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Pete Batard 43764268de
[uefi] add detection and warning for revoked bootloaders
* Considering that alerting users to potential security breaches that may be
  exploited by boot media should also be performed by application that create
  them, we add detection for all the currently known revoked UEFI bootloaders,
  be it the ones from the official UEFI DBX as well as the ones from Windows'
  SkuSiPolicy.p7b, and warn the user when one such bootloader is detected on
  their source media.
* Note that, to actually be revoked, the bootloaders flagged through SkuSiPolicy
  require the copying of the .p7b to the boot media, which we are currently
  not enacting but will perform in a subsequent commit.
* Also fix a Coverity warning in hash.c.
2023-06-16 20:36:50 +02:00

203 lines
6.8 KiB

# SspToBar.ps1 - SkuSiPolicy.p7b revoked PE256 hashes to C byte array converter
# Copyright © 2023 Pete Batard <pete@akeo.ie>
# Heavily derived from https://gist.github.com/mattifestation/92e545bf1ee5b68eeb71d254cec2f78e
# Copyright © 2016-2019 Matthew Graeber with contributions by James Forshaw
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# This script is generates the pe256ssp[] byte array from Rufus' db.h
#region Parameters
# (Optional) The path to the .p7b to process
[string]$BinaryFilePath = "SkuSiPolicyp.p7b"
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Security'
$BinPath = Resolve-Path $BinaryFilePath
$GuidLength = 0x10
$Pe256HashLength = 0x20
$HeaderLengthMax = 0x44
# Helper function to read strings from the binary
function Get-BinaryString {
param (
$StringLength = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
if ($StringLength) {
$PaddingBytes = 4 - $StringLength % 4 -band 3
$StringBytes = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($StringLength)
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($PaddingBytes)
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
try {
$CIPolicyBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($BinPath.Path)
try {
$ContentType = $null
try {
$ContentType = [Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.ContentInfo]::GetContentType($CIPolicyBytes)
} catch { Write-Host "WTF!" }
# Check for PKCS#7 ASN.1 SignedData type
if ($ContentType -and $ContentType.Value -eq '1.2.840.113549.1.7.2') {
$Cms = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SignedCms
$CIPolicyBytes = $Cms.ContentInfo.Content
if ($CIPolicyBytes[0] -eq 4) {
$PolicySize = $CIPolicyBytes[1]
$BaseIndex = 2
if (($PolicySize -band 0x80) -eq 0x80) {
$SizeCount = $PolicySize -band 0x7F
$BaseIndex += $SizeCount
$PolicySize = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $SizeCount; $i++) {
$PolicySize = $PolicySize -shl 8
$PolicySize = $PolicySize -bor $CIPolicyBytes[2 + $i]
$CIPolicyBytes = $CIPolicyBytes[$BaseIndex..($BaseIndex + $PolicySize - 1)]
} catch {
Write-Output $_
$MemoryStream = New-Object -TypeName IO.MemoryStream -ArgumentList @(,$CIPolicyBytes)
$BinaryReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.BinaryReader -ArgumentList $MemoryStream, ([Text.Encoding]::Unicode)
} catch {
throw $_
try {
$CIPolicyFormatVersion = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "Detected CI Policy Format Version $CIPolicyFormatVersion"
if ($CIPolicyFormatVersion -gt 7) {
Write-Warning "CI Policy Format may be unsupported..."
$PolicyTypeID = [Guid][Byte[]] $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($GuidLength)
switch ($PolicyTypeID.Guid) {
'a244370e-44c9-4c06-b551-f6016e563076' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Enterprise Code Integrity Policy (SiPolicy.p7b or UpdateSiPolicy.p7b)" }
'2a5a0136-f09f-498e-99cc-51099011157c' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Windows Revoke Code Integrity Policy (RvkSiPolicy.p7b or UpdateRvkSiPolicy.p7b)" }
'976d12c8-cb9f-4730-be52-54600843238e' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => SKU Code Integrity Policy (SkuSiPolicy.p7b or UpdateSkuSiPolicy.p7b)" }
'5951a96a-e0b5-4d3d-8fb8-3e5b61030784' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Windows Lockdown Code Integrity Policy (WinSiPolicy.p7b or UpdateWinSiPolicy.p7b)" }
'4e61c68c-97f6-430b-9cd7-9b1004706770' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Advanced Threat Protection Code Integrity Policy (ATPSiPolicy.p7b or UpdateATPSiPolicy.p7b)" }
'd2bda982-ccf6-4344-ac5b-0b44427b6816' { Write-Verbose "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Driver Code Integrity Policy (DriverSiPolicy.p7b or UpdateDriverSiPolicy.p7b)" }
default { Write-Warning "Policy Type {$PolicyTypeID} => Unknown Policy Type" }
[Byte[]] $PlatformIDBytes = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($GuidLength)
$PlatformID = [Guid] $PlatformIDBytes
Write-Verbose "PlatformID: {$PlatformID}"
$OptionFlags = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "Policy Option Flags: 0x$($OptionFlags.ToString('X8'))"
if ($OptionFlags -band ([Int32]::MinValue) -ne [Int32]::MinValue) {
throw "Invalid Policy Option Flags"
if (($OptionFlags -band 0x40000000) -eq 0x40000000) {
Write-Warning 'Policy Option Flags indicate that the CI Policy was built from supplemental policies.'
$EKURuleEntryCount = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "$EKURuleEntryCount EKU Rule(s)"
$FileRuleEntryCount = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "$FileRuleEntryCount File Rule(s)"
$SignerRuleEntryCount = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "$SignerRuleEntryCount Signer Rule(s)"
$SignerScenarioEntryCount = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
Write-Verbose "$SignerScenarioEntryCount Signer Scenario(s)"
$Revis = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Build = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Minor = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Major = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
Write-Verbose "Version: $Major.$Minor.$Build.$Revis"
$HeaderLength = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
if ($HeaderLength -ne ($HeaderLengthMax - 4)) {
Write-Warning "$BinPath has an invalid header footer: 0x$($HeaderLength.ToString('x8'))"
if ($EKURuleEntryCount) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping EKU Rules..."
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $EKURuleEntryCount; $i++) {
$EkuValueLen = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$PaddingBytes = 4 - $EkuValueLen % 4 -band 3
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($EkuValueLen)
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($PaddingBytes)
if ($FileRuleEntryCount) {
Write-Verbose "Processing File Rules..."
$HashArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FileRuleEntryCount; $i++) {
$FileRuleTypeValue = $BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
$FileName = Get-BinaryString -BinaryReader $BinaryReader
$Revis = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Build = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Minor = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$Major = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$HashLen = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
if ($HashLen) {
$PaddingBytes = 4 - $HashLen % 4 -band 3
$HashBytes = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($HashLen)
# We are only interested in the 'DENY' type (0) for PE256 hashes
if (($FileRuleTypeValue -eq 0) -and ($HashLen -eq $Pe256HashLength)) {
$HashString = ($HashBytes | ForEach-Object ToString x2) -join ''
$HashArray.Add($HashString) | Out-Null
$null = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($PaddingBytes)
# Sort the array and remove duplicates
$HashArray = $HashArray | Select-Object -Unique
# Output as C array data
foreach ($HashStr in $HashArray) {
$HashChars = $HashStr.ToCharArray()
$Line = "`t"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Pe256HashLength; $i++) {
$Line += "0x" + $HashChars[2 * $i] + $HashChars[2 * $i + 1] + ", "
Write-Output $Line
} catch {
throw $_