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Pete Batard af12d0f8d7 [loc] fix resizing in height
* Also clarify some translations
2013-10-28 17:34:18 +00:00

397 lines
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# This file should be saved as UTF-8, no-BOM
######################## HOW TO ADD A NEW TRANSLATION ###########################
# For a more comprehensive set of instructions, please see the *FULL* Localization guide at:
# https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Localization
# 1. Rename this file as 'rufus.loc' and save it in the same directory where you have the Rufus executable.
# 2. Start Rufus, and check the log a line starting with 'LCID' (eg. LCID 0x1809).
# 3. Edit the 'l' line below and:
# - set the IETF language tag (in quotes) for your language, eg: "en-US", "fr-FR", "zh-CN"
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag as well as the table on page 9 of
# http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/E/95EF66AF-9026-4BB0-A41D-A4F81802D92C/%5BMS-LCID%5D.pdf
# - set the name under which you want your language to appear in the (future) language selection menu.
# As this is the name users will see, it should be in your language (eg. "正體字" rather than "Chinese")
# - replace "0x1234" with the LCID code you got in step 2. You should also look at the table on page 9 of
# the PDF above to add all the LCID codes your translation should cover. Separate these codes with a comma.
# 4. Translate the messages that appear below into your language. The 'g' lines indicate the group a translated
# element belongs to. You shouldn't have to modify them.
# 5. (Re)launch Rufus. If a 'rufus.loc' file is found in the current directory, it will be used over the one
# embedded in the application. Since there is only one translation in this file, it will be used by default
# 6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you're happy with that translated elements. Note that you MUST restart Rufus every
# time you change your .loc file as there is no reload option.
# 7. Once you are satisfied with your translation, you should pick up the official rufus.loc from:
# https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/raw/master/res/localization/rufus.loc
# You should then add your translation at the end of it, and confirm that it is still picked as the default
# for your system You can also force the use of a translation by passing the option -l when starting Rufus.
# For instance, to have the "zz_ZZ" translation below apply, you could use either one of:
# rufus.exe -l zz-ZZ
# rufus.exe -l 0x1234
# rufus.exe -l 0xabcd
# 8. If you need to resize a control or a dialog to fid the translated text, use the 'm' (Move) or 's' (reSize)
# options. For an example of how these commands work, see how they are use in the French translation at:
# https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/blob/master/res/localization/rufus.loc
# Tips:
# - Please make sure that you edit the language include *your* name in MSG_176. It will be displayed in the
# About dialog and I want to give you credit for your work!
# - Use Alt-R in Rufus to delete the registry keys on exit, which will reset the update check policy. This
# will allow you to see your translation for the initial prompt about application updates.
# - I strongly recommend installing and using DbgView to check for translation errors, as you will get more
# information about how Rufus initallly parses the translation file plus reports of any issue found (with
# the line number). Download DbgView from: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx
# - As shown below, you can break a long message over multiple lines, as long as these fragments begin and end
# with a double quote ("). Also be careful to keep the special symbols such as %d, %s, \\b, \", \n. Time
# permitting, I'll try to provide examples of the output that these lines generate.
# - A more comprehensive guide WILL be available at https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Localization
# This early set of instructions is provided only for impatient translators! ;)
l "zz-ZZ" "LangName_EN (LangName_ZZ)" 0x1234, 0xabcd
# See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964664.aspx or
# http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/E/95EF66AF-9026-4BB0-A41D-A4F81802D92C/%5BMS-LCID%5D.pdf
# for the LCID (0x####) codes you should use
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Partition scheme and target system type"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "File system"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Cluster size"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "New volume label"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Format Options "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Check device for bad blocks:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Quick format"
t IDC_BOOT "Create a bootable disk using:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Create extended label and icon files"
t IDC_ABOUT "About..."
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
t IDC_START "Start"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "List non removable or unpartitioned USB disks"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Add fixes for old BIOSes (extra partition, align, etc.)"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Use Rufus MBR with BIOS ID:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "About Rufus"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus License"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "More information"
t IDYES "Yes"
t IDNO "No"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Log"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Clear Log"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Save Log"
t IDCANCEL "Close Log"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Update policy and settings"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Check for updates:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Include beta versions:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Check Now"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Check For Updates - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "A newer version is available. Please download the latest version!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Click here to go to the website"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Download"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copying ISO files..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Opening ISO image - please wait..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Cancel"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Other instance detected"
t MSG_002 "Another Rufus application is running.\n"
"Please close the first application before running another one."
"To continue with this operation, click OK. To quit click CANCEL."
t MSG_004 "Rufus update policy"
t MSG_005 "Do you want to allow Rufus to check for application updates online?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Close"
t MSG_007 "Cancel"
t MSG_008 "Yes"
t MSG_009 "No"
t MSG_010 "Bad blocks found"
t MSG_011 "Check completed: %u bad block(s) found\n"
" %d read error(s)\n %d write error(s)\n %d corruption error(s)\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nA more detailed report can be found in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Disabled"
t MSG_014 "Daily"
t MSG_015 "Weekly"
t MSG_016 "Monthly"
t MSG_017 "Custom"
t MSG_018 "Your version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Latest version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "Default"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Default)"
t MSG_031 "%s partition scheme for BIOS computer"
t MSG_032 "%s partition scheme for UEFI computer"
t MSG_033 "%s partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Pass"
t MSG_035 "%d Passes"
t MSG_036 "ISO Image"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Abort"
t MSG_039 "Launch"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Operation cancelled by the user"
t MSG_042 "Error"
t MSG_043 "Error: %s"
t MSG_044 "File download"
t MSG_045 "USB Storage Device (Generic)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Flushing buffers"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Cancellation"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Success."
t MSG_051 "Undetermined error while formatting."
t MSG_052 "Cannot use the selected file system for this media."
t MSG_053 "Access to the device is denied."
t MSG_054 "Media is write protected."
t MSG_055 "The device is in use by another process. "
"Please close any other process that may be accessing the device."
t MSG_056 "Quick format is not available for this device."
t MSG_057 "The volume label is invalid."
t MSG_058 "The device handle is invalid."
t MSG_059 "The selected cluster size is not valid for this device."
t MSG_060 "The volume size is invalid."
t MSG_061 "Please insert a removable media in drive."
t MSG_062 "An unsupported command was received."
t MSG_063 "Memory allocation error."
t MSG_064 "Read error."
t MSG_065 "Write error."
t MSG_066 "Installation failure"
t MSG_067 "Could not open media. It may be in use by another process. "
"Please re-plug the media and try again."
t MSG_068 "Error while partitioning drive."
t MSG_069 "Could not copy files to target drive."
t MSG_070 "Cancelled by user."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "Unable to start thread."
t MSG_072 "Bad blocks check didn't complete."
t MSG_073 "ISO image scan failure."
t MSG_074 "ISO image extraction failure."
t MSG_075 "Unable to remount volume."
t MSG_076 "Unable to patch/setup files for boot."
t MSG_077 "Unable to assign a drive letter."
t MSG_078 "Can't mount GUID volume."
t MSG_080 "Rufus detected that Windows is still flushing its internal buffers onto the USB device.\n\n"
"Depending on the speed of your USB device, this operation may take a long time to complete, "
"especially for large files.\n\nWe recommend that you let Windows finish, to avoid corruption. "
"But if you grow tired of waiting, you can just unplug the device..."
t MSG_081 "Unsupported ISO"
t MSG_082 "This version of Rufus only supports bootable ISOs based on bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux or EFI.\n"
"This ISO doesn't appear to use either..."
t MSG_083 "Replace %s?"
t MSG_084 "This ISO image seems to use an obsolete version of '%s'.\n"
"Boot menus may not display properly because of this.\n\n"
"A newer version can be downloaded by Rufus to fix this issue:\n"
"- Choose 'Yes' to connect to the internet and download the file\n"
"- Choose 'No' to leave the existing ISO file unmodified\n"
"If you don't know what to do, you should select 'Yes'.\n\n"
"Note: The new file will be downloaded in the current directory and once a "
"'%s' exists there, it will be reused automatically."
t MSG_085 "Downloading %s"
t MSG_086 "No ISO image selected"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Please click on the disc button to select a bootable ISO, "
"or uncheck the \"Create a bootable disk...\" checkbox."
t MSG_088 "ISO too big"
t MSG_089 "This ISO image is too big for the selected target."
t MSG_090 "Unsupported ISO"
t MSG_091 "When using UEFI Target Type, only EFI bootable ISO images are supported. "
"Please select an EFI bootable ISO or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Unsupported filesystem"
t MSG_093 "When using UEFI Target Type, only FAT/FAT32 is supported. "
"Please select FAT/FAT32 as the File system or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Non UEFI compatible ISO"
t MSG_095 "This ISO image contains a file larger than 4 GB and cannot be used to create an EFI bootable USB.\n"
"This is a limitation of UEFI/FAT32, not Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Only FAT/FAT32 is supported for this type of ISO. Please select FAT/FAT32 as the File system."
t MSG_097 "Only 'bootmgr' or 'WinPE' based ISO images can currently be used with NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 can only be used for isolinux based ISO images or when the Target Type is UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Filesystem limitation"
t MSG_100 "This iso image contains a file larger than 4GB file, which is more than the "
"maximum size allowed for a FAT or FAT32 file system."
t MSG_101 "Missing WIM support"
t MSG_102 "Your platform cannot extract files from WIM archives. WIM extraction "
"is required to create EFI bootable Windows 7 and Windows Vista USB drives. You can fix that "
"by installing a recent version of 7-Zip.\nDo you want to visit the 7-zip download page?"
t MSG_103 "Download %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 or later requires a '%s' file to be installed.\n"
"Because this file is more than 100 KB in size, and always present on Syslinux v5+ ISO images, "
"it is not embedded in Rufus.\n\nRufus can download the missing file for you:\n"
"- Select 'Yes' to connect to the internet and download the file\n"
"- Select 'No' if you want to manually copy this file on the drive later\n\n"
"Note: The file will be downloaded in the current directory and once a "
"'%s' exists there, it will be reused automatically.\n"
t MSG_105 "Cancelling may leave the device in an UNUSABLE state.\n"
"If you are sure you want to cancel, click YES. Otherwise, click NO."
t MSG_106 "Please select folder"
t MSG_107 "All files"
t MSG_108 "Rufus log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Usually the safest choice. If you have an UEFI computer and want to install "
"an OS in EFI mode however, you should select one of the other options"
t MSG_151 "Use this if you want to install an OS in EFI mode, but need to access "
"the USB content from Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "The preferred option to install an OS in EFI mode and when "
"USB access is not required for Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Test pattern: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Sets the target filesystem"
t MSG_158 "Minimum size that a block of data will occupy in the filesystem"
t MSG_159 "Use this field to set the drive label\nInternational characters are accepted"
t MSG_160 "Toggle advanced options"
t MSG_161 "Check the device for bad blocks using a test pattern"
t MSG_162 "Uncheck this box to use the \"slow\" format method"
t MSG_163 "Check this box to make the USB drive bootable"
t MSG_164 "Method that will be used to make the drive bootable"
t MSG_165 "Click to select an ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Check this box to allow the display of international labels "
"and set a device icon (creates an autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Install an MBR that allows boot selection and can masquerade the BIOS USB drive ID"
t MSG_168 "Try to masquerade first bootable USB drive (usually 0x80) as a different disk.\n"
"This should only be necessary if you install Windows XP and have more than one disk"
t MSG_169 "Create an extra hidden partition and try to align partitions boundaries.\n"
"This can improve boot detection for older BIOSes"
t MSG_170 "Enable detection for disks not normally detected by Rufus. USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!!!"
t MSG_171 "Start the formatting operation.\nThis will DESTROY any data on the target!"
t MSG_172 "Licensing information and credits"
t MSG_173 "Click to select..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility"
t MSG_175 "Version %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "English translation: Pete Batard <mailto:pete@akeo.ie>"
t MSG_177 "Report bugs or request enhancements at:"
t MSG_178 "Additional Copyrights:"
t MSG_179 "Update Policy:"
t MSG_180 "If you choose to allow this program to check for application updates, "
"you agree that the following information may be collected on our server(s):"
t MSG_181 "Your operating system's architecture and version"
t MSG_182 "The version of the application you use"
t MSG_183 "Your IP address"
t MSG_184 "For the purpose of generating private usage statistics, we may keep the information collected, "
"\\b for at most a year\\b0 . However, we will not willingly disclose any of this individual data to third parties."
t MSG_185 "Update Process:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus does not install or run background services, therefore update checks are performed only when the main application is running.\\line\n"
"Internet access is of course required when checking for updates."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Cancelling - Please wait..."
t MSG_202 "Scanning ISO image..."
t MSG_203 "Failed to scan ISO image"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Obsolete %s detected"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Using ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Missing %s file"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d device found"
t MSG_209 "%d devices found"
t MSG_210 "DONE."
t MSG_211 "Cancelled."
t MSG_212 "FAILED."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_213 "Launching new application..."
t MSG_214 "Failed to launch new application"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Opened %s"
t MSG_216 "Saved %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatting: %0.1f%% completed"
t MSG_218 "Creating file system: Task %d/%d completed"
t MSG_219 "NTFS Fixup: %d%% completed"
t MSG_221 "Setting Label (This may take while)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatting (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS Fixup (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Clearing MBR/PBR/GPT structures..."
t MSG_225 "Requesting disk access..."
t MSG_226 "Analyzing existing boot records..."
t MSG_227 "Closing existing volume..."
t MSG_228 "Writing master boot record..."
t MSG_229 "Writing partition boot record..."
t MSG_230 "Copying DOS files..."
t MSG_231 "Copying ISO files..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI boot setup (this may take a while)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalizing, please wait..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as paramete. eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Installing Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Bad Blocks: PASS %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d errors)"
t MSG_236 "Bad Blocks: Testing with random pattern"
t MSG_237 "Bad Blocks: Testing with pattern 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Partitioning (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Deleting partitions..."
t MSG_240 "Downloading %s: Connecting..."
t MSG_241 "Downloading: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Failed to download file."
t MSG_243 "Checking for Rufus updates..."
t MSG_244 "Updates: Unable to connect to the internet"
t MSG_245 "Updates: Unable to acces version data"
t MSG_246 "A new version of Rufus is available!"
t MSG_247 "No new version of Rufus was found"
t MSG_248 "Application registry keys successfully deleted"
t MSG_249 "Failed to delete application registry keys"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s enabled"
t MSG_251 "%s disabled"
t MSG_252 "Size checks"
t MSG_253 "Fixed disks detection"
t MSG_254 "Force large FAT32 formatting"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun will be deleted on exit"
t MSG_256 "Fake drive detection"
t MSG_257 "Joliet support"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge support"
t MSG_259 "Force update"