if (iso9660_iso_seek_read(p_iso, buf, lsn, 1) != ISO_BLOCKSIZE) {
uprintf(" Error reading ISO9660 file %s at LSN %lu\n", iso_file, (long unsigned int)lsn);
goto out;
buf_size = (DWORD)MIN(file_length, ISO_BLOCKSIZE);
s = WriteFile(file_handle, buf, buf_size, &wr_size, NULL);
if ((!s) || (buf_size != wr_size)) {
uprintf(" Error writing file %s: %s\n", dest_file, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
file_length -= ISO_BLOCKSIZE;
if (p_statbuf != NULL)
if (p_udf_root != NULL)
if (p_udf_file != NULL)
if (p_iso != NULL)
if (p_udf != NULL)
return r;