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mirror of https://github.com/pbatard/rufus.git synced 2024-08-14 23:57:05 +00:00
Pete Batard dd8314b2f0
[ui] add runtime UEFI media validation as a selectable advanced option
* Also add Ctrl-A as a new cheat-mode to toggle the use of Rufus MBR (which is enabled by default)
  which replaces the previous UI checkbox. The Disk ID field is now completely removed as we now
  use the default values for XP and non XP installs, and will expect people with multiple disks to
  disconnect all except the one where they plan to install Windows.
2024-04-02 17:18:06 +01:00

946 lines
42 KiB

* Rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
* Windows User Experience
* Copyright © 2022-2024 Pete Batard <pete@akeo.ie>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "rufus.h"
#include "vhd.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "missing.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "msapi_utf8.h"
#include "localization.h"
/* Memory leaks detection - define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC as preprocessor macro */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
const char* bypass_name[] = { "BypassTPMCheck", "BypassSecureBootCheck", "BypassRAMCheck" };
int unattend_xml_flags = 0, wintogo_index = -1, wininst_index = 0;
int unattend_xml_mask = UNATTEND_DEFAULT_SELECTION_MASK;
char *unattend_xml_path = NULL, unattend_username[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH];
BOOL is_bootloader_revoked = FALSE;
extern uint32_t wim_nb_files, wim_proc_files, wim_extra_files;
extern BOOL validate_md5sum;
extern uint64_t md5sum_totalbytes;
extern StrArray modified_files;
/// <summary>
/// Create an installation answer file containing the sections specified by the flags.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arch">The processor architecture of the Windows image being used.</param>
/// <param name="flags">A bitmask representing the sections to enable.
/// See "Windows User Experience flags and masks" from rufus.h</param>
/// <returns>The path of a newly created answer file on success or NULL on error.</returns>
char* CreateUnattendXml(int arch, int flags)
static char path[MAX_PATH];
FILE* fd;
int i, order;
const char* xml_arch_names[5] = { "x86", "amd64", "arm", "arm64" };
unattend_xml_flags = flags;
if (arch < ARCH_X86_32 || arch > ARCH_ARM_64 || flags == 0) {
uprintf("Note: No Windows User Experience options selected");
return NULL;
// coverity[swapped_arguments]
if (GetTempFileNameU(temp_dir, APPLICATION_NAME, 0, path) == 0)
return NULL;
fd = fopen(path, "w");
if (fd == NULL)
return NULL;
uprintf("Selected Windows User Experience options:");
fprintf(fd, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");
fprintf(fd, "<unattend xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend\">\n");
// This part produces the unbecoming display of a command prompt window during initial setup as well
// as alters the layout and options of the initial Windows installer screens, which may scare users.
// So, in format.c, we'll try to insert the registry keys directly and drop this section. However,
// because Microsoft prevents Store apps from editing an offline registry, we do need this fallback.
order = 1;
fprintf(fd, " <settings pass=\"windowsPE\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-Setup\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
// WinPE will complain if we don't provide a product key. *Any* product key. This is soooo idiotic...
fprintf(fd, " <UserData>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <ProductKey>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Key />\n");
fprintf(fd, " </ProductKey>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </UserData>\n");
uprintf("• Bypass SB/TPM/RAM");
fprintf(fd, " <RunSynchronous>\n");
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(bypass_name); i++) {
fprintf(fd, " <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=\"add\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Order>%d</Order>\n", order++);
fprintf(fd, " <Path>reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\LabConfig /v %s /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f</Path>\n", bypass_name[i]);
fprintf(fd, " </RunSynchronousCommand>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </RunSynchronous>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </settings>\n");
order = 1;
fprintf(fd, " <settings pass=\"specialize\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-Deployment\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
fprintf(fd, " <RunSynchronous>\n");
// This part was picked from https://github.com/AveYo/MediaCreationTool.bat/blob/main/bypass11/AutoUnattend.xml
// NB: This is INCOMPATIBLE with S-Mode below
uprintf("• Bypass online account requirement");
fprintf(fd, " <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=\"add\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Order>%d</Order>\n", order++);
fprintf(fd, " <Path>reg add HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\OOBE /v BypassNRO /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f</Path>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </RunSynchronousCommand>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </RunSynchronous>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </settings>\n");
if (flags & UNATTEND_OOBE_MASK) {
order = 1;
fprintf(fd, " <settings pass=\"oobeSystem\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-shell-setup-oobe-protectyourpc
// It is really super insidous of Microsoft to call this option "ProtectYourPC", when it's really only about
// data collection. But of course, if it was called "AllowDataCollection", everyone would turn it off...
uprintf("• Disable data collection");
fprintf(fd, " <OOBE>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <ProtectYourPC>3</ProtectYourPC>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </OOBE>\n");
if (flags & UNATTEND_SET_USER) {
if ((unattend_username[0] == 0) || (stricmp(unattend_username, "Administrator") == 0) ||
(stricmp(unattend_username, "Guest") == 0)) {
uprintf("WARNING: '%s' is not allowed as local account name - Option ignored", unattend_username);
} else {
uprintf("• Use '%s' for local account name", unattend_username);
// If we create a local account in unattend.xml, then we can get Windows 11
// 22H2 to skip MSA even if the network is connected during installation.
fprintf(fd, " <UserAccounts>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <LocalAccounts>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <LocalAccount wcm:action=\"add\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Name>%s</Name>\n", unattend_username);
fprintf(fd, " <DisplayName>%s</DisplayName>\n", unattend_username);
fprintf(fd, " <Group>Administrators;Power Users</Group>\n");
// Sets an empty password for the account (which, in Microsoft's convoluted ways,
// needs to be initialized to the Base64 encoded UTF-16 string "Password").
// The use of an empty password has both the advantage of not having to ask users
// to type in a password in Rufus (which they might be weary of) as well as allowing
// automated logon during setup.
fprintf(fd, " <Password>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Value>UABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAA==</Value>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <PlainText>false</PlainText>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </Password>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </LocalAccount>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </LocalAccounts>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </UserAccounts>\n");
// Since we set a blank password, we'll ask the user to change it at next logon.
fprintf(fd, " <FirstLogonCommands>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <SynchronousCommand wcm:action=\"add\">\n");
fprintf(fd, " <Order>%d</Order>\n", order++);
fprintf(fd, " <CommandLine>net user &quot;%s&quot; /logonpasswordchg:yes</CommandLine>\n", unattend_username);
fprintf(fd, " </SynchronousCommand>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </FirstLogonCommands>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
uprintf("• Use the same regional options as this user's");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-International-Core\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
// What a frigging mess retreiving and trying to match the various locales
// Microsoft has made. And, *NO*, the new User Language Settings have not
// improved things in the slightest. They made it much worse for developers!
fprintf(fd, " <InputLocale>%s</InputLocale>\n",
ReadRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKCU, "Keyboard Layout\\Preload\\1"));
fprintf(fd, " <SystemLocale>%s</SystemLocale>\n", ToLocaleName(GetSystemDefaultLCID()));
fprintf(fd, " <UserLocale>%s</UserLocale>\n", ToLocaleName(GetUserDefaultLCID()));
fprintf(fd, " <UILanguage>%s</UILanguage>\n", ToLocaleName(GetUserDefaultUILanguage()));
fprintf(fd, " <UILanguageFallback>%s</UILanguageFallback>\n",
// NB: Officially, this is a REG_MULTI_SZ string
ReadRegistryKeyStr(REGKEY_HKLM, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\Language\\InstallLanguageFallback"));
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
uprintf("• Disable bitlocker");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-SecureStartup-FilterDriver\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
fprintf(fd, " <PreventDeviceEncryption>true</PreventDeviceEncryption>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-EnhancedStorage-Adm\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
fprintf(fd, " <TCGSecurityActivationDisabled>1</TCGSecurityActivationDisabled>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </settings>\n");
fprintf(fd, " <settings pass=\"offlineServicing\">\n");
uprintf("• Set internal drives offline");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-PartitionManager\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
fprintf(fd, " <SanPolicy>4</SanPolicy>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
if (flags & UNATTEND_FORCE_S_MODE) {
uprintf("• Enforce S Mode");
fprintf(fd, " <component name=\"Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity\" processorArchitecture=\"%s\" language=\"neutral\" "
"xmlns:wcm=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" "
"publicKeyToken=\"31bf3856ad364e35\" versionScope=\"nonSxS\">\n", xml_arch_names[arch]);
fprintf(fd, " <SkuPolicyRequired>1</SkuPolicyRequired>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </component>\n");
fprintf(fd, " </settings>\n");
fprintf(fd, "</unattend>\n");
return path;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and patch WinPE for Windows XP bootable USBs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drive_letter">The letter identifying the target drive.</param>
/// <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE on error.</returns>
BOOL SetupWinPE(char drive_letter)
char src[64], dst[32];
const char* basedir[3] = { "i386", "amd64", "minint" };
const char* patch_str_org[2] = { "\\minint\\txtsetup.sif", "\\minint\\system32\\" };
const char* patch_str_rep[2][2] = { { "\\i386\\txtsetup.sif", "\\i386\\system32\\" } ,
{ "\\amd64\\txtsetup.sif", "\\amd64\\system32\\" } };
const char* setupsrcdev = "SetupSourceDevice = \"\\device\\harddisk1\\partition1\"";
const char* win_nt_bt_org = "$win_nt$.~bt";
const char* rdisk_zero = "rdisk(0)";
const LARGE_INTEGER liZero = { {0, 0} };
DWORD i, j, size, read_size, index = 0;
char* buffer = NULL;
if ((img_report.winpe & WINPE_AMD64) == WINPE_AMD64)
index = 1;
else if ((img_report.winpe & WINPE_MININT) == WINPE_MININT)
index = 2;
// Copy of ntdetect.com in root
static_sprintf(src, "%c:\\%s\\ntdetect.com", toupper(drive_letter), basedir[2 * (index / 2)]);
static_sprintf(dst, "%c:\\ntdetect.com", toupper(drive_letter));
CopyFileA(src, dst, TRUE);
if (!img_report.uses_minint) {
// Create a copy of txtsetup.sif, as we want to keep the i386/amd64 files unmodified
static_sprintf(src, "%c:\\%s\\txtsetup.sif", toupper(drive_letter), basedir[index]);
static_sprintf(dst, "%c:\\txtsetup.sif", toupper(drive_letter));
if (!CopyFileA(src, dst, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Did not copy %s as %s: %s\n", src, dst, WindowsErrorString());
if (insert_section_data(dst, "[SetupData]", setupsrcdev, FALSE) == NULL) {
uprintf("Failed to add SetupSourceDevice in %s\n", dst);
goto out;
uprintf("Successfully added '%s' to %s\n", setupsrcdev, dst);
static_sprintf(src, "%c:\\%s\\setupldr.bin", toupper(drive_letter), basedir[2 * (index / 2)]);
static_sprintf(dst, "%c:\\BOOTMGR", toupper(drive_letter));
if (!CopyFileA(src, dst, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Did not copy %s as %s: %s\n", src, dst, WindowsErrorString());
// \minint with /minint option doesn't require further processing => return true
// \minint and no \i386 without /minint is unclear => return error
if (img_report.winpe & WINPE_MININT) {
if (img_report.uses_minint) {
uprintf("Detected \\minint directory with /minint option: nothing to patch\n");
r = TRUE;
} else if (!(img_report.winpe & (WINPE_I386 | WINPE_AMD64))) {
uprintf("Detected \\minint directory only but no /minint option: not sure what to do\n");
goto out;
// At this stage we only handle \i386
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
uprintf("Could not open %s for patching: %s\n", dst, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
size = GetFileSize(handle, NULL);
if (size == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
uprintf("Could not get size for file %s: %s\n", dst, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
buffer = (char*)malloc(size);
if (buffer == NULL)
goto out;
if ((!ReadFile(handle, buffer, size, &read_size, NULL)) || (size != read_size)) {
uprintf("Could not read file %s: %s\n", dst, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
if (!SetFilePointerEx(handle, liZero, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) {
uprintf("Could not rewind file %s: %s\n", dst, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
// Patch setupldr.bin
uprintf("Patching file %s\n", dst);
// Remove CRC check for 32 bit part of setupldr.bin from Win2k3
if ((size > 0x2061) && (buffer[0x2060] == 0x74) && (buffer[0x2061] == 0x03)) {
buffer[0x2060] = 0xeb;
buffer[0x2061] = 0x1a;
uprintf(" 0x00002060: 0x74 0x03 -> 0xEB 0x1A (disable Win2k3 CRC check)\n");
for (i = 1; i < size - 32; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE(patch_str_org); j++) {
if (safe_strnicmp(&buffer[i], patch_str_org[j], strlen(patch_str_org[j]) - 1) == 0) {
assert(index < 2);
uprintf(" 0x%08X: '%s' -> '%s'\n", i, &buffer[i], patch_str_rep[index][j]);
strcpy(&buffer[i], patch_str_rep[index][j]);
i += (DWORD)max(strlen(patch_str_org[j]), strlen(patch_str_rep[index][j])); // in case org is a substring of rep
if (!img_report.uses_minint) {
// Additional setupldr.bin/bootmgr patching
for (i = 0; i < size - 32; i++) {
// rdisk(0) -> rdisk(#) disk masquerading
// NB: only the first one seems to be needed
if (safe_strnicmp(&buffer[i], rdisk_zero, strlen(rdisk_zero) - 1) == 0) {
buffer[i + 6] = 0x31;
uprintf(" 0x%08X: '%s' -> 'rdisk(%c)'\n", i, rdisk_zero, buffer[i + 6]);
// $WIN_NT$_~BT -> i386/amd64
if (safe_strnicmp(&buffer[i], win_nt_bt_org, strlen(win_nt_bt_org) - 1) == 0) {
uprintf(" 0x%08X: '%s' -> '%s%s'\n", i, &buffer[i], basedir[index], &buffer[i + strlen(win_nt_bt_org)]);
strcpy(&buffer[i], basedir[index]);
// This ensures that we keep the terminator backslash
buffer[i + strlen(basedir[index])] = buffer[i + strlen(win_nt_bt_org)];
buffer[i + strlen(basedir[index]) + 1] = 0;
if (!WriteFileWithRetry(handle, buffer, size, NULL, WRITE_RETRIES)) {
uprintf("Could not write patched file: %s\n", WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
r = TRUE;
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Populate the img_report Window version from an install[.wim|.esd] XML index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xml_file">The path of the extracted index XML.</param>
/// <param name="index">The index of the occurrence to look for.</param>
static void PopulateWindowsVersionFromXml(const char* xml_file, int index)
char* val;
val = get_token_data_file_indexed("MAJOR", xml_file, index);
img_report.win_version.major = (uint16_t)safe_atoi(val);
val = get_token_data_file_indexed("MINOR", xml_file, index);
img_report.win_version.minor = (uint16_t)safe_atoi(val);
val = get_token_data_file_indexed("BUILD", xml_file, index);
img_report.win_version.build = (uint16_t)safe_atoi(val);
val = get_token_data_file_indexed("SPBUILD", xml_file, index);
img_report.win_version.revision = (uint16_t)safe_atoi(val);
// Adjust versions so that we produce a more accurate report in the log
// (and yeah, I know we won't properly report Server, but I don't care)
if (img_report.win_version.major <= 5) {
// Don't want to support XP or earlier
img_report.win_version.major = 0;
img_report.win_version.minor = 0;
} else if (img_report.win_version.major == 6) {
// Don't want to support Vista
if (img_report.win_version.minor == 0) {
img_report.win_version.major = 0;
} else if (img_report.win_version.minor == 1) {
img_report.win_version.major = 7;
img_report.win_version.minor = 0;
} else if (img_report.win_version.minor == 2) {
img_report.win_version.major = 8;
img_report.win_version.minor = 0;
} else if (img_report.win_version.minor == 3) {
img_report.win_version.major = 8;
img_report.win_version.minor = 1;
} else if (img_report.win_version.minor == 4) {
img_report.win_version.major = 10;
img_report.win_version.minor = 0;
} else if (img_report.win_version.major == 10) {
if (img_report.win_version.build > 20000)
img_report.win_version.major = 11;
/// <summary>
/// Populate the img_report Window version from an an install[.wim|.esd], mounting the
/// ISO if needed. Requires Windows 8 or later.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">(none)</param>
/// <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE if we couldn't populate the version.</returns>
BOOL PopulateWindowsVersion(void)
char *mounted_iso, mounted_image_path[128];
char xml_file[MAX_PATH] = "";
memset(&img_report.win_version, 0, sizeof(img_report.win_version));
if ((WindowsVersion.Version < WINDOWS_8) || ((WimExtractCheck(TRUE) & 4) == 0))
return FALSE;
// If we're not using a straight install.wim, we need to mount the ISO to access it
if (!img_report.is_windows_img) {
mounted_iso = VhdMountImage(image_path);
if (mounted_iso == NULL) {
uprintf("Could not mount Windows ISO for build number detection");
return FALSE;
static_sprintf(mounted_image_path, "%s%s", mounted_iso, &img_report.wininst_path[0][2]);
// Now take a look at the XML file in install.wim to list our versions
if ((GetTempFileNameU(temp_dir, APPLICATION_NAME, 0, xml_file) == 0) || (xml_file[0] == 0)) {
// Last ditch effort to get a tmp file - just extract it to the current directory
static_strcpy(xml_file, ".\\RufVXml.tmp");
// GetTempFileName() may leave a file behind
// Must use the Windows WIM API as 7z messes up the XML
if (!WimExtractFile_API(img_report.is_windows_img ? image_path : mounted_image_path,
0, "[1].xml", xml_file, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Could not acquire WIM index");
goto out;
PopulateWindowsVersionFromXml(xml_file, 1);
if (!img_report.is_windows_img)
return ((img_report.win_version.major != 0) && (img_report.win_version.build != 0));
// Copy this system's SkuSiPolicy.p7b to the target drive so that UEFI bootloaders
// revoked by Windows through WDAC policy do get flagged as revoked.
BOOL CopySKUSiPolicy(const char* drive_name)
char src[MAX_PATH], dst[MAX_PATH];
struct __stat64 stat64 = { 0 };
// Only copy SkuPolicy if we warned about the bootloader being revoked.
if ((target_type != TT_UEFI) || !IS_WINDOWS_1X(img_report) ||
(pe256ssp_size == 0) || !is_bootloader_revoked)
return r;
static_sprintf(src, "%s\\SecureBootUpdates\\SKUSiPolicy.p7b", system_dir);
static_sprintf(dst, "%s\\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\SKUSiPolicy.p7b", drive_name);
if ((_stat64U(dst, &stat64) != 0) && (_stat64U(src, &stat64) == 0)) {
uprintf("Copying: %s (%s) (from %s)", dst, SizeToHumanReadable(stat64.st_size, FALSE, FALSE), src);
r = CopyFileU(src, dst, TRUE);
if (!r)
uprintf(" Error writing file: %s", WindowsErrorString());
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Checks which versions of Windows are available in an install image
/// to set our extraction index. Asks the user to select one if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">(none)</param>
/// <returns>-2 on user cancel, -1 on other error, >=0 on success.</returns>
int SetWinToGoIndex(void)
char* mounted_iso, mounted_image_path[128];
char xml_file[MAX_PATH] = "";
char* install_names[MAX_WININST];
StrArray version_name, version_index;
int i;
BOOL bNonStandard = FALSE;
// Sanity checks
wintogo_index = -1;
wininst_index = 0;
if ((WindowsVersion.Version < WINDOWS_8) || ((WimExtractCheck(FALSE) & 4) == 0) ||
(ComboBox_GetCurItemData(hFileSystem) != FS_NTFS)) {
return -1;
// If we have multiple windows install images, ask the user the one to use
if (img_report.wininst_index > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < img_report.wininst_index; i++)
install_names[i] = &img_report.wininst_path[i][2];
wininst_index = _log2(SelectionDialog(lmprintf(MSG_130), lmprintf(MSG_131), install_names, img_report.wininst_index));
if (wininst_index < 0)
return -2;
if (wininst_index >= MAX_WININST)
wininst_index = 0;
// If we're not using a straight install.wim, we need to mount the ISO to access it
if (!img_report.is_windows_img) {
mounted_iso = VhdMountImage(image_path);
if (mounted_iso == NULL) {
uprintf("Could not mount ISO for Windows To Go selection");
return -1;
static_sprintf(mounted_image_path, "%s%s", mounted_iso, &img_report.wininst_path[wininst_index][2]);
// Now take a look at the XML file in install.wim to list our versions
if ((GetTempFileNameU(temp_dir, APPLICATION_NAME, 0, xml_file) == 0) || (xml_file[0] == 0)) {
// Last ditch effort to get a tmp file - just extract it to the current directory
static_strcpy(xml_file, ".\\RufVXml.tmp");
// GetTempFileName() may leave a file behind
// Must use the Windows WIM API as 7z messes up the XML
if (!WimExtractFile_API(img_report.is_windows_img ? image_path : mounted_image_path,
0, "[1].xml", xml_file, FALSE)) {
uprintf("Could not acquire WIM index");
goto out;
StrArrayCreate(&version_name, 16);
StrArrayCreate(&version_index, 16);
for (i = 0; StrArrayAdd(&version_index, get_token_data_file_indexed("IMAGE INDEX", xml_file, i + 1), FALSE) >= 0; i++) {
// Some people are apparently creating *unofficial* Windows ISOs that don't have DISPLAYNAME elements.
// If we are parsing such an ISO, try to fall back to using DESCRIPTION. Of course, since we don't use
// a formal XML parser, if an ISO mixes entries with both DISPLAYNAME and DESCRIPTION and others with
// only DESCRIPTION, the version names we report will be wrong.
// But hey, there's only so far I'm willing to go to help people who, not content to have demonstrated
// their utter ignorance on development matters, are also trying to lecture experienced developers
// about specific "noob mistakes"... that don't exist in the code they are trying to criticize.
if (StrArrayAdd(&version_name, get_token_data_file_indexed("DISPLAYNAME", xml_file, i + 1), FALSE) < 0) {
bNonStandard = TRUE;
if (StrArrayAdd(&version_name, get_token_data_file_indexed("DESCRIPTION", xml_file, i + 1), FALSE) < 0) {
uprintf("Warning: Could not find a description for image index %d", i + 1);
StrArrayAdd(&version_name, "Unknown Windows Version", TRUE);
if (bNonStandard)
uprintf("Warning: Nonstandard Windows image (missing <DISPLAYNAME> entries)");
if (i > 1)
// NB: _log2 returns -2 if SelectionDialog() returns negative (user cancelled)
i = _log2(SelectionDialog(lmprintf(MSG_291), lmprintf(MSG_292), version_name.String, i)) + 1;
if (i < 0)
wintogo_index = -2; // Cancelled by the user
else if (i == 0)
wintogo_index = 1;
wintogo_index = atoi(version_index.String[i - 1]);
if (i > 0) {
// re-populate the version data from the selected XML index
PopulateWindowsVersionFromXml(xml_file, i);
// If we couldn't obtain the major and build, we have a problem
if (img_report.win_version.major == 0 || img_report.win_version.build == 0)
uprintf("Warning: Could not obtain version information from XML index (Nonstandard Windows image?)");
uprintf("Will use '%s' (Build: %d, Index %s) for Windows To Go",
version_name.String[i - 1], img_report.win_version.build, version_index.String[i - 1]);
// Need Windows 10 Creator Update or later for boot on REMOVABLE to work
if ((img_report.win_version.build < 15000) && (SelectedDrive.MediaType != FixedMedia)) {
if (MessageBoxExU(hMainDialog, lmprintf(MSG_098), lmprintf(MSG_190),
MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_IS_RTL, selected_langid) != IDYES)
wintogo_index = -2;
// Display a notice about WppRecorder.sys for 1809 ISOs
if (img_report.win_version.build == 17763) {
notification_info more_info;
more_info.id = MORE_INFO_URL;
Notification(MSG_INFO, NULL, &more_info, lmprintf(MSG_128, "Windows To Go"), lmprintf(MSG_133));
if (!img_report.is_windows_img)
return wintogo_index;
/// <summary>
/// Setup a Windows To Go drive according to the official Microsoft instructions detailed at:
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-8.1-and-8/jj721578(v=ws.11).
/// Note that as opposed to the technet guide above we use bcdedit rather than 'unattend.xml'
/// to disable the recovery environment.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="DriveIndex">The Rufus drive index for the target media.</param>
/// <param name="drive_name">The path of the target media.</param>
/// <param name="use_esp">Whether to create an ESP on the target media.</param>
/// <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE on error.</returns>
BOOL SetupWinToGo(DWORD DriveIndex, const char* drive_name, BOOL use_esp)
char *mounted_iso, *ms_efi = NULL, mounted_image_path[128], cmd[MAX_PATH];
ULONG cluster_size;
uprintf("Windows To Go mode selected");
// Additional sanity checks
if ((use_esp) && (SelectedDrive.MediaType != FixedMedia) && (WindowsVersion.BuildNumber < 15000)) {
return FALSE;
if (!img_report.is_windows_img) {
mounted_iso = VhdMountImage(image_path);
if (mounted_iso == NULL) {
uprintf("Could not mount ISO for Windows To Go installation");
return FALSE;
static_sprintf(mounted_image_path, "%s%s", mounted_iso, &img_report.wininst_path[wininst_index][2]);
uprintf("Mounted ISO as '%s'", mounted_iso);
// Now we use the WIM API to apply that image
if (!WimApplyImage(img_report.is_windows_img ? image_path : mounted_image_path, wintogo_index, drive_name)) {
uprintf("Failed to apply Windows To Go image");
if (!IS_ERROR(ErrorStatus))
if (!img_report.is_windows_img)
return FALSE;
if (!img_report.is_windows_img)
if (use_esp) {
uprintf("Setting up EFI System Partition");
// According to Ubuntu (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-efi/+bug/811485) you want to use FAT32.
// However, you have to be careful that the cluster size needs to be greater or equal to the sector size, which
// in turn has an impact on the minimum EFI partition size we can create (see ms_efi_size_MB in drive.c)
if (SelectedDrive.SectorSize <= 1024)
cluster_size = 1024;
else if (SelectedDrive.SectorSize <= 4096)
cluster_size = 4096;
else // Go for broke
cluster_size = (ULONG)SelectedDrive.SectorSize;
// Boy do you *NOT* want to specify a label here, and spend HOURS figuring out why your EFI partition cannot boot...
// Also, we use the Large FAT32 facility Microsoft APIs are *UTTERLY USELESS* for achieving what we want:
// VDS cannot list ESP volumes (talk about allegedly improving on the old disk and volume APIs, only to
// completely neuter it) and IVdsDiskPartitionMF::FormatPartitionEx(), which is what you are supposed to
// use for ESPs, explicitly states: "This method cannot be used to format removable media."
if (!FormatPartition(DriveIndex, SelectedDrive.Partition[partition_index[PI_ESP]].Offset, cluster_size, FS_FAT32, "",
uprintf("Could not format EFI System Partition");
return FALSE;
// Need to have the ESP mounted to invoke bcdboot
ms_efi = AltMountVolume(DriveIndex, SelectedDrive.Partition[partition_index[PI_ESP]].Offset, FALSE);
if (ms_efi == NULL) {
return FALSE;
// We invoke the 'bcdboot' command from the host, as the one from the drive produces problems (#558)
// and of course, we couldn't invoke an ARM64 'bcdboot' binary on an x86 host anyway...
// Also, since Rufus should (usually) be running as a 32 bit app, on 64 bit systems, we need to use
// 'C:\Windows\Sysnative' and not 'C:\Windows\System32' to invoke bcdboot, as 'C:\Windows\System32'
// will get converted to 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64' behind the scenes, and there is no bcdboot.exe there.
uprintf("Enabling boot using command:");
static_sprintf(cmd, "%s\\bcdboot.exe %s\\Windows /v /f %s /s %s", sysnative_dir, drive_name,
HAS_BOOTMGR_BIOS(img_report) ? (HAS_BOOTMGR_EFI(img_report) ? "ALL" : "BIOS") : "UEFI",
(use_esp) ? ms_efi : drive_name);
// I don't believe we can ever have a stray '%' in cmd, but just in case...
assert(strchr(cmd, '%') == NULL);
if (RunCommand(cmd, sysnative_dir, usb_debug) != 0) {
// Try to continue... but report a failure
uprintf("Failed to enable boot");
CopySKUSiPolicy((use_esp) ? ms_efi : drive_name);
UpdateProgressWithInfo(OP_FILE_COPY, MSG_267, wim_proc_files + 2 * wim_extra_files, wim_nb_files);
// Setting internal drives offline for Windows To Go is crucial if, for instance, you are using ReFS
// on Windows 10 (therefore ReFS v3.4) and don't want a Windows 11 To Go boot to automatically
// "upgrade" the ReFS version on all drives to v3.7, thereby preventing you from being able to mount
// those volumes back on Windows 10 ever again. Yes, I have been stung by this Microsoft bullshit!
// See: https://gist.github.com/0xbadfca11/da0598e47dd643d933dc#Mountability
if (unattend_xml_flags & UNATTEND_OFFLINE_INTERNAL_DRIVES) {
uprintf("Setting the target's internal drives offline using command:");
// This applies the "offlineServicing" section of the unattend.xml (while ignoring the other sections)
static_sprintf(cmd, "dism /Image:%s\\ /Apply-Unattend:%s", drive_name, unattend_xml_path);
RunCommand(cmd, NULL, usb_debug);
uprintf("Disabling use of the Windows Recovery Environment using command:");
static_sprintf(cmd, "%s\\bcdedit.exe /store %s\\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\BCD /set {default} recoveryenabled no",
sysnative_dir, (use_esp) ? ms_efi : drive_name);
assert(strchr(cmd, '%') == NULL);
RunCommand(cmd, sysnative_dir, usb_debug);
UpdateProgressWithInfo(OP_FILE_COPY, MSG_267, wim_nb_files, wim_nb_files);
if (use_esp) {
AltUnmountVolume(ms_efi, FALSE);
return TRUE;
/// <summary>
/// Add unattend.xml to 'sources\boot.wim' (install) or 'Windows\Panther\' (Windows To Go).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drive_letter">The letter of the drive where the \sources\boot.wim image resides.</param>
/// <param name="flags">A bitmap of unattend flags to apply.</param>
/// <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE on error.</returns>
BOOL ApplyWindowsCustomization(char drive_letter, int flags)
// NB: Work with a copy of unattend_xml_flags as a paremeter since we will modify it.
BOOL r = FALSE, is_hive_mounted = FALSE;
int i, wim_index = 2;
const char* offline_hive_name = "RUFUS_OFFLINE_HIVE";
char boot_wim_path[] = "?:\\sources\\boot.wim", key_path[64];
char appraiserres_dll_src[] = "?:\\sources\\appraiserres.dll";
char appraiserres_dll_dst[] = "?:\\sources\\appraiserres.bak";
char *mount_path = NULL, path[MAX_PATH];
HKEY hKey = NULL, hSubKey = NULL;
LSTATUS status;
DWORD dwDisp, dwVal = 1;
assert(unattend_xml_path != NULL);
uprintf("Applying Windows customization:");
PrintStatus(0, MSG_326);
static_sprintf(path, "%c:\\Windows\\Panther", drive_letter);
if (!CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
uprintf("Could not create '%s' : %s", path, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
static_sprintf(path, "%c:\\Windows\\Panther\\unattend.xml", drive_letter);
if (!CopyFileA(unattend_xml_path, path, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Could not create '%s' : %s", path, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
uprintf("Added '%s'", path);
} else {
boot_wim_path[0] = drive_letter;
// Create a backup of sources\appraiserres.dll and then create an empty file to
// allow in-place upgrades without TPM/SB. Note that we need to create an empty,
// appraiserres.dll otherwise setup.exe extracts its own.
appraiserres_dll_src[0] = drive_letter;
appraiserres_dll_dst[0] = drive_letter;
if (!MoveFileExU(appraiserres_dll_src, appraiserres_dll_dst, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)
&& GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
uprintf("Could not rename '%s': %s", appraiserres_dll_src, WindowsErrorString());
} else {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS)
uprintf("Renamed '%s' → '%s'", appraiserres_dll_src, appraiserres_dll_dst);
CloseHandle(CreateFileU(appraiserres_dll_src, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ,
uprintf("Created '%s' placeholder", appraiserres_dll_src);
if (validate_md5sum) {
md5sum_totalbytes -= _filesizeU(appraiserres_dll_dst);
StrArrayAdd(&modified_files, appraiserres_dll_src, TRUE);
UpdateProgressWithInfoForce(OP_PATCH, MSG_325, 0, PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
// We only need to mount boot.wim if we have windowsPE data to deal with. If
// not, we can just copy our unattend.xml in \sources\$OEM$\$$\Panther\.
if (validate_md5sum)
md5sum_totalbytes -= _filesizeU(boot_wim_path);
uprintf("Mounting '%s[%d]'...", boot_wim_path, wim_index);
// Some "unofficial" ISOs have a modified boot.wim that doesn't have Windows Setup at index 2...
if (!WimIsValidIndex(boot_wim_path, wim_index)) {
uprintf("WARNING: This image appears to be an UNOFFICIAL Windows ISO!");
uprintf("Rufus recommends that you only use OFFICIAL retail Microsoft Windows images, such as");
uprintf("the ones that can be downloaded through the download facility of this application.");
wim_index = 1;
mount_path = WimMountImage(boot_wim_path, wim_index);
if (mount_path == NULL)
goto out;
// Try to create the registry keys directly, and fallback to using unattend
// if that fails (which the Windows Store version is expected to do).
static_sprintf(path, "%s\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SYSTEM", mount_path);
if (!MountRegistryHive(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, offline_hive_name, path)) {
uprintf("Falling back to creating the registry keys through unattend.xml");
goto copy_unattend;
UpdateProgressWithInfoForce(OP_PATCH, MSG_325, 101, PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
is_hive_mounted = TRUE;
static_sprintf(key_path, "%s\\Setup", offline_hive_name);
status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hKey);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
uprintf("Could not open 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup' registry key: %s", WindowsErrorString());
goto copy_unattend;
status = RegCreateKeyExA(hKey, "LabConfig", 0, NULL, 0,
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
uprintf("Could not create 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\LabConfig' registry key: %s", WindowsErrorString());
goto copy_unattend;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(bypass_name); i++) {
status = RegSetValueExA(hSubKey, bypass_name[i], 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, sizeof(DWORD));
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
uprintf("Could not set 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\LabConfig\\%s' registry key: %s",
bypass_name[i], WindowsErrorString());
goto copy_unattend;
uprintf("Created 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\LabConfig\\%s' registry key", bypass_name[i]);
// We were successfull in creating the keys so disable the windowsPE section from unattend.xml
// We do this by replacing '<settings pass="windowsPE">' with '<settings pass="disabled">'
// (provided that the registry key creation was the only item for this pass)
if (replace_in_token_data(unattend_xml_path, "<settings", "windowsPE", "disabled", FALSE) == NULL)
uprintf("Warning: Could not disable 'windowsPE' pass from unattend.xml");
// Remove the flags, since we accomplished the registry creation outside of unattend.
} else {
// TODO: If we add other tasks besides LabConfig reg keys, we'll need to figure out how
// to comment out the <RunSynchronous> entries from windowsPE (and only windowsPE).
UpdateProgressWithInfoForce(OP_PATCH, MSG_325, 102, PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
// If we have a windowsPE section, copy the answer files to the root of boot.wim as
// Autounattend.xml. This also results in that file being automatically copied over
// to %WINDIR%\Panther\unattend.xml for later passes processing.
assert(mount_path != NULL);
static_sprintf(path, "%s\\Autounattend.xml", mount_path);
if (!CopyFileU(unattend_xml_path, path, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Could not create boot.wim 'Autounattend.xml': %s", WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
uprintf("Added 'Autounattend.xml' to '%s'", boot_wim_path);
} else {
// If there is no windowsPE section in our unattend, then copying it as Autounattend.xml on
// the root of boot.wim will not work as Windows Setup does *NOT* carry Autounattend.xml into
// %WINDIR%\Panther\unattend.xml then (See: https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues/1981).
// So instead, copy it to \sources\$OEM$\$$\Panther\unattend.xml on the media, as the content
// of \sources\$OEM$\$$\* will get copied into %WINDIR%\ during the file copy phase.
static_sprintf(path, "%c:\\sources\\$OEM$\\$$\\Panther", drive_letter);
i = SHCreateDirectoryExA(NULL, path, NULL);
if (i != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
uprintf("Error: Could not create directory '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
static_sprintf(path, "%c:\\sources\\$OEM$\\$$\\Panther\\unattend.xml", drive_letter);
if (!CopyFileU(unattend_xml_path, path, TRUE)) {
uprintf("Could not create '%s': %s", path, WindowsErrorString());
goto out;
uprintf("Created '%s'", path);
UpdateProgressWithInfoForce(OP_PATCH, MSG_325, 103, PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
r = TRUE;
if (hSubKey != NULL)
if (hKey != NULL)
if (is_hive_mounted) {
UnmountRegistryHive(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, offline_hive_name);
UpdateProgressWithInfoForce(OP_PATCH, MSG_325, 104, PATCH_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
if (mount_path) {
uprintf("Unmounting '%s[%d]'...", boot_wim_path, wim_index);
WimUnmountImage(boot_wim_path, wim_index, TRUE);
if (validate_md5sum) {
md5sum_totalbytes += _filesizeU(boot_wim_path);
StrArrayAdd(&modified_files, boot_wim_path, TRUE);
return r;